Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How I Met Your Father

Chapter 9

by ItsM0llyBitch 2 reviews

Sarcastic dads and rude friends Mild language

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Parody - Published: 2012-10-03 - Updated: 2012-10-03 - 1253 words - Complete

Still to this day, I am incredibly proud myself for not knocking your father, or myself, out or saying anything completely inappropriate, seriously, it was a miracle and what was even better was the fact your father still wanted to see me on Monday which meant I hadn’t scared him off. By the time I got home that night, I was so full of suppressed fangirling I almost burst. I just wanted to scream and jump and flap my arms about like a seal but I managed to keep my cool, mostly because your grandparents were there and they were asking questions…


Oh my god. That was just…Amazing and perfect and OH MY F-

“Caitlin?” I hear my mum shout from the living room

I let out a heavy sigh, knowing I’ll have to hold in my screams for a while longer. I push myself off of the door and walk into the living room to see my mom and dad sitting on the couch, looking at me strangely. They just keep staring at me for a few seconds before I finally speak

“What?” I question, suddenly becoming aware of everything I do

“You look happy,” My dad says with a slight smirk on his face “So what’s his name?” He continues, turning his attention back to the TV. My mouth drops open, how the fuck does he do that? I stutter, unsure of whether to tell him about Gerard or to just keep it quiet

Well he obviously knows anyway, tell him

He looks back over to me, staring at me from over the top of his glasses, a knowing look on his face. I sigh heavily and mumble “Gerard”

“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that” He teases, putting his hand to his ear mockingly. My mom hits him lightly on the arm

“Don’t be cruel, but seriously, what’s his name?” My mom looks over to me, suddenly looking overly interested. I roll my eyes

“Gerard, his name his Gerard” I say loudly. They look at each other, shrug and go back to watching the TV.

Quick, run before they start asking questions!

I turn quickly on my heel and walk swiftly towards the stais

“Ah, I’m not done with you” My dad calls after me. I freeze on the spot and quietly start to edge forward “Caitlin, come back in here” I sigh and turn around, returning to the living room to see them staring at me again. I fold my arms and sit on the arm of the chair to the side of my parents

“So what is this Gerard like?” My mom asks

It’s a trap, run

No, they’re going to find out about him eventually

“Well, he’s artistic and funny and talented and HOT” I smack my hand over my mouth after I realise what I just said. Both of my parents’ heads snap up and they give me a funny look before my mum sighs and continues

“What do you mean by ‘hot’?” She asks, adding air quotes, and extra emphasis, on “hot”

“Well,” I start, unsure of whether they’ll approve “He’s quite tall and slim and he’s quite pale…” I say slowly and carefully before my dad interrupts

“Is that it Caitlin or does this boy actually have hair and eyes?”

“Yeah I’m getting to that” I answer, “He has big hazel eyes and…”

“And what?”

“Bright red hair” I mumble, my hand in front of my mouth almost as if I’m coughing it out

“HE HAS BRIGHT RED HAIR?!” My mom exclaims

Oh you’ve really done it now

I look down and play with the hem of my cardigan before nodding slightly

“Oh god, can you believe this Jerry? She’s dating a boy with bright red hair! Next she’ll be going to rock shows-”

“I already do that,” I say rolling my eyes

“And then she’ll be stealing and getting into all sorts of trouble” My mom continues over me

“Actually, he’s really well behaved in school” I say matter-of-factly. My mom just looks at me in shock

“Well behaved?” She questions

“Yeah, he’s really smart and he doesn’t do much wrong, he’s only had a few detentions” I answer but she just sighs

“Jerry?” My mom says, looking towards my dad for help

“I say let her date him, let’s be honest, it’s not like Caitlin is perfect when it comes to behaviour, she is practically an arsonist” My dad points out, shrugging

“THAT WAS ONE TIME!” I shout but my dad just laughs knowing he’s wound me up.

My mom rolls her eyes and sighs heavily “Fine, you can date him”

I smile widely and swiftly thank them before running out of the room and up the stairs before they can change their minds. I walk into my room and shut the door heavily behind me. I just stand in the middle of my room for a minute before jumping and flapping my arms about, remembering the events of earlier. I calm down and fall onto my bed still with a huge smile plastered to my face.


Don’t worry kids; if you ever bring someone home with bright red hair, I will not overreact like your grandmother did. I spent the rest of my evening freaking out about the date before I eventually calmed down enough to sleep but that was still a challenge…


I open my dry eyes, rubbing them furiously to get the sleep out of them. I pull my hand away from my face but quickly bring it back up again when a ray of sun bursting through my curtains practically blinds me

“Fucking sun,” I groan, lying back down. I reach over to grab my phone off of the table next to me “10AM?! Wow, so much for having a productive Sunday”

Stop talking to yourself, fucking weirdo

I throw the covers off of me and roll out of bed, almost falling over in the process. I walk over to my wardrobe and pull on some red jeans and a black hoodie and glance in the mirror as I walk past and out of my room. I slouch down the stairs and walk right into the kitchen for coffee. On the kettle, I see a yellow note stuck on it

‘I knew you’d look here ;) anyway, we’ve gone shopping, see you later, Dad’

I throw the note on the counter and start to fill my mug up to the brim when the doorbell goes. I walk over to the door, yawning loudly and opening it slowly

“Morning!” Molly shouts in my face before sniffing “Do I smell coffee?” She pushes past me and runs to the kitchen before I can reply

“Erm morning?” I shout after her before shutting the door and walking back to the kitchen where I see Molly pouring her own mug. When she notices I’m there, she turns around, leans on the counter and looks at me with her eyebrows raised

“So…” She starts


“How did it go?” She says matter-of-factly. That’s when all the events of last night flood back into my memory and I start to grin like a crazy person

“So amazing! Oh my god!”

A/N: Oooh cliffhanger ;) anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please keep reviewing and telling me what could be improved
[*Molly X
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