Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hollow Point Smile

Chapter 30

by ScreamingNinja93 0 reviews

Birthday treats and murder in the dark

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-10-08 - Updated: 2012-10-08 - 6382 words - Complete

I am so sorry that I have taken forever to post this up tonight! I've had my ex round today for a visit and he is no longer my ex, and currently feeling fairly confused as to whether I've made the right decision or not, but only time will tell. He is also the reason why I have a huge bruise on my leg -.- he thought it would be cool to pick me up and carry me into my house where he walked into a door and caught my leg on the door handle -.- also ficwad is playing up on me tonight so I am not happy about that -.-

Mikey's POV

"Never mind Gerard, I'm sure you'll find that book somewhere else," Ray reassured Gerard as the rest of us exited the art store. I glanced at Frank who simply smiled
"Yeah, I guess," Gerard shrugged as he carried a few canvases under his arm and held Frank's hand with his free hand
"Well we better head home otherwise mum will go mad," I said checking the time
"Yeah, don't want your mum being in a bad mood on your birthday Gerard," Holly said cuddling up into my side. There was a mad rush now as people rushed to get things from shops. More and more teenagers were showing up. I no doubt to go out and get pissed, the clubs and bars aren't far from the mall
"Yeah, right before someone here blows a fuse," Ray said indicating Bob. We could all tell that Bob was getting annoyed by people barging past and knocking into him. He was quiet and his facial expression said it all that he was annoyed. Frankie chuckled light heartedly
"Come on, let's get the bus home," Gerard said. We forced our way out of the mall and out onto the streets. It was fairly quiet at the bus stop apart from an elderly couple. To no surprise, they gave us a warily look

"So is it all family or just some family member's tonight Gerard?" Ray asked
"I think everyone, I'm not really sure, mum just said family will be here and that we'll get the lounge when the family start to bore us to death." I couldn't help but laugh. As much as I love my family, you do loose interest in what they want to talk about
"I can see the bus!" Frank pointed, causing us to giggle. He sounded like a small child
"It is going to be one long and eventful evening," Holly whispered, before giggling
"You got that right," I mumbled back as the bus pulled up. We let the elderly couple get on the bus first, before showing our return tickets and making our way to the back of the bus. It was fairly quiet thankfully
"What games shall we play?" Ray asked
"We could play spin the bottle," I suggested
"Good one," Gerard smiled
"Truth or dare!" Holly said excitedly
"Oh god," Frank said before hiding his face
"I'll be nice, honest!" Holly cooed. I giggled and wrapped my arm around her
"Doesn't sound promising," Bob said raising an eyebrow at her
"If she asks you truth or dare, go with truth, her dares are evil," Frank said, voice muffled by Gerard's top
"I'll be good!" Holly pouted and folded her arms
"Oh and we're not playing video games," Gerard said quickly. I held back laughter as Bob and Ray sighed
"But we got board games we can play," I said. We spent the bus ride with me and Gerard trying to remember what board games we had at home. Holly cuddled into me along the way and chuckled at Frank's over excitement of having twister

We got off at our stop, Frank seeming a little more excited and starting to get lively. We listened as Ray began explaining a party game that we could play while we walked on the side walk, getting closer to home
"Sounds like fun, so someone is blind folded and they have to try and catch someone?" Holly said
"Yeah, it is fun, you gotta try not to make any noise otherwise you'll get caught," Ray said
"I have another game idea though, except we'd have to wait until it's dark though," Holly suggested
"What game is that?" I asked curiously
"Murder in the dark," Holly said cheerfully
"Sounds like fun," Gerard said smiling. We reached our garden path and could see there were more cars in the area, guessing that most of our family was here already. As soon as Gerard opened the door, Frank ran off giggling
"I'd say, he is far more excited, than you are Gerard," Bob said. Gerard chuckled
"He is determined to change into something he brought today, he'll be back soon," Gerard said as we walked in. Sure enough, family members were lingering around in different rooms, talking to one another
"Ah," came the familiar voice of mine and Gerard's father. Me and Gerard looked at one another, bracing ourselves
"Donna, they're home!"
"Brace yourself Mikes," Gerard whispered. I nodded my head as mum and dad appeared. Mum was first to swoop in and pull both of me and Gerard into a tight hug and it wasn't long before we were separated and in the arms of other family member's

