Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cross My Heart

I'm hidin where Ive hid


Josh wants them out, and some vistors come!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2012-12-11 - Updated: 2012-12-12 - 660 words

Ch. 49 I'm hiding where I've hid...

Josh's POV

My mind is fogged, and I can only think of one thing,,,,two little fuckers. Two of em.

I feel nauseated just thinking about it. This is why the morning sickness is hitting me so hard.

I see two people in the door, Mike, and Ian.

"Josh, you okay?" Mike asks.

"I....I have two, two little....little fuckers......." I choke out. I sob into the sheets. Mike looks at me.

"You're having twins?"

"Yes! I am!" I sob.

"Josh, I know this is really difficult for you, but you need to eat more, these kids aren't gonna be healthy if you don't eat right...'

"Why are you lecturing me?!"

"You can barely hold food down for an hour!" Ian interjects.

"I'm fucking sick from the two little fuckers!"

Matt comes in.

"Josh, you need to eat something. Here."


"I have no idea what preggers women, and you are supposed to eat," he retorts.

"Get me a fireball burrito!" I smile.

"Dude, you are gonna make yourself throw up if you eat that."

"No, I'm not. I'm really fucking hungry."

He walks out, and Ian looks at me.

"Twins, huh? Are they both the same sex?"

"Yeah, they're both boys."


"Phenoix Matthew Ramsay, and Jayce Allan Ramsay."

"Jayce, thats interesting, and Phenoix, thats good too."

"Matt came up with Phenoix. I came up with Jayce Allan Ramsay."


"I'm fucking hungry...."

"We know."

"Shut the fuck up, guys."

Matt comes back with fireball burritos, and chocolate. Fuck, yes.

Mike and Ian look at it, "Shit, thats nasty Josh!"

"Fuck you guys."

I bite into the burrito, and sudenly feel very ill. I quickly put it down, and run to the bathroom. I fall in front of the toilet, and vomit.

Mike and Ian walk in.

"Dude, you okay?"

I retch.

"Guess not." Ian says.

Mike rubs my back, as I vomit again.

"My stomach hurts...." I choke out.

Matt come in.

"Joshie, you don't look well..maybe you should lie down..."

"If I stand up, I will vomit."

Matt slings my shoulder around him, and I am lead to my bed. I fall on the covers, and clutch my stomach. It fucking hurts. I want these little fuckers out.

I look at the clock, 9:00 PM. Good god.

I look at the calender, June 10th. Had it already been a month! Fuck.

I roll over, and vomit into the basin.

I hate being ill.

I hate being preggers.

"Dude, you're glowing! They were right!" Ian says.

"Pregnant people are only glowing because they sweat so much, and spend the first 3 months throwing up." I moan.

"And, its been three months, so stop throwing up!"

"Guys, I can't make myself stop throwing up. Its the hormones."

I feel my stomach turn, and I quickly run to the bathroom, and hunch over the toilet, as I vomit. Matt comes in.

"Oh,'re throwing up so much..." He sits beside me, as I empty the contents of my stomach. I am crying now.

Why me?


Mike and Ian walk in.


I retch.

"Josh, you okay?'

I throw up my stomach contents.

"Dude, you're gonna make your tounge ring rip out again!" Matt gasps.

"I...c-can't help it!" I cry.

I slip onto the floor, and start to shake feverishly, even though I dont have a fever. The room is spinning, and my stomach feels like it could jump out my mouth. Matt kneels down, and looks at my sweat soaked face.

"I want to go home Matty, I don;t wanna be here."

"You say that every night."

"I'm gonna be sick, can you rub my back?"

He shrugs, and rubs my back, as I violently expel the contents of my stomach.

I don't want the morning sickness anymore....

I want to go home.


3rd update, Joshie is really ill, and wants to go home! :( R&R xiJules
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