Categories > Original > Drama > Jacob's Ladder

Catching Up

by KTFrankie 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-10-03 - Updated: 2012-10-03 - 422 words

"So dad, what kind of mood do you think Evan will be in today?"

"A good one, hopefully."

"Hopefully, being the keyword there."

"So what have the two of you been up to? Are you ready for school to start back up?"

"Fine," I say.


"Well don't hurt yourselves trying to come up with more than three words now, you two," Dad jokes.

"Well it's not exactly like we're answering Jeopardy-worthy questions, now are we, dad?"

"And she's got a tongue that lives up to her name, ladies and gentlemen. Good for you, Rae. Good for you. Well, how's your mom?"

"Really, dad? Now I'm gonna need a lifeline for that one."

"Sharp, Rae, real sharp. How about you, Jake how've you been?"

Now this question wasn't exactly the easiest to answer, seeing as the context of the question was sort of difficult. How've I been since you left? Since mom stopped being a mom? Or since Evan tried to kill himself?

"The days just blur, really."

"I imagine so, Mr. Senior. It's so great that you get to spend your last year of high school with Rae as a sophomore, no less."

"Yeah, super great."

"Well I have a bit of exciting news myself, but it can wait until after we see your brother."

"Can't wait," Rae says as she rolls her eyes.

"You and me both, Rae. You and me both. Now do you kids want to grab something to eat on the way or do you want to wait until after we see your brother?"

"I'm kind of hungry. I didn't have breakfast this morning, plus…"

"You didn't have breakfast? Why not? Didn't your mom…"

"She had to leave early for work, this morning," I lie.

"Alright. Well I hope you know that if you guys ever need anything. And I mean anything you can just call me and I'll see what I can do. Okay?"

"Okay, dad. Can we get something to eat now?"

"Sure thing, Rae. Sure thing. And you're sure you're not hungry, Jake?"

"Positive. I grabbed something to eat this morning and I'm still pretty full."

"And what exactly did you…"

I shove Reagan gently before she can finish saying what she was going to and she immediately gets the hint.

"Reagan here, just woke up too late to put anything together. It's no wonder she's so hungry."

"Typical me, right? Almost as typical as the Emperor's New Clothes," she says under her breath.

"Yeah, Rae," I say as I force a smile. "Almost."
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