Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Promises Into Lies (Audition Story)

Blushing Innocent

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2 reviews

"I don't actually like care about him or anything."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-10-05 - Updated: 2012-11-12 - 763 words

“I`m going to be late?!” Gerard panics and snaps his head up from the faded black and red checked bedcovers sharply, cricking his neck painfully.
“Ow.” He groans and rubs the injured area softly, “Mother fucking son of a bitch.”
BB feigns hurt, only the teasing glint in her dark, heavily made up eyes giving her away, “Who, me?” She flicks out her pointed pink tongue. “Ya know, you could always get Ashley to rub it better. I`m sure he would only be too happy to help.” She winks.
Gerard`s hazel orbs narrow at the cheeky, perverted girl, who flips him off with a cheery grin on her far too pale face.
“Geetard, BB, fucking cool it, alright?” Sam asks, not for the first time feeling like a full time babysitter. A babysitter for irritating teenager for whom pay day never came.
“Urgh. I hate Newman and his boring ass lectures. Can`t we just not show up?” BB asks Sam who shakes her head sternly.
“No BB-baby, we can`t.”
“Do you have to call me that?” The black haired girl snaps, angrily flicking a long strand of midnight coloured hair from her face.
“It doesn`t usually annoy you so much.” Sam feels guilty and confused from upsetting her long term crush.
“What`s wrong?”
BB sighs and does her best to shrug it off. “I just heard a rumour. Apparently some bitch in one of her classes told Abbie I have a creepy lesbian crush on her and now she probably thinks I`m a disgusting freak.”
“Don`t freak out, I`m pretty sure that bitch was just lying to try and stir things up. Abbie is the sweetest, she would never think that.” Gerard reassures his friend, Sam feeling a little jealous she hadn`t been able to say something helpful first.
“Are you sure?” BB asks trying not to get her hopes up, looking at Sam, who was really a whole lot better than Gerard at relationships and the like. The guy had only just had a conversation with the guy he had been crushing on for like a century a few days ago. Which probably would have even happened if it wasn’t for his otherworldly klutziness.
She knew that it was a lost cause with Abbie. The hazel eyed, dark blue haired girl was one hundred percent not into girls. And she was dating Mikey, Gerard `s awkward little brother, who was shy and sweet and really deserved all the happiness he got with her. To tell the truth, BB didn`t even know why she was still clinging on to Abbie, but she was. Her crush on the kerrang! addict just wouldn`t shift. How Sam wished she would. But the mysterious girl was completely blind to her best friend’s obvious love.
The redhead sighs and nods, a little piece of her heart detaching and shattering as she sees the undiluted hope and affection in her best friend`s eyes. “I`m sure.”

Ashley stares up at his identical twin brother, his dark eyebrows knitted together with confusion. This was so unlike Frank, wanting to know more about the latest victim of his fleeting, here today, gone tomorrow attraction. Usually he was just right in there, fucked the poor sod and then left them without so much as a half hearted goodbye or an explanation. Frank called it the find, fuck, and fuck off.
So why was he here, asking about Gerard?
“What do you want to know about him?” Ashley asks.
Frank`s entire face lights up. “Well anything you know. I guess.” He adds on in an attempt to hide the eagerness behind his voice, hoping that Ashley hadn`t caught it.
“You like him, don`t you?” the boy in the Black Veil Brides shirt narrows his eyes. Why else would he want to know anything about Gerard? If he only intended to fuck him and then leave, why would he even care?
Frank coughs in surprise, but quickly hides it by turning it into a scoff. “Me? Like someone? As in actually give two shits about them?”
Ashley nods once.
“No way! No fucking way! The guys hot, I just wanna do him and then I`ll move on like I always do. I don`t actually like care about him or anything.”
The elder twin smirks, a less cruel one than Frank`s, but it still held the same cocky, teasing essence that his younger brother was so known for. “Then why, are you blushing?”
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