Categories > Original > Romance

One Of Those Nights

by Kissmybass 1 review

It was going to be one of those nights, Seb could tell. He hated times like this with a vengeance. They drained all the energy out of him, leaving him a shell of what he used to be. (oneshot. rated...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Published: 2012-10-15 - Updated: 2012-10-15 - 432 words - Complete

It was going to be one of those nights, Seb could tell. He hated times like this with a vengeance. They drained all the energy out of him, leaving him a shell of what he used to be. He sat on the other side of the locked door, listening to his love's whimpers from the other side. He wished he could knock down that stupid piece of wood, scoop the boy up into his arms, and take him away from this world, from reality all together if he could. But he just couldn't. He knew if he went in there, Ry would have a panic attack, and he couldn't afford that to happen when he was already in such a fragile state. He would just clam up immediately, and that wasn't at all helpful. So Seb sat patiently, even though with every broken sob coming through the door, his heart broke a little more.

After what seemed like an eternity, Ry opened the door. He hated hiding this from Seb, but he couldn't let him see him like that. It wasn't fair on Seb. Seb was made of rainbows and sunshine, and his face was a permanent grin. Ry couldn't break that. So he hid from him. When the door was eventually opened, Ry revealed his bruised and broken face to Seb. He had a black eye, and a split lip, evidence of a run-in with his father. As per usual, Ry had added a few injuries of his own into the repertoire of injuries that night- namely a series of deep gashes on his right wrist. He heard Seb's sharp intake of breath when he saw them, and immediately felt guilty. He had tried so hard not to fuck up this time, he really had, but he couldn't seem to help it. Maybe his dad was right, he was born a dumb screw-up, and he would die one too.

He felt Seb drag him over to the sink, and vaguely noted the hiss of pain he emitted as the water rushed over the wounds. He kept playing the mantra of 'I didn't mean it' over and over in his head, when deep down he felt like maybe he did mean to. maybe this was why his dad hated him so much. because is some weird, subconscious way, he was deliberately doing this to his family, to Seb. He really was a horrible human being. His cuts were a safety blanket, providing solace and consistency in his otherwise turbulent life. Seb just didn't understand that, and Ryan realised, he probably never would
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