Frank's POV

I stood and stared into the mirror after changing quickly. I smiled to myself, happy that I looked reasonable and went back upstairs. I had darted past many of Gerard's family member's and was in no doubt going to get asked many questions. But to my surprise, the family member's that were about had disappeared. It wasn't until I could hear the chatter coming from the hall that I guess they were all out there. I ducked and weaved my way through and joined Holly, who stood looking bemused
"Jesus, I hope the two of them can breathe," Holly giggled. I smirked
"I'm sure they can breathe Holly."
"You changed quick," Bob said. I grinned
"When you over sleep and late for school, you learn to dress quick and get out of the house before mum shouts at you." Bob and Ray nodded their heads. It was true, I'd much rather get out of the house without hassle from mum in the mornings. After about another minute, Gee and Mikey resurfaced, both looking rather flustered as the family backed off a little. It dawned on me that neither me or Holly had met the rest of Gee and Mikey's family and had a feeling introductions were in order and I was right. A family member looked at me and then Holly questioningly
"Uh, I guess you haven't met Holly and Frankie," Gerard said quietly. After a few moments of explaining and some input from Mikey, all smiles were around

"Gerard and Mikey, take your friends into the living room with the rest of your family, you can start opening presents," Donna said
"I'll be back," I said quickly before running back down to Gerard's room again. I rummaged through my overnight bag, pulling my clothes out onto the floor, before finding Gee's present at the bottom, wrapped neatly in wrapping paper. I stuffed my clothes back into my bag and stood up. I held it tightly and hoped to God that he will like it. Music lyrics, with the guitar riffs and chords, as well as more artists pencils, the art book that he went to get today and a new hoodie. I ran back up the stairs and Gee smiled brightly. I squeezed in between him and Bob. It was nice and peaceful, with the only sound being wrapping paper ripped, with the odd thank you and smiles from Gee as he opened up his presents. He picked up a small package and looked around the room. Holly smiled brightly before he tore off the wrapping paper. A small rectangular card fell out as he held onto the box. He swooped down and picked it up and held onto it tightly as he opened the box
"Awesome," he smiled as he held out a batman buckle
"Look at the card," Holly said before holding onto Mikey's arm and smiling more. I looked over Gee's shoulder to see what it said
"Say cheese?" Gee read, confusion taking a hold of his tone. Holly giggles
"It's your own free photo shoot," Holly said shyly. Gee looked around at me and I shrugged
"I didn't know you did photography," Gee said smiling
"There's a lot that people don't know about me, I figured I'd do something to do with photography considering I'm not going to have much of a career."
"Sounds epic," Ray said smiling
"Thanks Holly." Gee stretched across Mikey and gave Holly a quick hug before pulling back. He continued opening presents. He chuckled and laughed at the gifts Ray and Bob had got; from what I gathered an old joke from when they were at their previous school

He picked up my gift next. I was more excited about him opening it, rather than being nervous. I feel like I knew him long enough to know what he loves and what he hates. I watched as he tore the wrapping paper off, letting it drop to the ground. He smiled and held up the hoodie but jumping as the book and paper fell out, the pencils landing safely on his lap. I giggled and watched as he gathered up the book and beamed and scanned it over, before opening it up. I felt a nudge and looked around to see Bob smiling and I smiled back
"Frank Iero, you know me too well," he said before pulling me into a tight hug. He checked over the artist pencils and smiled before looking at the sheets of lyrics and smiling tom himself
"You can change them, if you feel the words aren't right." He laughed and smiled, his genuine smile, eyes sparkling slightly before looking around and hugging me again
"They're perfect," he smiled. He took Mikey's present and pulled off the wrapping paper
"Little brother! You may be annoying at times but you are epic!" We laughed as Mikey was engulfed in a big hug and the CDs and comic books fell to the floor
"Thought you might like it, and I also saved up so you and me can go and see the X-Men film that's come out, see if it lives up to the comics," Mikey beamed
"I'd love that little brother." A little flutter of, "aww's," and, "brotherly love," broke out around the room. After another five minutes, the remains of the wrapping paper were collected and disposed of. Donna and a few of Gee's relatives disappeared into the kitchen
"We have another present for you Gerard," Bob spoke up. Gee broke his conversation with who I believed to be an uncle and looked around
"Yeah, something that we think you'll like," Ray said
"Something that might help you a little more, with your," Mikey paused for a second before lowering his voice, "Depression." Gee looked at me confused
"Those lyrics, that have the guitar riffs and chords, the chords are for me, Mikey and Ray." Gee looked around again. Holly sat smiling
"And I have a set for the drums, so I know what to play." Gee took a moment to take it all in before a smile started to appear
"In other words Gee, tomorrow, we're setting up in the garage and well, I guess you could say, we'll be making music, hopefully," I chuckled

