Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Once Upon A December

[A/N] - Hey! I got home an hour early from school today because it's open evening tonight :) I'm helping out though so if you read my other stories don't expect an update between 6-8 :D

Five months later...

Things are going really well. Last month Dad proposed to Penina. I always thought I'd hate it if Dad decided to re-marry (I guess I was mad when Penina first showed up) but I don't mind. They asked me to be the bridesmaid and I'm looking forward to it. I wasn't exactly looking forward to wearing a stupid dress but whatever made them happy, made me happy.

Me and Rose aren't best friends anymore. We had a long talk about what had happened with Penina and the fire and I hated the way she continued to act like I just felt guilty and was trying to cover it up. We're still friends I guess but I know she still secretly thinks I'm insane. But I don't care. I've got Sara who was probably a better friend than Rose anyway.

Rose was always too afraid to stand up to me, tell me that what I was doing was wrong and that I needed to calm down. Honestly, that's not the kind of friend I need. Someone who gives into me all the time, who lets me do stupid things even though they know I'm going into trouble for doing it. Sara won't put up with any of my shit. She still doesn't say a lot but she says enough.

Even things with Mom are going really well. When I went round to her house and told her how I really felt, she realised just how much she'd really hurt me. Now she comes over once a week to take me out and although she still has boyfriends, she doesn't put them before me.

Some weekends she's busy with an audition but that's okay too. Me, Penina and Dad squish onto the sofa in the living room and watch DVD's together and it's heaps of fun.

Penina's heaps of fun. Since Dad has to work a lot, me and Penina are pretty much nearly always by ourselves. But I don't mind that. She comes up with fun ideas of what we could do. We did have that movie day and made that cake like she suggested on that day where I accidentally set the house on fire. Penina shut the curtains to keep the world out but didn't light any candles. We just sat in the dark watching scary movies, shrieking our heads off and giggling hysterically when something scary happened.

And do you wanna know the best part of all? I'm going to be a big sister.

Me and Dad were so hopeless. We didn't guess that anything was up until Penina sat down and told us that the reason she had been puking and wearing larger clothes was because she was having a baby. I wasn't sure about it at first but Dad was over the moon. I guess I was worried that they'd pay heaps of attention to the new baby and forget all about me. But I told Dad how I felt, just like he said I could and he promised me that'd never happen.

So I guess that's where we end. With one big happy family.

[A/N] - Sorry about the cheesy ending :3 Hope you all liked it! It was fun to write!
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