Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sex,Spice and Burlesque

Chapter 14

by The-Corpse 4 reviews

Friend zoned.....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2012-10-06 - Updated: 2012-10-06 - 685 words

Chapter 14:
Hozzie's P.O.V.

I take a deep breath.
"I think we should just stay friends for awhile....". I said.
"Oh......" when he said that I knew what went through his mind. 'Shit! not the friend zone! WHY?!' I smile a little but quickly turn that back into a frown.
"Okay...." I knew his answer was hesitated, main reason because he was looking anywhere but me.
'What the fuck are you doing?!'

'oh no she is back....'

' Hell yeah I am back! Now to something that actually matters..... WHY WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH A SUPER HOT GUY ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND.....seriously it wouldnt take me by surprise if you were...'

'just shut up inner Hozzie.'
The waitress interrupted the inner battle I was having with myself when she puts the coffee in front of me.
"There you go sweetheart"
"Thank you."
I was begging to worry when Gerard disnt say anything for the next 20 minutes. Just awkward silence between us.... Very awkward.
"So...." I said drinking a little bit more of my coffee. I reach intocmy bag pulling out $5 dollars and putting it down on the table. "It was a nice time but I have to go." I said while I stood up from my seat. "Do you really have to go?" He asked, although he looks okay he sounds so broken. "Sorry..." I looked down not really meeting his eyes. "Okay...." I continue to walk towards the door, when he stops me again. "Hey Hoz?" he said standing up himself. "Yeah?" I said stopping....again.
"There is this party tonight. In honor of MCR getting their first album, Do you wanna go? Charlie is going."
He again with a hopeful look on his face.
'Why does he have to look so cute?'

'Bacause you are an idiot!'

'I thought I got rid of you!'

"Hozzie?" I really have got to stop paying attention to the Inner me. But if i dont then she will get pissed and sing that dogdamn song again..and again... And again...and it will never end.ever.

"Sure" I said answering Gerard's question. " you want a ride home?" he said while rubbimg the back of his neck, great why the heck did I just suggest the friend zone. But no I had to do the right thing and not look past a little mistake he made. I nod my response he smiles, gets up leaving his own money on the table, over ro me putting his hand on the small of my back. Or from another point of view. On my ass. Not that I was really complaining. From the corner of my eye I could see him smirking. Yep he was sure enjoying this. When we reached his car he opens the passenger door for me. When I crouch down a little to actually getcinto the fucking low car, I felt a hand no let me correct that Gerard's hand squeeze my butt. I quickly turn around and glare at him. He acts innocent "What?" I sat down, without turning around so the same 'mistake wouldnt happen twice, even though I did hit my head when going down.
I smile sweetly and slap the back of his head "What was that for?!" "Oh you know..". He closes the door, then walking over to the driver's seat. He got in and we were om our way to the apartment.

The car ride was the most quiet I have ever seen. Gerard even tried to make conversation. He should have just stuck to driving. The conversation went a little like this....
"So How's it going?"
"Nice weather were having right?"
"I will shut up now."
And that was what I heard since I fell asleep for most of the drive.
When we arrive at the apartment. Gerard leans over a bit ao he is right in my face. His breath was on my face. He got a little bit close and....
Ha Cliffhanger.... I feel evil today!B-)
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