Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drowning In My Sleep

chapter 6

by MCR-99 0 reviews

Ok,so the wedding date is decided,the band meet the baby,and,yes,there'll be a bit of sex at the end.. :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2012-12-27 - Updated: 2012-12-27 - 612 words - Complete

Chapter 6.

chapter 6
Sadie's POV

The next morning,I woke up in Gee's arms,as always.
"Morning,sleepyhead"He whispers to me.
I smile back up at him.
Then I heard Chloe start to cry.
"I got her!"I hear Mikey shout as he comes into our room to see us both naked.
"Yeah,ok,something I really don't wanna see at 6am in the morning"Mikey laughs as he picks up Chloe and takes her into the seating area.
I look back up at Gee as we both start to laugh.
Later that day,me and Gee were eating a snack.
I was vigorusly drawing in my sketchpad.
"What 'cha drawing"Frankie says as he walks to the kitchen.
"My wedding dress"I smile.
"Oh yeah.You're gonna be Mrs.Way soon aren't ya?"Frankie says,jokingly.
"Yuh-huh.You jelous,Frankie"I smile cheekily at him.
"Aw hell no! I already got a girl!"Frankie smiles cutely.
"Yeah an imaginary one"Ray says,messing up Frankie's hair.
"Ok.Maybe she is imaginary,but I still love her"Frankie says,blushing.
"Anyways,did you think of a date yet?"Gee asks me.
"Yeah.I decided for next winter.That ok?"I say.
"Perfect"Gee smiles,kissing my hand.
The bus stops back in NJ,outside the cemetery.
"What we doing here?"I ask.
"Our grandma's buried here.Every year we go by to her burial site just to tell her how we're doing,tell her happy birthday,that sorta thing"Mikey says
"Oh,alright then"I say as I start to change Chloe's diaper.Luckily,the band had become prepped for this baby.
We all get off the bus and walk through the cemetery.
We stop in the far corner of the cemetery.
There was a marble headstone and the epitaph was in gold letters

Elena Lee Rush
Born May 18th 1934
Died August 20th 2004
Loving grandmother,mother and friend

Gee bent down to put flowers by her grave.
"These are her favourite flowers.White casa lillys"Gee tells me.
Then Mikey gets on his knees.
"Hey,gran.We all miss you.We all love you.Gee's getting married soon.He has a baby daughter too.3 weeks old,she is.You should have met her.She had your eyes.And,her mother is nice too.She'll be a very good sister.We love you gran.We'll all never forget you"He says as tears stream down his face.
"Aw,Mikes"I say as I put my arm around him because I was busy holding Chloe in my other arm.
After a few hours and tears,we get back on the bus and we leave.
That night,me and Gee are snuggled up in bed.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?""He asks.
"Yes,you have.As do I"I say,kissing him.
"Then this will be even better"He smiles as he rolls onto me,kissing me.
I start to giggle.
I just couldn't help it.
I took off his shirt as he took off mine.
Then Chloe started crying and Frankie came and got her.
He took one look at us and this is what he said:

"Ohhh...Sexy time!"
We all started bursting out in laughter before Gee threw a pillow at him,basically saying to him 'get the fuck out'
Then Frankie left.
"Now,where were we?"Gee smiles,as he always does,as he takes off his pants.
I then giggled again as I took off my pants and the adventure began..

That bit just made me giggle..
What was I gonna say again?
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