Categories > Movies > Star Wars > A Christmas Carol

Saber Five: The End of It All

by Deja_Vu 0 reviews

Alas, Luke's status in life has gone from hero to zero. What might happen if a few familiar spirits attempt to help him get back on the right track? This is 'A Christmas Carol,' Star Wars style.

Category: Star Wars - Rating: PG - Genres: Parody - Characters: Amidala, Anakin, Han Solo, Leia, Luke, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-07-17 - Updated: 2006-07-18 - 2315 words

Saber Five: The End of It All

When things finally started coming back into focus, Luke shot up, finding that he was in bed.

In his own bed!

The room /was his own! The /bed was his own!

...But best of all, the time before him was his own to make amends in!

"Oh, father! Thank you! Thank you, Yoda! Thank you, Ben! Thanks, Palpatine, you old softie! I always knew you just pretended to be evil!" Luke laughed, bouncing around the room like an excited five-year old on...well, Christmas Day.

"I don't know what to do! I feel as light as a feather and as happy as a schoolgirl who's just gotten her first kiss! Merry Christmas to everyone!"

Joyously, he scampered about the house, then paused. "What day is this? How long have I been among that group of old Force-users?" He chuckled. "I don't know anything. I'm as ignorant as a baby! Well, no mind! I don't care! I'd rather be a baby than a crabby old Force-user any day! Whoopee!"

He rushed to the window and pushed aside the curtains. In poured heavenly, golden sunlight!

Luke opened it and leaned out excitedly. He called out to a mere speck of a boy down below him in the street, "What's today?!"

"Huh?" the boy wasn't quite sure of the question that was asked of him.

"What day is this?!"

"Today is Christmas!" the boy shouted up happily.

"Christmas Day?!" Luke said to himself. "I haven't missed it! They did it all in one night! Of course they did...." He called out to the boy again, "Hey!"


"Do you know that nice meat shop in the next street around the corner?"

The lad smiled, "I should hope I did!"

"An intelligent, remarkable boy!" Luke exclaimed gleefully. "Do you know if they've sold the prize Gallabird that was hanging up there? Not the little one...the big one?"

"The one as big as me?"

"Yes! That's the one!"

"It's hanging there now," the boy answered.

"Go and buy it!" Luke instructed.


"I'm serious! Go and buy it and tell them to bring it here so I can tell them where to take it. Come back with the man and I'll give you a few credits. Come back with him in less than five minutes and I'll give you a few handfuls!"

The boy was off in a flash. One could practically see the dust that his quick departure left behind disturbed in the air! He clearly was excited at the thought of getting a handsome sum for such an easy job.

"I'll send it to Kam and his family!" Luke whispered to himself. "He won't know who sent it! Why, it's twice the size of Little Lucas!"

He went down a few stories and outside, and soon enough the boy and the man with the bird came around the corner.

And what a Gallabird it was! There was no way the Gallabird could have stood upon his legs, for it must have been so heavy that its legs had snapped in two!

"It's impossible to carry that very far!" Luke noted cheerfully. "Let's get you a turbocar....Heh heh, that rhymed!" And he hailed someone down, and paid the bird-man, the boy, and the cabbie as his blue eyes twinkled merrily.

Luke gave directions to the cabbie and the Gallabird-man, and then he went inside and put on some nicer clothes.

He went out into the street and looked so irresistibly pleasant that several people wished him a good morning, and he returned their greeting in kind.

He had not gone very far before he spied the very man that had asked him if he wished to contribute to charity.

Luke rushed up to him. "I hope you succeeded yesterday. It was very kind of you to go out of your way for charity. A Merry Christmas to you!"

"Master Skywalker?" he looked astonished.

"That's me! Although, I prefer being called Luke. 'Master Skywalker' sounds so formal....Please, forgive me for my manners yesterday, for I fear they were rather lacking. And I would like to contribute, oooh-" Luke leaned and whispered a large sum in the man's ear, and the man's eyes bulged.

"Are you /serious/?!"

