Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not that it was whole to start.

Stop thinking.

by Missus_Blaze

Gerard need's to stop thinking like this, but he can't. Bert's starting to suspect something is going on. Is Gerard's game up? ___________________________________ Some language, and some watered...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2012-10-02 - Updated: 2012-10-02 - 851 words

'Gerard.....Hello is anyone in there?' Bert waved his hand in front of Gerard's face. He had been quiet and glassy eyed for at least five minutes now and Bert was starting to worry.
'Come on...Gerard....What's wrong?'

Gerard blinked and shook his head, he had been daydreaming, well if you could call it daydreaming, about how the band would cope if he died. Would they find another singer? Would they even stay together? Would they release a song in his memory?
'Nothing, just you know, day dreaming' Gerard tried to shrug off Bert's worry. He couldn't have him worrying to. He needed to keep a clear head around Bert.

'You looked pretty spaced out, are you sure everything's ok?' Bert asked again. He had been worried about Gerard for a while now. At first Bert just assumed that Gerard was still getting used to the constant traveling, he knew that Gerard would sometimes take a couple of days to settle down into a travel routine, but as the tour continued Gerard's behavior continued to be strange, he would drink more, and he was moving onto harder drugs. Bert had warned Gerard not to, but Gerard had just told him not to be a hypocrite. Bert could remember that conversation like it was yesterday, despite the fact it was almost three weeks ago. It was the first time he had seen Gerard mad, and it was the first time he had gotten mad at Gerard. Well the first time sober anyway.

'What is your fucking problem Gerard?' Bert could remember shouting at Gerard after he had purposely tripped Bert up.

Gerard laughed,'I don't have a problem, apart from you being a fucking hypocrite!'

'Yes ok so someone who does fucking coke and shit telling you not to is stupid I get it. But have you ever thought, just for a fucking minute about someone other than yourself?' Bert sighed, he cared about Gerard, he really did, and he knew he was being the biggest hypocrite ever, but he didn't want to loose Gerard,he couldn't loose another person to fucking drugs.

'Fuck you! You know what, I don't need you. Hell I don't need anyone!' Gerard went to leave the bus.
Bert could feel his nasty streak coming out'You need me, and you know you need me. Who else will stick by you'
Gerard lost it then,He claims to this day he still can't remember going to attack Bert, but Bert still has the scar on his arm from the broken glass bottle Gerard had cut him with.

It all happened so fast, Gerard seemed to of lost his mind in that small half a second. He smashed his beer bottle on the kitchen counter and lunged at Bert, before he could figure out what was happening Gerard had sliced Bert's arm open, blood pouring everywhere. Bert, being well Bert wouldn't let Gerard get away with that and punched Gerard in the face, getting up from the floor where he had landed and burning Gerard's neck with his cigarette.

'Shit...I...I'm sorry' Gerard mumbled, the pain from the burn starting to get to him.
Bert didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arm up in a towel and hugged Gerard who was now on the floor crying. They sat there for a good two hours, Gerard crying into Bert's shoulder, apologizing, and Bert just making 'shh' sounds. Bert assumed that it was just the after effects of a bad trip, and so refused to press charges when The MCR guys suggested he did. From that day on though Bert had felt something wasn't right with their relationship, he just couldn't put his finger on what.

'Now who's fucking spaced out' Gerard mumbled watching Bert do nothing apart from blink once in a while. Before Bert could answer Gerard could hear his phone ringing in his pocket.
'Answer it' Bert sighed, Gerard had the most annoying ringtone, some preset thing that came with the phone.

'What do you want?' Gerard growled down the phone at Frank. Oh the joys of caller id.
'You're needed on the bus.' Frank said quickly. Mikey had found Gerard's journal, and read it, finding some worrying entries.
'Why?' Gerard was getting bored of hearing Frank's voice already.
'Band meeting, about uh... possible changes to the set' Frank lied, hoping mentioning it was something to do with the band would sway Gerard to come.
'Give me 5 minutes' Gerard hung up and looked over at Bert, who was still deep in thought. 'I gotta run, band meeting or something. Later yeah?'

Bert didn't say anything, he was to busy trying to figure out what was wrong with Gerard, and what exactly was wrong with their relationship.
I know it isn't the best, sorry. But I just, really felt like writing. Please be completely honest with me. Hopefully chapter 4 will be better. Stick with me please? It's my first time, so it won't be perfect haha.

Thank you to everyone for the support so far.
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