Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gee Investigations

It's Hard To Say

by -weightless- 1 review

Gerard and Hayley discover a new problem to solve.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Horror,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-10-29 - Updated: 2012-10-30 - 927 words

We both stood there in utter shock. No words left our mouths. Just fear in our eyes. Gerard gripped my hand very tightly. We were both so very scared. I don't know why I hadn't seen this coming. I don't get it. The darkness. The evilness. It was so pure evil. We had seen this before in books but it had a spell cast upon it and it lay dormant ever since. This demon was the root of evil. The thing that evil comes from, before the devil, before time even began. What we had to find out is why it was here, who awoke it. Who knew about it in the first place. Oh and we had to survive first. The red eyes stared at us. It just stayed there. Not moving just staring, I looked at Gerard and he looked at me. We both knew this was bad. The form of black smoke just, laughed. Evily. And uttered 'run' then it was gone.

Gerard just wrapped his arms around me. I started to cry, the tears just wouldn't stop flowing. The last day had been so difficult and hard to deal with. I just wanted to sit and cry for a week. We both just slid down onto the stairs to sit. I just cried as Gerard hugged me and rocked me back and forth. .... "Oh my god Frank that is honestly the most revolting thing you have ever said" Mikey giggled, walking through the front door. We looked over to them and they stopped dead when they seen us. We had a moment of staring at each other and I started crying again. "Hey what's wrong girly" Frank said coming over to me and kneeling infront of us. "I I I just, I'm too overwhelmed and the that thing, we're all going to die" I cried. "What thing?" Mikey said kneeling down too followed by Ray. "The Rasfaroo has been awakened, it's on the loose and we don't know why by I can take a good guess that it was to do with Channing" Gerard said with no emotion whatsoever. "Well aren't we fucked" Ray sighed. "No, I won't let that happen. Mikey get books do every bit of research you can on the Rasfaroo, find its weaknesses, how it fights, how it kills everything little detail" Gerard said standing up infront of us and paced the floor, we all watched him waiting to continue. "Ray, I want you to contact Laura in the FBI tell her we possibly have a crisis and she has to keep it on a downlow but we might need her help. Frank, gather ever weapon you can think of. No buts or ands, get them all we will work something out. Hayley, just go get some sleep. You need it" Gerard finished and walked off towards his office, suddenly he turned around and smiled "We are gonna kill every one of their ass's" He turned and walked off into his office. Mikey made his way to the library within the hotel to research. Ray got up and went outside to call Laura. Frank just looked at me and smiled. "Everythings gonna be okay" Frank smiled. "Frank... I know how I got my visions" I whispered. He looked at me questioningly. "How?" He asked. "I got a flashback. Channing got Zero to put a spell on me and gave me these powers. I'm cursed but don't tell anyone yet. Please" I begged Frank. He just smiled, nodded and gave me a hug. "Get some sleep, you look exhausted" He said then walked off to go start his work.

I didn't wanna go to sleep, I'm not tired I just wanted to go for a long walk for some thinking time. I decided to slip out and go for a walk. Central Park always cheered me up. The kids running about and the ducks, the tourists and just everyone so obvlivious to the world around them. Not knowing the truth in everything. It is a scary thought that if I had of been in a different place at a different time I wouldn't have met Gerard and then the guys. I wouldn't be here helping the world. I'd be stuck in that crappy little diner still. My parents disowned me, they didn't want a daughter who claimed to see visions of people being hurt. They thought I was crazy. I miss them in a strange way, yes I hate them for disowning me but I miss my mom and dad so much.

I decided to sit on a bench and watch the world walk by me. So clueless. It was coming up to fall and the leaves were changing colour. They were beginning to fall but it wasn't freezing yet. Which is good because I didn't have a jacket on. The last day or so has been so hectic I just need this time to reflect. Wait... I technically just lost my virginity to Gerard. Does he understand that? Why did he start it, does he like me? I'm so confused. I just wish I could get inside his head. And that's when it hit me... I got up and ran for the hotel, I just ran and didn't stop. People were looking at me. I just ran and ran until the hotel came into sight. I smiled and ran faster. I pushed open the doors and ran into the middle of the room. The guys were all sitting at different ends of the lobby. "Guys... I worked it out..."
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