Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Demolition Lovers

Part 3 - The Black Parade

by Cemetery-Girl 0 reviews

Gerard is dying, but will he meet with his one true love once again, or is this love really dead and buried?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-11-26 - Updated: 2012-11-26 - 2719 words - Complete

“Helena.. Helena..” Someone said in a faint whisper that echoed around the hospital, struggling to find the air in their lungs to say the next word. The voice sounded so broken, so full of self-pity but yet you could still hear the faint sound of the bitterness in their voice. This broken voice belong to a man, a young man who had always taken everything for granted; His lover, His freedom and most importantly his life. “Helena..” He whispered again, choking slightly on his own words. He reached his hand slowly up into the air and began to grasp for something that wasn’t there, the hospital gown slowly sliding down his arm revealing a pale white, bony wrist that was covered in pale pink scar marks. His eyes filled with tears as he called Helena’s name once more.

“Mr Way are you okay..?” A nurse said, as she walked into the room. The heels of her shoes tapped gently against the tiled floor as she walked. He slowly shook his head and let his arm drop back down by his side, slowly turn his head to look at the nurse.
“Water please..” He mouthed. His lips were so dry that the skin was beginning to crack, causing him discomfort when he talked.
“Of course, Gerard…” She carefully picked up the glass of water of the side table, next to Gerard’s bed. She slowly raised the cup to his lips, pressing the rim against his bottom lip gently. Gerard began to take small sips of the water, coughing after each mouthful.
“Enough..” He mumbled, His speech sounded clearer. He slowly turned his head away as the nurse placed the glass back on the side table. Gerard turned his head forward again, staring blankly at the cold, pale wall that was just a shade lighter than his skin tone. He swallowed softly, then pursed his lips slightly, ready to say something "There are these terrors. And it's like, it feels like as if somebody was gripping my...There are these terrors. And it's like, it feels like as if somebody was gripping my throat. Like last night, they are not like tremors, they are worse than tremors, there are these terrors. Like last night, they are not like tremors, they are worse than tremors, there are these terrors. And it's like, it feels like as if somebody was gripping my throat and squeezing and It feels like as if somebody was gripping my throat"

The nurse looked at him speechless. He slowly closed his eyes, his dark lashes resting on his pale, bony cheeks. She slowly approached him, holding a syringe filled with a clear yellow substance. Careful she injected it into the top of his arm. “Just sleep…” She whispered, in a soft soothing voice. Gerard nodded slightly in agreement to her words and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

Gerard didn’t like sleeping, he preferred to stay awake and know what was happening around him. In his sleep he felt alone, trapped, isolated but Gerard also loved the images and memories it brought; The memories of the life him and Helena once shared, some of the happy memories of his childhood. Suddenly, his mind went blank and a ghostly voice filled his head “Gerard..?” Something or someone whispered. “The end is almost near, the day is dawning..” Gerard tried to open his eyes but he couldn’t, the sedative the nurse had given him was too strong. “Helena is waiting for you, but you won’t see her again, unless..” Gerard tossed and turned, he wanted to wake up now to stop this. “You do as I say..” The voice continued to mock him.
“Stop it..” Gerard screamed, swinging his arms around. As hard as he tried he just couldn’t open his eyes, it felt as if they’d been glued shut. “Please make it stop...” He whimpered, his pleading cries sounding so painful. A nurse came rushing into the room, taking him by his shoulders and shaking him gently. “Mr Way..?” She said softly.

Gerard’s eyes flew open, his hazel eyes full of fear. He slowly wrapped his pale bony hand around the nurse’s hand. “Don’t let me die.” He choked, a single tear gently rolled down his pale, drawn face.
“I.. I.. I am sorry Mr Way, there is nothing we can do for you. We tried, we really did.” She carefully peeled Gerard’s fingers from around her wrist, and placed it gently back upon the white crumpled bed sheets.
“I don’t want to…” He swallowed dryly, and still gazing up at her “Die.”
“Sir, I know you don’t but there is nothing we can do. Your c-c-cancer is terminal” Her voice still sounding so soothing. She slowly reached for his hand, cupping it gently in her hands.
“Cancer, Your cancer is terminal” He repeated back, frowning as he said the sentence.