"And before you even asked, while we were all out, my drum kit got dropped off," Bob said as Gee opened his mouth to speak
"And my guitar is hiding up in Mikey's room," Ray said
"And my guitar is also up in Mikey's room too, my mum brought it around earlier," I smiled. Gee smiled brightly and pulled us into a group hug
"And you guys are going to be perfect subjects for me to practice my photography on, I haven't done portrait photography for ages," Holly beamed
"As long as I'm not in any of the shots, then that's fine," Bob mumbled. I giggled and poked Bob
"You're such a killjoy, not like the pictures are going to get posted anywhere!"
"I hate my picture being taken, that's all," Bob protested
"Oh calm down Bob," Ray cooed
"Don't worry Bob, if I do get you in any of the shots, nothing photo shop can do, and they're only for me and you guys to see," Holly reassured with a smile
"Food's ready!" Donna called. I smiled at Gee as everyone stood up and made their way towards the kitchen. Gee pulled me back by the hand and waited for most of the guests and the guys to leave the room
"Thanks Frankie," Gee beamed, before leaning forwards and kissing me softly but quickly. I blushed a little
"I still have one more thing for you," I smiled, "But you'll have to wait until later for it!" I kissed his cheek and started to walk towards the kitchen
"Such a tease! Especially with those tight pants and t-shirt." I chuckled as we stumbled into the kitchen to grab some food


Gerard's POV

I didn't think this day could get any better. Most of my family had disappeared outside into the garden for drinks, leaving me, Frankie, Holly, Mikey, Ray and Bob. As promised, we had the living room and had already wrecked the place with numerous games of twister. Holly was the master, spinning the dial. A lot of cheating went on among the five of us playing – tickling, poking, kicking, touchy feely between me and Frankie. And if I'm not mistaken, even licking was used as a distraction technique. We had been sat in a circle now, and had played spin the bottle for about quarter of an hour, before getting bored. We'd been sat playing truth or dare now, for over half an hour, and I could tell Frankie was getting bored of the game. Mikey had told the truth of his love for unicorns when he was a small child – being an older brother has its uses. I knew I was in for it at a later date but right now, we knew if we were caught fighting, it wouldn't just be mum shouting at us. Mikey stretched forwards and spun the bottle around and waited for it to stop. There was always that feeling inside of you, fear and excitement; the excitement of it landing on you but then the fear of your fate, no matter what you chose, it is still horrible having to reveal the truth or do the most embarrassing dare ever
"Bob! Truth or dare?" Mikey asked as the bottle came to a stop on Bob. Bob smirked
"Dare," he said raising an eyebrow. Mikey sat back and screwed his face up as he thought of a dare. I glanced at Frankie who looked in amusement at Mikey. I chuckled softly and wrapped my arm around Frankie. Holly giggled and Mikey looked at her. She giggled a little more before whispering into Mikey's ear. I raised my eyebrow as Mikey's famous cheeky grin began to appear on his face

