Categories > Original > Romance

Mixed Feelings

by stashleyrocks 0 reviews

Ash walks in on Stefan and Emma

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-11-08 - Updated: 2012-11-08 - 368 words

"Fuck Stef, go faster" Emma moaned as I thrusted into her.

"Okay, Miss Impatient" I grunted as Emma giggled underneath me.

Emma and I had been dating for a few weeks now, but had decided not to tell anyone - incase the fans found out.

I, Stefan Abingdon, was in a band (The Midnight Beast) with my best mates, Dru and Ash.

That's how I met Emma. She waited behind after one of our gigs to meet us, and I swear it was love at first sight. We've been inseparable ever since.

But lately - lately, I have started to develop feelings for someone else. I don't want to tell Emma, it will break her heart, but I think I'm falling in love with--


"What?!" I asked, snapping out of my day dream.

That is when I looked up to see Ashley staring at me in shock.

"Shit, sorry man" I blushed, pulling the covers up, over mine and Emma's naked bodies.

"What do you want?" Emma asked, annoyed at Ash for walking in on us.

"I came to tell Stefan something" Ash mumbled, looking shamefully at the floor.

"What is it Ash?" I asked worriedly.

"N-nothing. It doesn't matter anymore" he whispered, bottom lip quivering and tears running out of his eyes.

"Ashley! Are you okay? Why are you crying?" I exclaimed, seriously worried now.

"I'm fine!" he cried, running out of the room and into his.

"Sorry Em, I need to check if he's okay" I explained, pulling on my boxers.

"Fine" she sighed, snuggling under the blankets and going to sleep.

"Ash, are you okay? Can I come in" I pleaded, after lightly knocking on his bedroom door.

"Go away" Ash screamed shakily.

Suddenly, I heard muffled screams, so burst into his room. I was shocked to discover him curled up on the floor, covered in blood, with a blade in his hand.

"Ash! Why have you started cutting again?!" I yelled, tears falling down my face.

Ash just pushed past me and ran out the flat, covered in blood and tears.

"Ash! Come back! Please! I lover you" I whispered the last part, sliding down the wall with my head in my hands.
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