Gerard slowly turned on his side and stared at the door, watching people walking up and down the bustling corridors. “It hurts, my head it hurts” He whispered.
“Well, um.. you do have a brain tumour” She said, her voice sounding more pitiful this time. He sighed slightly, then closed his eyes.
“Don’t remind me..” He hissed bitterly, closing his eyes. He slowly raised his hands to his ears, pressing them against is ears with all the force he had left in his body, trying to drown out every noise.
“I’ll let you rest, Mr Way..” The nurse said, regretting what she said before.

Gerard slowly turned on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He gently removed his hands from his ears, then gulped softly. “No, please stay with me… You remind me of someone” He begged. The nurse looked over at him, she knew it was the least she could do after upsetting him. She walked over to the corner of the room, and picked up a wooden oak chair placing it by Gerard’s bedside. She reluctantly sat down, knocking the creases out of the front of her pale blue dress as she sat.

“Can you hold my hand..?” Gerard held his small, pale hand out to her. His gaze met hers slowly, his hazel eyes, blurred over with tears and pain.
“Of course” She forced a smile, and cupped his hand in both of hers. His hand slipped in between hers perfectly.
“You know… I wish… I wish I could just die already, I hate the suspense. And the pain, oh the pain it’s so unbearable” He whined. He looked up at the ceiling again, taking small shallow breaths.
“Don’t say that. I don’t want you to die” She shook her head, and squeezed his hand gently. Trying her best to comfort him.
“You don’t know what I want” He clenched his hand into a fist.
“I do and I know you don’t want death. Nobody truly does” She shook her head, slowly brushing her fingers across his knuckles. She could feel every single bone in his hand.
“I did, and I still do. What do you think those scars are from?” He glanced at his wrist, and frowned. He knew Helena would have been disappointed is she had of known, he did things like that to himself. He didn’t want her to be disappointed with him, if they were to meet again but he saw that as the only way to forget his pain; the feel of the blade slicing through his soft white skin. The feel of the warm blood, trickling out of the open wound and coating his skin in a dark red colour. The tingling, stinging sensation you got after each insertion of the blade. He shook his head. He knew that he had to stop thinking like that right now, but he just couldn’t It was on his mind.

He looked to the nurse with wide eyes. “He-he-helena…?” He smiled, slowly sliding his fingers between the nurses. “I knew you’d come back for me, I knew!” He said with a hint of enthusiasm in his voice.
“Who’s Helena? Um, Gerard you okay?” The nurse muttered, trying to pull her hand away. Gerard’s grip was unusually strong.
“Oh don’t pretend that’s not your name... I am fine now you’re here Helena. I... Why did you leave me?” He said with a hint of resentment in his voice. He slowly sat up, and turned towards the nurse, his legs dangling off the edge of the bed.
“I…” She mumbled, confused. She was very unsure what to say to him, she looked down at the tiled floor.
“You..? Oh it doesn’t matter, you came back to me” He slowly stood up, struggling to keep his balance. He leant towards the nurse’s lips and planted a single kiss upon them.
“No. Gerard don’t do that” She tore her hand away from his. Gerard lost his balance and fell to the floor, hitting his head against the hard tiled floor. A pool of crimson liquid slowly gathered around Gerard’s head, he inhaled one last breath, then slowly closed his eyes which were never to open again.

“Gerard..?” The nurse screamed, covering her mouth with her hands. She kneeled down beside him, shaking his lifeless body. “I’m sorry.. I didn’t mean too.. I’m sorry..” She looked around the room, then back down at Gerard. She could feel a lump of something rising in her throat, as she arose to her feet. She sprinted out of the room, leaving Gerard’s lifeless, bleeding body on the cold floor.

Welcome To The Black Parade

The air clogged full of a dark grey smog, the ground covered in ash, crushed bones and broken glass. Gerard took small steps, looking around carefully. Pieces of broken glass, dug into the bottoms of Gerard’s feet but he didn’t flinch as the pieces pierced his pale white flesh. He continued to walk. Gerard felt a tap on his shoulder, he froze in the spot he was stood in then slowly turned. Standing behind Gerard was a short man; his fringe swept softly across his round face, his eyes surrounded by two dark circles and he had a small smirk stretched across his face.
“Frank’s the name” he said confidently in a strong cockney accent. The smirk on his face slowly began to grow in size.
“Um… I’m Gerard but I don’t belong here, it’s a mistake” Gerard mumbled. His eyes slowly grazed all over Frank’s body, narrowing his eyes slightly.
“Of course you belong here, you popped your clogs didn’t you?” Frank said teasingly, stepping closer to Gerard with each word he said. Frank slowly leaned closer to Gerard, pressing his lips to his ear. “And now you’re here, your never getting out” He hissed harshly.
“Nope never getting out” Another man shouted from behind him. Gerard quickly pushed Frank away and turned to look at the other man. Frank giggled childishly into his hands and stepped back, he slowly turned to the other man and grinned at him.
“This is a mistake. I don’t belong here, I need to find someone. I shouldn’t be here” Gerard cried. He looked to Frank and the other man. The other man looked mysterious and had a very serious expression on his face. His facial expression was so serious, it looked as if it would crack if he smiled.