"As serious as the day is merry!" Luke replied. "And not a credit less!"

"Why, t-t-thank you," the man stuttered. Laughing, Luke put a bagful of credits in the man's hand and walked away. He had acquired a lot of money from the Republic and the Rebellion, and as he had never been a great lover of material possessions, he seldom spent it on anything. Now was as good a time as any to spend some of it. And for a good cause!

His feet led him down a path that was unfamiliar and yet familiar at the same time. Soon, he found himself in front of a door, and he rang the doorchime without hesitation.

A young Anakin answered the door, and Luke smiled. "Your parents home?"

Wide-eyed, Anakin nodded and let Luke in. He wasn't sure what to think of his bright-eyed, grinning uncle.

Luke followed Anakin into the living room, and he was on the verge of skipping as he did so.

"Who was at the-" Han cut off when he saw his brother-in-law.

"A Merry Christmas to you all!" Luke smiled. "Sorry to have been such a pain, Han, but you'll have to admit that you've had your moments, too!"

Han merely stared at him in bewilderment.

"Luke?!" If Leia's mouth were open any wider, her jaw would have disconnected right then and there.

"Sorry about that," a familiar female voice stated as she came in. "Karrde called, he..." Mara Jade trailed off when she saw Luke.

"Mara?!" Luke whispered, astonished.

"We didn't want her to be alone for Christmas, so we invited her to celebrate with us," Leia informed her brother.

Luke stared at the Trader for a moment, hypnotized by how beautiful she suddenly looked. Then he regained his composure. "Uh, Mara, can I talk to you alone for a minute?"

She glanced at the family members, looking for someone to provide her an excuse not to, but when no one gave her one, she followed Luke into the kitchen reluctantly.

"Mara, first off, I'm sorry."

Here it comes, Mara thought.

"I know you probably don't believe me, but I've seen the error of my ways, and I know why I was the way that I was....I was hit suddenly with the realization of all of the people that I had killed. The millions of lives aboard the Death Star, as well as innocent and some admittedly not so innocent Imperial pilots....I killed them, without a second's thought....And I just suddenly felt like the galaxy was a horrible place and there was nothing one man could do about it unless he increased his ability to use the Force. I became blinded by a lust for power, and it hid my love for you from me. I can only hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me, and that we can continue where we left off or start all over if you wish." Pleading blue eyes met Mara's suspicious and unsure emerald eyes.

"How do I know that you've really changed?" Mara Jade wasn't ready to give in so easily, even if the speech hadn't /been that bad..../It was probably rehearsed, she decided.

"Can't you feel the goodness within me?" Luke inquired, a happy look plastered on his face that appeared to be permanent. "I feel like I could explode with joy! I feel like going out and dancing in the streets....But then I never was that great of a dancer...."

Mara couldn't help it. She broke out into a smile. He was so pathetically cute and joyful that she couldn't help it.

She pushed his shoulder gently. "First, you gotta prove it to me."

He furrowed his brow, "I gave all my credits to-"

"Like this," Mara said right before she covered his lips with her own.

Luke was startled at first, but he didn't need any encouragement to deepen the kiss. He slowly let his emotions burst from their mental cage, and he opened his heart to Mara.

Five minutes later, looking a bit disheveled, the two reentered the living room. Luke had a grin as wide as the Death Star trench on his face. "Anyone wanna play a game of Spin the Bottle?"

"Only if I get to go first!" Han chuckled.

Leia ribbed him, "I don't know if I'd approve of your kissing another woman!"

"Who said anything about a woman? I thought Jaina looked like she could use a good kiss!" Han returned.

Nothing else was said that day in the Solo's home about Luke's sudden transformation. But then, nothing had to be. Somehow everyone understood that talking about it more would spoil the magic.

And they didn't want to do that.

The next day, Luke was waiting for Kam early in the morning. The time passed by slowly, and eighteen and a half minutes past the time he was supposed to arrive, Kam rushed in.

