Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Why It Benefits You to be Friends With Loners

by therapist 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2012-10-05 - Updated: 2012-10-05 - 210 words - Complete

You know how on those murder mystery show they always interview people who knew the serial killer, and they all say one thing? "He was so quiet, not very social, we never saw it coming"
Well first of all of course he didn't seem like a murderer because if he did hopefully you would have reported it sooner.

Like if you say "You know I suspected something when I saw him cut that guy's head off and was about to call the police but then I'm like hey, let's not jump to conclusions here."

Of course the serial killers are always the loners or computer nerds or just social rejects. Which is why I try to make friends with them. You know bring them jollyranchers and wave to them in the hallways and maybe text them once in a while. Because I know, I just know, that one day they're going to be having a bad day and they're just gonna snap. They are gonna walk into your class room carrying a chainsaw and just start wrecking everyone and everything in their path. And then they're going to get to you. And they're going to get real close. And whisper in your ear "thanks for the candy" and walk away.

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