Gerard closed eyes and whispered “I wanna go home now, I’m sorry I have been an evil man. I just want Helena”. A tear slowly ran down Gerard’s face.
“Evil man, eh? Aww, you won’t ever see her again..” The mysterious stranger said dryly.
“Oh Mikey, leave him alone. He is new here, no need to be so blunt” Frank slowly stepped towards Gerard, holding his hand out to shake. Gerard slowly reached for Franks hand, then shook it reluctantly. “So you said your girl’s name is Helena right?” Frank’s smirk stretched further across him face, he slowly bit his lip, trying to be seductive. Frank tightened his grip around Gerard’s stroking the top of it, slowly with his fingers.
“Y..y..yeah” Gerard gulped, as he tore his hand from his.
“Helena, a girl passed by us a few days ago with that name. Pretty young girl, bit of a whore. But what can you expect these days?” Frank voice sounded low and a little deeper. He narrowed his eyes and looked up at Gerard, watching his facial expression slowly change.
“No, no that’s not her. She isn’t a whore” Gerard growled slightly, he practically lunged for Frank grabbing him by the throat.
“Oh she is, she opened legs for me and of course I accepted you don’t really get much action around here” Frank paused for a second “But oh when you do, it’s fucking amazing know what saying?” he laughed harshly, as he freed himself from Gerard’s grip.
“No.” Gerard slowly clenched his hand into a fist, swinging it around till it met Frank’s face. Frank stumbled back slightly in shock, he slowly raised his hand to his face holding it.
“Fuck, Gerard. I’m only stating a fact, ask Ray she opened her legs to him too..” Frank groaned. Pressing against his broken cheekbone gently, whimpering in pain with each touch.
“Ray? Who the..” Gerard suddenly paused to see a man, who was significantly taller than him.
“Yeah, she opened her legs for me. We had a lot of fun that night” Ray mumbled sleepily.
“I… I … Got to go..” Gerard straight ahead.

Gerard began to run straight ahead he really wasn’t sure where he was going but he continued to run. The further he run the thicker and darker the air got, he was so scared but refused to show the fear in his face. He suddenly stopped, gasping for the air that wasn’t him. Instead of air, was the thick cloggy smog. Gerard slowly sunk to the floor, feeling slightly defeated. He should of listened to that voice, he wished he had listened to the voice. “Helena” Gerard screamed at the top of his lungs. He slowly broke down in sobs of tears, he felt defeated and even more alone, so alone. Gerard slowly curled up in a ball on the floor, pieces of glass digging deep into his sides but the pain was the least of his worries. He slowly closed his eyes, and waited for death to take again, well he hoped death would take him again.

“Sshh, my angel..” Someone mumbled into Gerard ear, her pale pink lips brushing slowly across his jawline.
He pursed his lips and mumbled “You’re not real, I’m just imagining this”
She gently brushed the hair back off his face, knocking the ash off his cheeks with her hand “I’m here, I wasn’t gonna leave you forever Gee, I love you” She nodded slowly wanting him to open his eyes and see her face.
Gerard’s eyes suddenly flew open, his gaze met Helena’s a huge smile stretched across his lips “Helena, you came back you here” He squealed, as he slowly sat up. He gently took her face in his hands, and placed a single kiss upon her perfect pink lips. “I promise, I promise my dear Helena. I will never hurt you or take you for granted again. I love you with all my heart, every inch of my soul. And swear we will be together forever to the end from now on” He nodded then placed another kiss upon her lips.
Slowly she arose to her feet and held her hand out to Gerard. He took her hand, and arose to his feet looking down at her. She smiled as they interlocked their fingers and walked straight ahead, fading into the darkness.

A single ray of sunlight pierced through the dark smog, and lit up a small area of ground. A red rose, forced its way through the dead, broken ground and that is where it would stay forever to the end.
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