Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Auditions for Warped Tour!

Auditions for Warped Tour!

by UnderwaterRainbow 21 reviews

Auditions for a story about Warped Tour! -some male auditions would be nice :P-

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2012-11-04 - Updated: 2012-11-04 - 270 words

GUYS i love you all so much but please only audition for the parts, the lead vocalist isn't in the list for a reason, sorry! and i may have to make some changes to what you want to be, but most people should be in the story at least!

Hey, so I know I've never written anything on here, and I thought its about time I should change that!
So basically, I'm writing a fic about a band going to Warped Tour! I've never been though, so I apologise if its inaccurate :(
The bands that will be mainly included are My Chemical Romance (ofc), All Time Low and Panic! At The Disco. Fall Out Boy will be mentioned a few times, and there will be some bigger, more famous bands there (but not much interaction).
Also, some romances are cool but just as long as not everyone's in one.
-Rhythm Guitarist (gets kicked out)
-Rhythm Guitarist (replacement)
-Lead Guitarist
-Tour Manager
-Merch Guy/Gal
-Band Manager
-Fans (male and female please!)

please don't all audition for the same parts :')

Okay so here's the audition, please try and make them original:)
Age: (18-25 please, unless you're a manager)
Typical Outfits:
Makeup and accessories:
Friendships/Relationships/Enemies etc:
Anything else that you think will help me:

Also, can you help me with the band name? So far I have ideas of : Distant Echoes, Edge of Reality, Mirror Line and Infinite Vengeance. Can you either say which one you like best, or suggest another one please?

Btw, Jack Barakat is taaaaken;)

-Minnie xo
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