"I'm waiting Mikey," Bob said in a cool tone, a smirk still playing across his face
"Bob, I dare you to," Mikey began to laugh, "to kiss Ray." Frankie burst into fits of giggles as Bob's face dropped and Ray looked mortified. I chuckled away with Frankie as Bob began to scramble far away from Ray, as Ray recoiled away backwards. Holly fell into Mikey giggling and Mikey sat waiting patiently, a smug grin on his face
"Well, do it then or they'll be a forfeit," Mikey said simply, amusement in his voice. Bob scowled at him before glancing at Ray
"This is one of your dares," Bob said pointing at Holly. Holly pulled a confused face before giggling
"I can't breathe!" Frankie choked out through fits of laughter
"Aww come on Bob, not like we're going to tell anyone, we all agreed that whatever said or is done, stays in this room," I said before giggling more
"Face it Bob, I don't want you to kiss me anymore than you do," Ray thought a second about what he said. Holly giggled
"What's the forfeit?" Bob asked
"Even worse, it would involve cream, a cupboard and a guy," Holly chuckled. I looked at Frankie both eyebrows raised and he chuckled more
"Fine," Bob sighed and scooting back over. He glanced nervously at Ray
"Don't be getting any ideas from this Ray," Bob scowled
"Believe me, I support gay rights and all, but I'd rather not have to kiss my friend," Ray said
"You never know Ray, you might enjoy it," Frankie chuckled. Bob glared at Frankie before looking at Mikey
"Just a peck, that's all you have to do," Mikey reassured with a smile
"Fine, but shut him up first though," Bob said pointing at Frankie
"On it," I chuckled. I pulled Frankie over, kissed him soft but quickly, before covering his mouth with my hand. Frankie went silent

Bob took a few seconds to compose himself, while Ray sat awkwardly, waiting, bracing himself, eyes already closed. Bob moved quickly forwards and pecked Ray very quickly on the lips, before pulling back. Ray instantly brought his hand up and wiped his mouth. Frankie pulled away from my grip and giggled
"Wasn't so bad now was it Bob?" Mikey said calmly as Holly fell about in a fit of silent giggles
"You're so dead Mikey," Bob said and flew across the floor, knocking Mikey backwards and pinned him down
"But I wasn't the one who thought of it!" Mikey pleaded trying to break free. I chuckled and fell about laughing with Frankie
"Yeah, but Holly is pregnant, I can't exactly tackle her to the ground can I," Bob reasoned raising an eyebrow
"You know Bob, from this angle, if any of Mikey and Gerard's family were to walk in now, they'd think you were trying to get it on with Mikey," Frankie smiled sweetly. I laughed even more as Bob pushed himself away and sat back in his space scowling at everyone
"Anyway, I'm bored! Can we play something else?" Frankie whined kicking his foot out and kicking the bottle away
"Shall we play the game Ray suggested?" Holly said sitting up more
"You mean Blind Man's Bluff?" Ray said smiling
"Yeah," Frankie said smiling
"I vote for Mikey to be blind folded," Bob said staring at Mikey
"Fine, I'll go and get a scarf or something to use as a blind fold," Mikey said getting up off the ground and running out of the room
"We better move a few things out of the way, just so no one gets hurt," Ray said grabbing the empty bottle and placing it on the couch. We went about moving things out of the way, moving any of mum's ornaments in the room out of the way and to safety, pushing the couch back a little and moving the coffee table out of the way too

Mikey reappeared holding a scarf in his hands. Ray pulled his glasses off and tied the scarf over his eyes
"Can we spin him around?" Bob asked hopefully
"No, last time we spun someone around in this game, they ended up going to hospital, with a gash on their face after the tripped over and caught themselves on a desk," Ray said stepping backwards
"So we move around and we keep quiet, while Mikey tries to find us," Ray said moving further away. It was hard, not to chuckle as Mikey moved cautiously around, arms out stretched, desperately trying to hear any of our movements. After a few minutes, Frankie tripped and chuckled, causing Mikey to crash into him and end up in a heap on the floor. We kept the game up for a while; I only got blind folded once. It was strange having to rely on your hearing rather than your sight, but I managed to catch hold of Bob, who didn't seemed too pleased but was happy when he more or less tackled Mikey to the ground and pinned him down
"I say we play murder in the dark!" Holly piped up after Ray held a squirming Frankie in his grip
"Is it dark enough?" Mikey said looking out and seeing there was a little amount of light left, illuminating the sky, the stars just about visible through the street lights that flooded the streets and city
"Yeah and if we close the curtains it will help," Holly said going around, closing the curtains and the doors. She spun around on the spot
"Who wants to be the detective?" Holly asked looking around at us
"I will be," Ray smiled
"Ok, so in a minute, you'll go out of the room and we'll decide on who will be the murderer, then you'll come back in and stand by the light switch. You'll switch the lights off and then when the murderer murders someone, the victim will scream or shout out murder or something along those lines. You give five seconds and then switch the lights on, you then have to go around and figure out who the murderer is." I took a few seconds to take in what Holly had said

