Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's Not Over

The next day Aislinne was scared that Anna would start on her but luckily she wasn't in. Penina had heard off Jennifer what Aislinne did to her so she ran over to her and threw her arms around her waist "Thank you so much!" Penina cried.

"You're welcome." Aislinne giggled, hugging her back.

"I can't believe you stood up to her! She's really scary. Weren't you scared?"

"Not really." Aislinne lied, letting go of Penina. They walked over to their group.

"You're my hero Aislinne." Penina smiled and went bright red.

Aislinne laughed and looked at Jennifer who, as usual, was standing on the sidelines and not saying anything. She went over and took her arm then pulled her inside "It's time you told him." Aislinne said "Acantha told me how you convinced her to tell Ray that she liked him and now look at them." They looked over at Ray and Acantha. Ray had both his arms around Acantha, he was whispering something to her and she was giggling "That could be you and Bob. If you wanted it to."

"I want that but it's not gonna happen Aislinne." Jennifer said sadly "Bob will never feel the same way about you."

"Well I bet you felt the same way about Jack until he told you that he loved you." Aislinne told her "Now it's time to suck it up and tell him, okay? I've seen the way he looks at you. He feels the exact same way about you, honestly. Mia was terrified of telling Frank how she felt about him but look at them!"

They both turned to look at them and found Frank kissing Mia on the lips "God he's like a hoover!" Jennifer giggled "I don't even know how to start telling Bob that I like him though."

"Just try." Aislinne said, putting her hands on Jennifer's shoulders "The words will come out, I promise." At that moment, Bob walked through the gates and towards the group "Go Jennifer, go!"

Jennifer took a deep breath and walked over to him "Bob, could I maybe have a word with you please?" She asked nervously.

"Yeah, sure." Bob nodded and they went to one side "What is it?"

"I just need to tell you something and I don't want you to hate me for it, okay?" Jennifer blurted.

Bob looked worried "Umm I'll try not to. You can tell me."

Jennifer took another deep breath "It's just... That... IHAVEACRUSHONYOU!"

Bob blinked "What?"

"I have a crush on you." Jennifer sighed, her heart beating faster every second "I've had a crush on you for a while now but I didn't wanna say because I was shy and things didn't end too well with my last boyfriend Jack." Jennifer suddenly sobbed and put her hand over her mouth.

"What? Did he dump you or something? Because if he did he's crazy."

Jennifer looked up at him "Umm no... He... I'll tell you some other time."

"Well. I just want you to know... I feel the exact same way about you." Bob smiled and put his hand on Jennifer's bright red cheek.

After school, Aislinne waited for Mikey to finish packing his bag. He seemed to be taking a lifetime "Look." Aislinne said to him eventually "I think it's time we talked. Do you wanna come over to my house?"

"Are you sure?" Mikey asked and Aislinne nodded "Okay, fine."

They walked home together and Mikey resisted the urge to hold her hand. It'd be so insensitive after what had happened to Gerard. When they got home, they crashed into Aislinne's room and flopped down onto the bed "I've been doing a lot of thinking." Aislinne said "And I was mad at you. For telling me that you loved me when you were just telling me how you felt. For telling everyone that it was all my fault when I know that under the same circumstances, I'd have done the same thing. And I was mad at you for not telling me Gerard was dying. But now I'm kind glad that you didn't."

"You are?"

"Yeah. I mean, I would've treated Gerard like a doll or something because of it instead of treating him like my boyfriend." Aislinne sighed "I'm gonna miss him so much. But it's time that I started thinking about tomorrow instead of yesterday." Aislinne took a deep breath "And I can't imagine tomorrow without you." She rolled over to look at him "I've already lost Gerard and I'm not gonna lose you."

"What do you-" Mikey was cut off by Aislinne kissing his lips gently.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see something. She turned slightly to look. It was a faded out image of Gerard, staring at the two of them. He smiled at the two of them before fading away.

[A/N] - I hope you liked this story :D
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