Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will We Get Through This?

Will We Get Through This? Ch.22

by PARANOIDgrenade 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-12-08 - Updated: 2012-12-09 - 1270 words

Hey, sorry this took so long to update. It's pretty shitty for me. But anyway, did you guys see the Rise Of the Guardians yet? It's amazing! Anywho, back to the story.
Frank’s P.O.V.

“Ok, so you move your right arm and your left leg at the
same time. Like this.” I explained, doggy paddling. “So, like this?” Ray asked,
paddling over to me. “Yes!” Gerard exclaimed. We all bro- fisted and continued to
teach Ray how to swim. “Ok, now swim to the slide and come back to me.” I
instructed Ray. He nodded and started off. “You know, you make a good
instructor.” Gerard said. “Thanks, you too.” I replied. We sat in silence
waiting for Ray to come back when Pete ran out of the house. “DUDE, LET’S TRY
THE PADDLEBOARD OUT!” He yelled. “Ok, ok. Just, watch out for Ray.” Gerard
replied. I giggled. “What?” He asked. “You sound like a mom!” I informed him. “I….
Shut up.” He grumbled. I only laughed more. “I did it!” Ray exclaimed as he
swam back.”Good job!” I said, bro-fisting him once more. “Ok, well I’m cold so
let’s go get changed, and see the places here.” Catie informed us as she made
her way out.


“Hey guys, there’s a roller rink a little ways up the road
if you wanna check that out.” I announced as we piled into the car. “Ok, but on one condition.” Bob said. “What’s
that?” I asked. “We listen to Blondie on the way.” He repied, flicking one of
her CD’s on. “What? She’s fun to head-bang too.” Ray defended. “What about The
Misfits man? You used to make us only listen to them.” I questioned. “That was
before I heard Blondie.” Ray answered, getting out of the car. We all followed
him and paid. “Dude, I can’t skate for my lif- OH CRAP!” I screamed. I slipped,
taking Gerard’s pants down with me. “NICE BOXERS, GERARD!” Pete yelled. He
quickly pulled them up, giving me the death glare. “What? I didn’t know you
forgot to wear a belt.” I defended, slipping once more. “Hold on, I got you
something that’ll help you.” He responded, pulling a walker out from the side.
“No. I’d rather have your pants help me than that.” I argued, sitting in the
middle of the rink. “You’re using it, one way or another.” He informed me,
putting his hand on his hip. “Fine.” I grumbled, attempting to use the walker.
“See ya’ loser!” He yelled, skating off to the others. “Hey!” I called out.
“Don’t feel bad, Pete did the same thing.” Mikey said. “Hey, we can be the
walker buddies!” I said. “I guess?” He answered, confused. “Dude, all the fives
year olds are laughing at you guys!” Pete screamed across the roller rink. “Oh
lovely.” Mikey groaned. “Pfft, screw these things!” I exclaimed, flinging mine
to the side. “What are you doing now?” Mikey questioned. “I’m about to die.
Nice knowing you guys.” I replied, gaining speed. I slid into Gerard, which
brought Ray down, and made everyone tumble down like dominoes. “Dude… What the
fuck is wrong with you?” Bob asked as we untangled ourselves. “Well, I got
bored and you guys were there so…” I trailed off giggling. “Excuse me, but you
have to leave. You’re scaring the children.” The employee explained. “BUT
WHHYYYYYY?” I whined. “Look, personally, I would love to have you here. But the
kids are beginning to hide in bathrooms and the parents are getting upset. So
if you would kindly leave.” She told me, not breaking her blank stare.
“Alright, alright, but if you think I can get off easily, then you have another
thing coming.” I informed her, slipping down on the ground. She laughed and
replied “Yeah, I could see that when you took your pal’s pants down.” The
employee giggled as Gerard came up. “Making friends?” He asked. “Yeah, my
friend’s kicking me out!” I told him. “Again? Frank, this is the tenth time!”
He scolded me. “What can I say? I just wreak havoc where ever I go.” I said, finally managing to get off the rink.
“GET THESE THINGS OFF ME!” I yelled as I fell down again. “Frank!” Gerard
exclaimed. “What?” I asked. I looked up. Once more, Gerard’s pants were around
his ankles. He face palmed as everyone laughed. “I swear you’re doing this on
purpose.” He mumbled as he pulled them back up. “Well, what can I say? I can’t
keep my hands off you!” I replied. “Ok, I’m keeping you on the ground as we
take your roller skates off. I don’t want my pants coming off again.” Gerard
told me as he pulled them off of my feet. “Thank god I can walk again!” I
announced as I got up. “Ok guys, we got kicked out so let’s go explore the
town!” He explained to everyone. Catie groaned “Again? Geez Frank, this if just
a habit now.” We started walking out as the employee walked out. “Here.” She
said as she handed me a piece of paper. It read: Lyn-z: 610-197-6778. I jogged
up to the car and sat on Gerard. “Let’s find somewhere to eat! I’m hungry!” I
yawned. “There’s a bar& grille up ahead, you want to check it out?” Ray
asked. We nodded, listening to Blondie until we pulled into the parking lot.
shouted, ripping the phone out of the wall. “Well, is it too late to go?” Pete
asked. “Hi, how many”? A waiter greeted. “Umm, seven.” Gerard said. “Ok, right
this way.” We followed the waiter until we got to a long table. We got seated and started discussing what we’re
going to eat when I got an idea. “Gee, hand me one of the straws.” I ordered. “What
are you going to do now?” He sighed, handing me one. “You’ll see.” I wound up
the straw and told him to flick the middle of it. He raised his eyebrows but flicked
the center anyway. The sound echoed through the restaurant as everyone turned
our way. “What was that?” Catie asked. “Where did you learn that?” “Places.” I
shrugged. We ordered and went back to destroying our straws. “Dude, I don’t
even want to know how you found this out. But I gotta admit it’s awesome.” Pete
told me as we flicked another one. “So, what else is planned for the weekend?”
Bob asked. “Well, we got that paddle board thing that I still want to try out.” Pete said. “Here’s your food.” The waitress
said as she put them on the table.


“Wait, so how does the car come to life?” Mikey asked as we
watched Christine. “I… That’s actually a good question.” Ray replied. I shifted
next to Gerard, causing the deer head to fall over. Again. “STOP FALLING!” I
screamed. “THIS THING IS CREEPING THE SHIT OUTTA ME”. I picked it up and moved
it to the kitchen table. “That’s the spirit Frank!” Bob exclaimed. “You would
be creeped out too if you were here and every movement you made knocked it over
and it stared into your sole with its empty eye sockets.” I defended, cuddling
up to Gerard. Before I knew it, I was asleep.

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