Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oceans Apart


by shannleighm 0 reviews

A call from Franks Mother :) And some awkward circumstances :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-10-26 - Updated: 2012-10-26 - 640 words

September 11th
My first month of studying a music diploma. Dad hasn't forgiven me and Mum's still claiming to be proud of me, but do i believe her? No. I hear it in her voice, i can picture her arranging another bunch of flowers from my Stepfather who sends them every now and then whilst he works away in Only God knows where. I picture her with a bottle of white and some shitty romcom flicking away as she desperately tries to keep her eyes open for another hour so she can see the ending. Normally, I'd be there sneakily taking pictures of the scene and giggling to myself with future blackmail on my mind. Instead, i'm sat in this little room with a yankee candle i stole from our family kitchen burning away and trying desperately to write something worthy about Eric Clapton. I could write alot but my motivation levels are shooting into the ground. It's all unfolding again in my head. The entire embarassing scenario, me waltzing around a nutcracker shop my eyes shining in awe of the baubles and trappings and dolls all stacked up ready for christmas. The chalk board with 104 sleeps to go etched onto it and the laughter and joy of the shop assistants, already excited for the run up to this christmas. The first christmas i won't have my mum bounding into my room screaming something about snow or presents or burning the turkey. The pride and joy of our house. Well for her and Gregory, i don't eat the actual turkey. I get a little quorn turkey crown type thing instead. Welcome to vegetarianism.

I'd let my fingers fall slowly from the silver star made out of pretty little chains and decor, i didn't want to break anything. It was like holding a new baby, you act all soft and slowly because it's to precious and beautiful to damage. Too delicate like a tulip petal. For the uncoordinated like me this takes time and effort but i'm a newbie to this town, i don't want a reputation as the midget with uncontrollable jazz hands. I whirled around almost too quickly, delicate and new baby going out of my brain like a lightning bolt. Now it was Thundercats are go clashing with Dangermouse on a mission. And it had to end as mission aborted. I didn't see the tall thin man behind me and managed to knock his gingerbread latte right down his torso, he yelped slightly trying to stifle a scream. I ran like the wind, humiliated at potentially giving this man third degree burns and more importantly, for almost getting lost in the map that was his face.

"Willow, i get you love Christmas but it's September, we have months to look around." I groan.
"Hon, you wanted your mind taking off today. You know the day that shook the world, and Christmas is the time of year for miracles and magic, hence we are here and hence you are going to buy me that quite miniature nutcracker boy. My Mom will just love him, probably more than she loves you actually." She smirked.
"Your Mom loves me more than she loves you, no wooden hand decorated soldier would ever change that." I poked my tongue out at her shocked expression. I looked at the detail on the little thing though, so intricate and real. Out of the corner of my eye i saw someone, someone softly toying with a range of tree gifts. "Right, slut go talk to him." Willow ordered.
"What? I don't even know him. Willow are you fucking insane?" And before she could reply she shoved me towards him, as i reached him he spun around knocking my coffee all down me. Love has never been on it's way for me.
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