Categories > TV > Xena: Warrior Princess > Pebbles

Lady Make it Good

by ukeueue 0 reviews

The water ripples and churns. A series of ficlets. 31- "Hey, is that a hickey?"

Category: Xena: Warrior Princess - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Ares,Xena - Published: 2012-10-02 - Updated: 2012-10-03 - 200 words - Complete

31. Lady Make it Good
9 June 2006
X/A – response to AreslovesXena's FF challenge continued.

"He's coming."

"Right." Xena lifted the sword and rested it casually against her shoulder. She drew out its power effortlessly and wrapped it around herself, eyes widening slightly in surprise. It wasn't heavy and suffocating, anymore.

Zeus appeared, firm expression on face and smug offspring in tow. "How did it go?"

"Oh, I whipped him into shape pretty quickly," Xena responded nonchalantly and gave the sword a couple of menacing twirls.

Ares kept his eyes fixed on the ground and said humbly, "I have learned my lesson, father."

Zeus eyed him suspiciously. "What lesson?"

"I was wrong to pursue my own interests. My loyalty is to Olympus, now and always."

"Yes, well… Yes, that's right." The king of the gods glanced uncertainly at Xena, who nodded gravely. "Well, in that case, the ban on your godhood is lifted. I expect to see you performing your duties tomorrow."

"Of course, father."

Zeus cleared his throat uneasily as he left, casting his son a last suspicious look.

Ares was reaching for his sword, fighting a grin, when Apollo leaned forward and squinted at him.

"Hey, is that a hickey?"
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