Categories > Movies > Star Wars > A Christmas Carol

Saber Three: The Second Spirit

by Deja_Vu 0 reviews

Alas, Luke's status in life has gone from hero to zero. What might happen if a few familiar spirits attempt to help him get back on the right track? This is 'A Christmas Carol,' Star Wars style.

Category: Star Wars - Rating: PG - Genres: Parody - Characters: Han Solo, Leia, Luke, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-07-17 - Updated: 2006-07-18 - 1282 words

Saber Three: The Second Spirit

For very little reason other than a subconscious tingling, Luke woke up just in time to hear the beginning of the bells' ominous ringing. He sat up slowly in bed, eyes flicking around the room in preparation. But no spirit appeared in front of his eyes like his former teacher and father had. Yet, a ghostly light did slowly come, like a slow-moving mist or fog, into the room, and he decided that the ghost must be the source of it.

Wearily, he got out of bed and stood in front of the door, yawning and stretching. The moment his hand touched the door button he heard a familiar voice in his head tell him to enter, and he complied. He walked through the hall and was met with an unusual sight.

It was his living room, no doubt about that. But it had undergone quite a transformation.

The halls and ceiling were covered with dark holly, mistletoe, and ivy, as well as little, gleaming red berries that were scattered throughout. Heaped upon the floor was food of all types. But the majority of which seemed to be strange plants and animals that were native to the planet....


And, on top of it all, looking as contented as a mynock chewing on an X-wing, sat Yoda, a brown bowl of something in his hand and his other small fist clenching some type of dead beast's leg.

"In must you come!" Yoda gestured. Luke did so, and the little green alien smiled, "The Ghost of of Christmas Present am I!...And present of yours be..." he held up the bowl, "-swamp muck!" Chuckling, he flung it at Luke, who somehow managed to catch it.

Luke stared down at it unappetizingly. "Uh, that's okay."

"Ready are you, hmm?" Yoda inquired.

Luke nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"My robe you must touch," the little green alien instructed, looking like he knew the funniest joke in the galaxy but wasn't going to tell it to Luke.

Luke followed Yoda's instructions, and soon they were flying swiftly through the cities. They stopped at a humble home where Luke's apprentice lived with his family.

"This is Kam's house!" Luke exclaimed as the realization struck him. "And there's dear Tionne..."

Tionne, Kam's wife, was stirring a pot on the stove. Two small children, a boy and a girl, came tearing in and screaming about the nice smells. Giggling, the two chased each other around the table until they got tired and fell into a heap on the floor.

"Where is your father, and your brother, Little Lucas?"

"Little Lucas?" Luke looked to Yoda for an explanation.

"Admires you, Kyp does. At least used to, he did...." Yoda looked a bit sad.

Shrugging, the two children started a wrestling match, and Little Lucas and Kam both burst in, singing a jolly Christmas song. Little Lucas was up on Kyp's shoulders, and he looked as if a disease were eating at him from the outside in. But he was belting the song out as best as he could, and everyone smiled when they heard his tiny voice singing so merrily.

Tionne smiled, "And how was Little Lucas today?"

"As good as Corusca gems, and better!" Kam took the weak boy off his shoulder and helped him get to the table.

The two adults exchanged a look of helplessness.

"What is it?" Luke turned to Yoda.

"The Force Little Lucas can use not, and uncurable by medicinal purposes his disease is. Too weak in the Force to heal him, Kam is," Yoda answered solemnly.

"Why didn't he ever say anything to me about it?"

"Care you would not," Yoda replied curtly, turning to the scene before them dismissively.

They were all seated at the table, steaming plates of food before them. Kam served his family first and himself last, then he proposed, "A merry Christmas to us all, and gods bless us!"

All of the family echoed him, and, last of all, Little Lucas smiled, "Gods bless us everyone!"

Kyp brought his loving eyes to meet Little Lucas' face, and he put his hand on the little boy's as if he loved the boy more than life itself and dreaded the thought that the boy's disease might take him from him.

"Yoda, tell me if Little Lucas will live," Luke inquired with interest, almost afraid to know the answer.

"A vacant seat see I," Yoda provided shortly. "If unaltered these shadows remain, die the child shall."

"No!" Luke said quietly, but fiercely. "Yoda, no! Say that he will /live/!"

"If unaltered these shadows remain, die the child shall," Yoda repeated. "If rather would they die, be it so. Full enough of lunatics the galaxy is," the wizened spirit threw Luke's twisted words back at him.

The living Jedi Master lowered his head sadly. How could he have been so heartless?

"Somewhere else have we to go. Come."

Quietly, Luke touched the short spirit's robe, and soon enough they arrived at what he quickly came to find was his sister's house.

Han, Leia, Chewie, Lando, Jacen, Jaina, Anakin, Threepio, and Artoo were all in the living room, and they were, with the exception of Threepio who was banned from participation since he always complained that it wasn't realistic, playing a game called 'Yes and No.' The person who was 'it' had to think of something, and the others had to find out what by asking yes or no questions that the person who was 'it' answered. The main rule was that participators could not use the Force.

It was Han's turn now, and after a minute of thought, his face brightened mischieviously. He grinned and told them to start asking questions.

"Is it a thing?" Anakin asked.

Han shook his head, "Nope."

"An animal?" Lando queried.

"Yes," Han confirmed.

"A nice animal?"

"He-" Han started, but after a warning look from Leia, changed his answer to something more family appropriate, "-no way."

"Is it a bantha?"


"A dewback?"

"Uh uh."

More questions were asked, and it was found out that it was a live, disagreeable, savage animal that was on the planet and never killed in a market.

At most of the questions Han either burst into a fit of laughter or had to think long and hard about whether to answer yes or no.

Even Luke asked his own questions, though they couldn't hear him and Yoda gave him a strange look every time he did so.

Finally, Lando exclaimed, "Han, you ol' scoundrel! Pretty nifty how you managed to mislead us, but I know who it is!"

"Who?!" Jacen and Jaina cried out.

"It's Luke!"

And it certainly was. Most admired the way it was done, but were slightly unhappy about it since Luke had, after all, been their good friend before his drastic transformation.

"Well, whether indirectly or not, Luke has given us quite a laugh tonight, so a Merry Christmas to him!" Leia smiled reluctantly. "He wouldn't take it from me, but I give it to him nonetheless!"

That his sister still loved him despite the monstrosity of his ways filled Luke's heart with joy as easily as a helium tank fills up a balloon. But before he could speak to Yoda, the air became hazy, and he found himself in a clearing that appeared to be on Ier'tthh.

"Leave you, I must," Yoda said before disappearing into the air like smoke.

With no apparent source, the sound of bells filled the air. When they stopped, remembering Vader's prediction, Luke raised his eyes and beheld a solemn ghost, robed and hooded, come towards him, like a mist along the ground.
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