"Why do I get a feeling this game is going to go wrong?" Frankie said a little anxiously but bounced on the spot excitedly
"Ok," Ray said and he walked out of the room. Holly turned to face us all
"Who wants to be the murderer?"
"I'll be the murderer," Frankie said smiling
"Ok, so Frank, when you find a victim, doesn't matter who it is, poke them in the back or the side and whisper bang, or your dead, whoever it is like I said scream or something," Holly chuckled
"Frankie, murder me and I'll haunt your ass," I chuckled
"But no give away on who the murderer is though, otherwise it ruins the game." We spread out around the room a little before Holly called to Ray. Ray came back in and stood by the light switch I glanced around at everyone as Holly re-explained what Ray had to do. Frankie looked down at the ground
"Ok, lights off," Ray said. It went pitch black. A sense of fear and panic hits first, unable to see where you are, or where you're standing. Hearing people move around was enough to make you feel tense and uneasy. I took a few steps forward, gaining my balance and becoming more confident. I was pretty sure Frankie would try and get me. I bumped into someone, who instantly recoiled and fell backwards onto the ground, with a thud
"Who's that?" I called out. I felt something grab my arm and I let out a small scream
"Gerard is that you?" came my brother's voice as I over balanced and fell forwards. A muffled cry was let out as I landed on whoever it was
"Guys?" came Ray's voice uncertain as to whether there had been a murder. I tried to push myself up off the ground blindly and screamed again as something grabbed hold of me. As well there was another loud scream and a shout of murder, that sounded like Bob. I felt a kick in my side and cried, the person clinging onto me screaming

"What's going on in here?" came my mother's voice as the door flung open and light flooded in. I was blinded as the light switched on. I realised my baby brother was the person clinging onto me. Ray was the one who had kicked me, after blinding walking forwards to see if everyone was alright, had tripped over me. Frank stood over Bob, who was lying on the ground, playing dead and Holly stood giggling
"It's ok Donna, it's only a game, but gone terribly wrong," Holly chuckled. Mum looked around, half amused by the sight we were in
"Well, just be careful," she chuckled before closing the door again but leaving the light on
"Looks like we've got a good way to go before we finally get the game right," Holly chuckled shaking her head


Frank's POV

I'd lost track of time. After numerous games of murder in the dark, and Gee's birthday cake, made by Holly and Mikey was brought out, we decided to settle down and watch a few films. I hadn't paid that much attention to what went on around me, only knowing that Mikey and Gerard were called out of the room a few times, my guess to say goodbye to family member's that were leaving. But Gee would come back and sit down next to me, arm around me and continued to watch the film. Holly and Mikey had hogged the couch; Mikey had his arms wrapped around her protectively, one resting across her stomach. Holly had already drifted off to sleep. I can only imagine how tiring it is, with all those hormones raging, mood swings a blaze and waking up every morning to throw up your stomach contents. She looked peaceful in her sleep. Mikey's eyes looked heavy. Bob and Ray were sat on the floor, next to one another. Both had been staring at the screen intensely, but I could clearly make out, that Bob had fallen asleep. It looked like he had his head resting on Ray's shoulder. Ray too had fallen asleep at some point during the film. I glanced quickly at Gee to see he was still awake, eyes fixed to the screen. I let my eyes focus back onto the TV screen. After a few minutes, the end credits were rolling up the screen. Gee stretched. I looked around to see Mikey had now fallen asleep, cuddled up next to Holly. I smiled at the scene before glancing back over at Bob and Ray to see they were still in the same position. I looked around to be greeted by Gee's soft lips. I smiled and laced my fingers with his before pulling back
"Not here," I whispered, "Don't want to wake the others up." Gee chuckled quietly before getting up and pulling me to my feet. Gee pulled me quickly towards the kitchen, where Donna was moving around the kitchen with Don
"Going to bed mum," Gee called
"Goodnight Sweetie," she smiled before pulling Gee into a tight hug
"Happy birthday son," Don said patting Gee on the back
"Thanks, um, the others have kinda crashed in the lounge," Gee mumbled
"I'll clean the lounge tomorrow, or better yet, I'll leave you lot to clean it," Donna said. I smiled at Donna and Don
"Goodnight," Gee said before pulling me away. We tip-toed through the lunge, switching the TV off as we went. Light snoring had started to fill the atmosphere.