"What do you mean by coming here this time of day?" Luke tried to growl in a voice close to his former one, although it was a little overdramatized. But Kam didn't know that.

"I'm very sorry. I am late," Kam admitted.

"You are?" repeated Luke. "Why yes, I suppose you are. Come over here, please."

"It's only once a year, Master Skywalker. It won't happen again....I'll train really hard today!"

"Now, I tell you what. I am not going to stand this any longer. And, therefore," Luke leapt from his stool, looking vicious, "-I am going to let you have the whole day off! And you can set your own training time from now on!" Luke broke into a smile. "Merry Christmas, Kam! I shall try to help heal your son in any way I can, for the child is sweet and deserves to live!"

Kam merely stared at him in surprise, mouth gaping open like a fish's.

And Luke was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Little Lucas, who did NOT die, he was like a second father. He became as good of a friend and hero as that galaxy had ever seen....And as for Luke and Mara....Marriage was their destiny, and they would not avoid it even if they could....

As Little Lucas said, Gods bless us, every one!

"HOLD IT!" Vader shouted.

"What is it this time?" Padmé sighed.

"Someone help me get this blasted armor off! I don't know how in the worlds I managed to live in this thing for years if I can't even stand wearing it when I'm dead! I can't believe you made me wear this!"

Sighing, Padmé helped him with his armor.

"Take it off Vadey! Take it all off!" Palpatine chuckled. He was no longer in a black robe, he was instead clad in a Hawaiian shirt and jean shorts. A very scary sight. "...Wearing that nasty old robe wasn't very fun for me either. Honestly, you need to knock some intelligence into that son of yours, Anakin. I was about to smack him aside the head....And I am too evil!"

"Good narrator were you, Padmé," Yoda commented. He was clothed in something very similar to the deceased Emperor's attire.

"Thanks, Yoda," Padmé grunted as she helped her husband get his boots off.

Finally, all had donned their Hawaiian attire.

"I thought that went rather well," Anakin stated.

"It did," his wife agreed.

"Mmhmm," Yoda nodded.

"I thought it-" Palpatine was cut off when a boot was thrown at his head. Obviously, no one wanted to hear his opinion. "Idiots. All of you."

"Can I take a try at this narrating business?" Anakin turned his blue eyes on Padmé, whimpering.

"All right," she sighed.

Anakin grinned.

And so, if one decides to turn one's life around, even if they did require the help of a short green guy, a wrinkly old man, and an armored, handsome, sweet, kind, wonderful-


-spirit, everyone's life can be changed. Had Luke not turned, many a life would have been miserable. Many more would have died when the Empire reared its decidedly handsome head-

"Ani," Padmé snarled warningly.

-although it might not have been too handsome at times, and killed people needlessly and stupidly-

"I resent that," Palpatine muttered. Another boot came flying at his head.

-the point is that...Uh the point is....

"Ugh," Padmé sighed.

-what goes around comes around....NO! Um. If your life takes a turn for the worst, and you turn the joystick back to the best, then everyone will be in harmony, with the exception of those that were still turning towards the worst, or going towards the worst, or thinking about going-


-well, if you turn it back then all shall turn out fine and you'll live happily ever after. How's that?


What are those dots supposed to mean? It almost looks like a little person.



"Shut up and kiss me."

I can do that.

"Please spare us all," Palpatine begged, looking disgusted.

How wude.

"Jar Jar! Away get you from the spot of the narrator!" Yoda ordered.



Mesa tinkin' no.

"Think not. Don't or...don't. Dangerous for you, thinking is."

Whaten dat 'posed ta mean?

"Jar Jar," Padmé dragged out.

"Can I tie him up by his ears?" Palpatine looked hopeful.

"No!" Padmé and Anakin simultaneously said.

Dis is de end, it tis. Bye bye. Mesa hopen yousa enjoyed it.

"But I wanted to have the last words," Anakin whined.

Padmé patted her husband, grinning. "Maybe next time."

Til next time, yousa take care of yousa self. Okeyday?
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