Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Haunted

What is Billy's Problem?

by joelmaddensbabigurl 0 reviews

hilary discovers that hannah is gone where did she go? what does hilary discover about billy? and the house...

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Published: 2006-07-18 - Updated: 2006-07-19 - 1032 words - Complete

Ch. 8
What is Billy's Problem?

Billy was sitting at the computer talking to Hilary

"I have a bad feeling..." Hilary typed and entered


"I just do... The way Joel was acting the day of Benji's funeral... And Hannah wont talk much"

"I'll call Joel's house later"



Hilary looked down thinking, "So anyways..." She typed, "What's up?"


"Even on the computer you don't talk that much." Hilary felt like she was going to cry. Really for no reason


Hilary hit the desk and started typing

"I'm scared..."

Hilary looked up seeing Billy's message. She pushed delete, deleting all what she wrote, "Scared?"

"You did say Joel was acting weird"


"I'm scared he's gone..."

"Gone? How would you know?"

"Like you, something doesn't feel right."

Hilary looked behind her uneasy. She looked forward and typed, "He went to the house? Is that what you think?"

Billy paused

Hilary waited

A few minutes passed

Hilary swallowed waiting

"He did... I know it..." Billy finally entered

"I don't get it Billy"


"How do you know these things? Why don't you talk?"

"Cause she knows where we are."

Hilary sat there looking at the reply. She started typing, "What do you mean?"

"She wants us dead..."

"Billy... What are you saying?"

"Read the papers... Read the papers Benji found."

Hilary blinked, "You never knew I had the papers..."

"Yes I did"


"I just did..."

"How! Tell me!"

"Don't get mad..."

"Why wouldn't I? You're acting so freaky Billy!"

A minute passed, Billy appeared offline

Hilary blinked, "No way! He didn't!" She yelled in her head. She looked down thinking, "How did he know about the papers. And why is he acting so weird?" She thought. She stood up logging off. She started upstairs to her room. She sat down on her bed, "Billy must know something of something!" She laid down looking up at the ceiling, "Did he know Megan Love?" She closed her eyes and fell asleep

Next morning

Billy walked up to Hilary

"Where did you go last night?" She asked not really expecting an answer

Billy shrugged

"Billy, do you know Megan Love?" She asked

He shook his head looking away

"Don't lie! You know something!"

Billy closed his eyes taking her yelling at him

"William Dean Martin! The only way for us to beat her is..."

Billy turned and took off running covering his ears

Hilary blinked, "Billy! Come back!" She yelled after him. She held her hand up, "Come back..." Tears went to her eyes. She looked down, "I'm a bitch..." She said to herself, "But I need to know why he's not talking..."

Hilary got home after school and walked in, "Hannah! I'm home!" She looked around, "Must be in her room..." She said and walked up to the couch and sat down. She took a deep breath, "God I hate school..."

She laid on the couch flipping through the channels, "Stupid... gay... dumb... horrible... don't care... yeah right... you wish..." She sat up and sighed, "God damn T.V." she looked at the steps, "I wonder if she is hungry..." She sighed. She flipped the channel again, "I'm not gonna bother... She probably wont come out anyways!" She turned to the news channel and it is talking about the house. Hilary sat up as the announcer announced

"Today a body of a young 20 year old boy was found at the dead Cornwell's house. His body had a broken neck and torn up body. His body was found by Detective Johnson who was at the house to check out the murder of Liz Winterholf and the strange death of Norman Cornwell.

Hilary blinked slowly, "Wha..."

The camera went to Detective Johnson, "I found the boys body laying in the kitchen. He had a stab wound and by the fingerprints he murdered himself. Commented suicide." He sighed, "The body of the boy is Joel Madden, brother of the recently dead Benjamin Madden."

Hilary gasped, "Billy was right!" She said dropping the remote, "Is Billy..."

"We don't know who did it but there is a mass murderer in the premises so no one come near the house. No one you hear! Joel Madden was supposedly tossed over the railing upstairs landing headfirst then he tempted to kill himself then be killed by the murder. But we are still checking his body for evidence.

Hilary walked up to the T.V. and shut it off. She fell back on her butt looking down, "Joel..."

She heard the door open and shut.

She spun around, "Who's there!"


She sighed, "I need to call Billy..." She said and grabbed the phone

She dialed Billy's phone number and waited for someone to answer

Billy's mom answered, "Hello?"

"Mrs. Martin. Can Billy come to the phone?"

"Um... let me try..."

"Tell him it's about Joel..." Hilary said

"Ok..." She heard the phone get put down and in the background Mrs. Martin calling, "Billy! Phone! It's Hilary! She says she needs to talk to you about Joel!"

There was silence

The phone was picked up, "He's coming..." Mrs. Martin said

Hilary smiled in relief, "Ok thanks!"

"Here he is."

She heard Billy grab the phone

"Billy Joel is..."

"Dead..." Billy said in the phone

Hilary blinked, "Did you watch T.V. to?" Hilary asked

"No..." He said

Hilary blinked cause he was speaking so softly, "Really how do you know?"

"Because I do..." He said still speaking softly

"Billy please!"

"Shut up Hilary... just shut up..." Billy whispered then hung up

Hilary pulled the phone away, "God damn it!" She screamed

She looked at the steps and started walking up the steps, "Hannah!" She got to the top of the steps, "You hungry!" She yelled trying to blow off some steam

No answer

"Hannah!" She screamed


She blinked and walked up to the door and knocked, "I'm not in the mood. You hungry?" She asked


Hilary grabbed her head and shoved the door open

Hannah wasn't in there

"Hannah..." She looked around and remembered the closing door, "No... she saw...Hannah!" She ran down stairs and out of the house screaming Hannah's name

/A/N: plez review,/
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