Gee chuckled lightly as we went down the stairs to his room. His door flung open, complete darkness. Gee went through first, almost running into his room. I closed the door no sooner for the room to be filled with light, from Gee's side lamp on his night stand. I giggled, but soon silenced as Gee's lips joined with mine, his artist fingers, swooping up underneath the fabric, dancing across my bare chest. Natural instinct, I tugged gently at his shirt, only to be pressed further against the door. Pulling away for a mere second, to pull Gee's top up and over his head and discarded it somewhere in his room. His beautiful pale chest was exposed, smooth looking and soft to the touch. Gee's hands moved quick, removing my top and letting it drop to our feet. Cupping his face in my hands, I brought our lips crashing back together. It was his birthday; I wanted to give him something special to remember, like he did for me. Our tongues danced, and fought for dominance, hands roaming across bare skin; skin that is warm to the touch. Clothed member's rubbing across one another and the softest of moans and gasps breaking free and filling the room. The kiss broke, as Gee traced his mouth across my jaw line, ghosting its way across the skin, past my chest, over my navel and pausing at my crotch. I rested my head back against the door, as Gee's fingers set to work to unbuttoning and unzipping the front of the skinny jeans. The tops of my thighs began to feel the cool air that circulated in Gee's room as he tugged at the skinnies, until they finally gave way and reached my ankles. I kicked out of them and gasped softly as Gee's palm traced it's way over my member. I looked down, knowing I was already hard. I grabbed Gee's hands and remembered he is the one in for the treat. I pulled him back up and turned, so that his bare back pressed up against the door. Gee raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on his mouth. Crouching down, I pulled his jeans down to the ground. A nice tent was pitched in his boxers. I smiled slightly and traced my hands up his legs, barely touching the skin. I traced my fingers at the top of the waist band of his boxers, before hooking my fingers and pulling down his boxers, exposing Gee's member to the fresh air. I ran a hand back up Gee's thigh and found his hand and laced my fingers with his. I glanced up shyly at Gee and smiled at the sight I saw

Gerard's POV

Frankie's touch was just enough to push me towards the edge. It left a tingling sensation and caused sparks to erupt in parts of my body, as if someone had set off fireworks inside of my body. I looked down to see Frankie's bright eyes looking up at me, a pink tint colouring his cheeks. I smiled down at him. I watched for a second as he ghosted his lips across my member, his hot breath brushing against the skin. I half closed my eyes as I felt him press his lips softly to the tip of the head, kissing it gently, before he pulled away and stood back up. I opened my eyes again to gaze back at him, only for him to tug at my hand and led me over to my own bed. He climbed onto it blindly, keeping his eyes locked with mine the whole time. I can get lost in his eyes every time I look at them. I kneeled on my bed. I watched as he sat and crossed his legs, like a small child would when they sit on the carpet, ready to listen to the teacher. He pulled me onto his lap and sat me down, connecting our lips, his hand running slowly up my back. His hand left mine and traced over my member, desperate to be touched by his hand. It's wish was met as his fingers traced from base to tip. I gasped, the touch so delicate, and gentle. Slowly but surely his fingers began to wrap around my aching member and slowly began to pump. It wasn't going to take much to push me over the edge. I wrapped my left arm around Frankie and laced my fingers through his hair as he picked up his pace. A soft moan escaped my throat, I broke the kiss, eyes half closed. I felt Frankie's warm mouth kiss my cheek, before he started to nibble at the skin just below my ear, I gasped and could feel a funny feeling, the all too familiar feeling beginning to pool in the pit of my stomach and could feel the muscles begin to tighten. I moaned and gasped my sense were pushed over the edge. Gentle kisses greeted my cheek as Frankie pulled his hand away. I turned my face, to meet Frankie's lips, running my tongue along his bottom lip and asking for entrance, it being given within seconds
"Would you," Frankie began, before kissing me again, "Let me, you know," Frankie struggled for words. I cupped his face gently and gazed back at him and smiled
"Frankie, you don't know how much, I want to feel you," I said softly. I leaned in closer
"Inside of me," I whispered. I pulled back to see the expression on his face. He smiled and blushed

