Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > If These Sheets Were The States

When The Going Gets Rough And You Feel Like You May Fall…

by emptypillowtalk 5 reviews

There was more than his parents arguing that was worrying him and I was determined to find out even if it was the last thing I did. Which, unfortunately, might have been.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-10 - Updated: 2012-10-10 - 688 words

Chapter 1 – When The Going Gets Rough And You Feel Like You May Fall…

Sorry it's a short update, the next chapter will be longer! Thank you for the rates and reviews as well :') I love you guys! Anyway, please R&R and I will continue it! :D The prologue and first chapter in one day? Aren't you lucky ;)
xo EmptyPillowTalk

My name’s Gerard Way; I’m 15 years old and go to Westwood Private School, did I mention, I’m gay? Today is the first day of school and I have a feeling that this year’s going to be amazing.


September 1st – First day of school.

“Get up you idiot!” Mikey shouted, pulling my warm duvet off of me and letting it fall off the end of the bed. “Coffee’s downstairs”
I sat up as quick as humanly possible and jumped (yes jumped) out of bed and ran out my room, nearly tripping over the laundry pile in the hall. I ran down the stairs missing a stair each time and skidded into the kitchen to where my luscious coffee was waiting for me.

As I entered the kitchen not only was there coffee in there, but Frank Iero, my amazingly hot best friend. “Oh, h-hi Frank” I stuttered, patting my sonic like hair down.
“Hey Gee” Frank replied, grinning at me with one of his completely heart-melting grins. I stumbled over to my cup of coffee, trying not to knock anything over, fall over or just do something completely stupid in front of Frank.
“Why are you here so early?” I asked, taking a sip of my hot, mouth-watering coffee and genuinely confused as to why Frank was awake at this time, let alone ready, dressed and at his house!
“Mom and Dad were arguing again, 5am they woke me up, rowing and smashing plates. Mom went mental when Dad smashed her new china.” Frank said, looking down at his own coffee mug instead of at me. Poor kid must have been scared shitless.
“Oh Frankie.” I sighed, putting my coffee mug down and pulling him into a hug. Frank hugged my waist tightly like he didn’t ever want to let go. He smelt of coffee, cigarettes (a bad habit, I’ve told him) and Oreos. All of Frank’s favourite things. Gerard was about to let go of Frank when he heard quiet sobs into his shoulder. I held him closer and let him cry into my shoulder for a few minutes, calming him and comforting him. “Frankie?” Frank sniffed a bit and pulled away from me, he let out a small sound. “I need to get ready for school, okay? You’re welcome to come up with me or go in Mikey’s room.” Frank nodded and I took his hand that was damp from his warm tears. I led him up to my room and sat him down on my bed. “I’m going to have a shower, you’ll be alright?” Frank nodded again and I went to get ready.

I came out the bathroom dressed and ready within 15 minutes and Frank was still sitting in the same position I left him in, except he was texting on his phone. “Hey” I said, alerting Frank of my presence.
“Hey” Frank replied “I was just texting Abbie. I told her about my parents this morning and she’s been texting me, she really knows how to make me feel better. What would I do without you two, eh?” Frank smiled at me, making my stomach go all weird and gooey. It was then when I knew that with Abbie’s help, we could get Frank back to normal before his birthday. It was a risk, but a risk I was willing to take. For Frank’s sake.

The day started off normally, we all exchanged hugs and stories of our holidays but something was up with Frank. There was more than his parents arguing that was worrying him and I was determined to find out even if it was the last thing I did. Which, unfortunately, might have been.
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