Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Word to the Wise


by lalatherapist16 0 reviews

No. I'm dreaming. I know I am. I have to be.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-12-28 - Updated: 2012-12-28 - 1065 words

"Did I tell you to kick the shit outta whoever you caught? No, I said just bring em in." the voices filled my head as I struggled to understand the situation.

I was somewhere soft, and on my back. "Please don't kill us Blue!" I heard the deep voices again and flinched, making my whole body ache.

"We'll see. IF you really hurt him, I just might." I heard Remy's voice murmur getting closer to me. hr bare hand rested on my chest, the skin on skin contact making me jump a little.

Why am i naked? "Go away now. Shut the door, idiots." She said calmly. I heard the slight click of the door shutting. "I know you're awake, Frankie." her voice was right in my ear, her warm breath raising goosebumps along my neck.

I opened my...eye. The other was swollen shut. The look of pain on her face made me want to hug her, but at the moment, just breathing hurt me.

"What's-" a gasp of agony cut off my question. She was pushing down along my sides and pushing hard. I bit my lip against a cry as she ran her fingers along the side of my head and up under my hair.

"Sorry. Just making sure they didn't do any real damage. If they did though..." I heard her teeth grinding together. Her fingers were cold against my hot skin and felt nice.

"I think I'm fine, but what am I going to tell my mom about my eye?" I looked at her, catching her hand. She set it on my chest, making me blush.

"Don't worry about that. I have a trick for hiding black eyes." She touched it with the tips of her fingers.

"And now can you tell me what the HELL is going on?" I asked, trying to sit up. Her hand on my shoulder kept me from moving though. "Remy?"

"I'm Blue here, okay?" she stood up and started pacing. "I've never had this problem." she shook her head, her braided hair flopping around.

"What's going on Remy?" I demanded, sitting up. She sighed and sat on the floor,crossing her legs.

"You followed me to a gang meeting. We're BOF." she said with a small smile. "Or you probably know us as Band Of Freaks." I recoiled at the familiar name.

Band Of Freaks was one of New Jersey's smallest gangs. And one of the most dangerous. And Remy was a part of it?!

I laughed, making my ribs hurt. No. I'm dreaming. I know I am. I have to be. "V-v-very funny, Remy!" I stuttered painfully. She stood up and looked down at me.

"It's not a joke, Frankie. I'm sorry, but now we can't let you leave without jumping up in. Well, alive, that is. Not even I can get you out of this one." she shook her head slowly.

"What do you mean?" I blinked at her in fear. "Why can't I just go home?"

"Cause now you have a tie to us. And you know the rough location of our hideout." she waved her hand around the room. "And even me being the leader can't help you." she frowned. "Why did you follow me anyway?"

"I was worried about you." she laughed.

"And look how this turned out. Which ever you choose, your life is gonna be over." She crossed her arms. Her words finally sunk in.

"Wait! You're the leader of B-b-band Of......" I ran out of breath. I could hardly breath as is.

"Yes. I started BOF about five years ago with a few friends who were tired of getting fucked with. Get it? We. Were. Tired." she growled.

I flinched. "So you guys really do sell drugs and all the stuff the news says you do?" I asked nervously/ She laughed.

"We're not as bad as the news makes us seem. Yes, we sell drugs. Ye, we loan money and yes, when someone tries to screw us over, we jump them and screw them up." she smiled brightly.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" I asked, regretting it.

"Are you gonna run little piggy?" I blinked at her. "Right you don't know what that means. You gonna squeal on me?" I shook my head. "Yes, I've killed people."

I gulped. "Really?" my voice came out as a squeak. She nodded. "How many?"

She opened a door. It was a closet. Fro it, she took a rag and a bottle of water. "Does it really matter?" She asked as she poured water onto the rag. I nodded and jumped as she wiped at my face with the cold rag. "Hold still."

I obeyed as she cleaned me up. The look on her face told me she was used to doing this. She was calm, her hands were steady and gentle and her eyes held no light in them at all. "I've actually lost count how many I've gotten close to dying, but I've killed around eighteen in all five years here."

"R-r-really?" I watched as she pulled a lighter out of her pocket and a metal bucket out of the closet. She set the bucket on the table beside the bed and dropped the rag in it.

All I could smell was gas. She set a small piece of paper on fire in front of me and dropped it in.

The bucket burst into flames, making me jump. "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight." she said brightly and took my hand. "Come on. Let's get you some clean clothes that don't have blood all over them."

I let her pull me away from the fire and the blood into who knows what waited outside the door.

So my peoples, I has a laptop now! My sister got it for me for Christmas!!! And m granma got me a camera and it was just a great day.

Also, I'm not 18!!!!! YAY!!!!!

So that means that shall be getting my snakebites as soon as I can. And a better job where
I'm not called 'Dish Bitch"

Anyway, I'll be writing WAY more now. Unless I have TSP business to deal with, which I actually have quite a bit going on these next few months and even after I graduate.

Anyway, R+R and all that. I gotta go and be random with my randomness.

Hus and Hairnets,
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