Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Runaway

No Coffee and No T.V

by venomformybite 1 review

Mikey has a bit of a meltdown and the birth of Frerard (Well almost)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-10-06 - Updated: 2012-10-07 - 295 words

A/N- Sorry this being Uploaded late. My Upload timing is weird! But here's chapter 3!
The room smelt like old lady perfume.
There was a nice, soft looking couch that Mikey will sleep,on
And the sh*tty bed my Gerard will have to share
"THERE'S NO T.V. GERARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Mikey screamed after inspecting the room.
"Mikey, You can live with out T.V..."Gerard said sitting down on the bed.
"No I can't..." Mikey said sitting on the couch
I looked around and noticed something was missing.
"Where's the coffee maker?" I asked out loud
Mikey stood up. "I. AM. NOT.STAYING. HERE"
I had to agree with Mikey
"I think we can get coffee in the morning"
I sat down on the Bed next to Gerard
I looked at my watch
"Is it OK if I go to bed? I'm kinda tiered...."I said taking kicking my shoes off and on to the floor.
"I agree." Gerard said.
And form then on there was silence as Mikey sat onto the couch and feel asleep.
I got under the covers of the bed.
I stared to doze of till I felt heat coming form next tome.
I knew it was Gerard so I moved over a bit to the end of the bed so he could have some room
I feel asleep, but not deep enough to actually dream.
I woke up half way on top of something.
I opened one eye and realized I was on top of someone's chest
I quickly sat up.
Mikey and Gerard were still asleep.
A/N-Did you like this chapter? It was kinda filler but not really, I hope you liked it.
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