"Care to lube me up?" he chuckled. I giggled and agreed to his wishes, pushing him gently down onto the bed, and pulling his boxers down his thighs, releasing his member, that was stiff. I leaned down and kissed Frankie softly, before trailing down. Kissing his member lightly, I quickly licked from base to tip, earning satisfied moans of pleasure. Swirling my tongue around and taking him fully, sucking him gently, just enough so that it wouldn't hurt. In my life I'd hardly ever been entered. I knew it could be painful if not lubed or prepared. I pulled up, so that Frankie could sit up. He smiled
"And now you, don't want to hurt you Gee-Bear," Frankie cooed. I smiled and took hold of his hand and began to suck two fingers slowly, letting my tongue trace over his fingers; fingers that worked hard to make beautiful music from his beloved Pansy. He smirked before smiling. Frankie pulled his hand away and motioned for me to kneel, and rest my hands against the wall. Shakily, I knelt up and held my hands out, using the wall to support me and to look at the drawing Frankie had done yesterday. I heard him shuffle about behind me. I felt him poking around my entrance and tried to relax as much as possible, before he pushed the first finger in. Sensing that I had tensed, his hand found mine and pulled it away from the wall and held it. Keeping stationary, I felt a kiss get pressed to my shoulder blade and smiled. Relaxing, Frankie's finger worked slowly, before a few minutes later adding a second finger. Pain lingered to the intrusion, and remained as Frankie stretched and prepared me. Relaxing and feeling the pain ease, I relaxed to his touch, feeling him plant kisses across my shoulder blades. Before long he pulled out and reposition himself, moving his hands to my waist

"Ready?" he whispered. I nodded my head
"I'm ready." I closed my eyes tightly and heard him gasp as he pushed inside. The pain was sharp but only for a mere second, before vanishing as he pushed further inside. Resting for a second, I could feel my breath catching in the back of my throat. After a few moments, Frankie began to pull out before thrusting inside again slowly. I arched my back and leaned back as far as I could, desperate to feel him inside of me. It felt strange and unusual but at the same time, amazing having Frankie inside. I closed my eyes and moaned as Frankie picked up a good rhythm, a hand tracing up my chest and back down, before going back up again. I felt hot, my heart picking up its beat and my breathing ragged,lungs begging for air. Frankie's other hand found its way back to my member. Gasping and biting my bottom lip, I moved a hand away from the wall to touch Frankie's thigh. Frankie's soft moans mixed with my own – I just hope no one upstairs could hear us, in fact I just hope we hadn't woken anyone up. I arched my back more as he began to thrust faster and harder, desperate to feel him more, I thrusted back a little. Frankie kissed below my ear and began to hum and moan softly, like sweet music. I could feel it, again, getting closer and closer, building up like tension; tension in elastic band as if someone was stretching it out as far as they could, before it snaps or pings back
"I Frankie," I gasped. Frankie moaned and kept his rhythm up, kissing below my ear again
"I know, I'm close too," he breathed out. I could feel beads of sweat building up. I could feel the tension ready to break, the stars forming in front of my eyes, the corners of my eyes starting to blur. Opening my mouth to speak, all I managed was to groan Frankie's name, as a wave of pleasure rushed over my body. Frank let out a low moan, right from the back of his throat, as he my prostate intensifying the orgasm for a second before he released and rode out, rocking gently, just nudging and touching my prostate. My one arm supporting my weight buckled and I felt Frankie pull me back to stop me from falling. Collapsing back into Frankie, I caught my breath as Frankie rode out the last wave of pleasure. Frankie pulled out, sending a shiver up my spine as he crashed onto the bed. Warily, pulling the covers from under him, I lay on top of him, pulling the covers over the both of us. With the strength I had left, I pushed myself up and pressed my lips to Frankie, a warm glow, wrapping around my body, sending chills up my spine and a fluttering sensation to erupt deep inside of me, Frankie kissed back, fingers tracing up my spine and into my hair. I smiled and pulled away

"I love you Frankie," I whispered. He smiled, eyes sparkling, full of warmth and love
"I love you Gee. Happy Birthday." I smiled more and kissed him, before switching off the light sending us into the darkness of the night. I rest my head on Frankie's chest as I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I listened to his heart-beat, a normal pace and his breathing evening out, before my eyes became heavy and darkness took over.


Well I now only have one more chapter left to post but I hope you guys do enjoy this chapter :-) and again I am so sorry that I have taken forever to post this chapter today!
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