Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Dreaming in reality


by Mychem-rosieflores- 1 review

Gerard gets the answer but some unexpected sights

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-10-14 - Updated: 2013-03-07 - 467 words

CHAPTER 5 ill be adding a new chapter up soon so if you like it id really appreciate R+R ;]

"why...w-why did you..." 
He reeled me in again but didnt kiss me he whispered in my ear
"I love you I mean it I really do I love you"
Then he kissed me it was a passionate kiss he had always made the first move I didnt get mad at him I just felt I had done nothing in this
He held me by the wrist I winced at the pain i litteraly just cut my wrist I pulled away from him not wanting to but it was to painfully he released my wrist when he sensed I was in pain 
He then slid my sleeve up no no no please no

"what did you.......why?"
He backed away from me 

"NO I don't want you to see me like this it's to horrid stop just....I shouldnt have told you to come.....I'm so stupid" 

He had came towards me again after he had let what he saw sunk in 

"No you need to stop I can't.... I don't want to see your arms with cuts....ever again"
I look at him his eyes welling up with tears I suddenly look at his sleeves it was then I noticed he always wore a jacket or long sleeves I then slipped up his sleeves not even getting to his elbow he was worse than me he gashed into himself but they weren't fresh they looked a couple days old

" have cuts too you can't te-"

"I stopped cutting" he interrupted "when I first met you I stopped I'm never going to do that again as long as I have you by my side"


"yes what?" he asked confused

"I'm yours you just have to promise me one thing"

" Yes anything I'll do anything"

"don't break me don't hurt me and never ever ever leave me alone "

He nodded and then had a smile on his face 

" you have to stop"
 "stop what"
"stop cutting I stopped so now you have to"
"Fine I don't think I would've continued while I'm with you" 

He grabbed my waist and held me close and whispered to me 
"I love you"
"I love you too"

We walked to his house and went down to his room in the basement we both smiled at each other with our tired selves

"you can stay Here for the night I don't think we should walk in the dark" he tiredly laughed

"I didn't want to leave you anyways"  I smiled at him 

We both lie down on the bed and we kiss each other good night and before I fell asleep his arm wraps around me I couldn't feel any safer
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