Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Freak show auditions.

Freak show auditions.

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 9 reviews

What it says on the tin. Also need a bad guy. Involes vampires and Frerard and Frikey.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Erotica,Horror,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-12-31 - Updated: 2013-01-01 - 291 words

So I don’t know if anyone here has read The Cirque Du Freak books or seen the 2009 film, The Vampire`s assistant, but this fic will be based around that. There will be hints at Frikey and Frerard so if that isn’t your cup of tea, sorry. The parts I need are some of the performers/freaks that call the cirque their home. I also need another part, which is slightly tricky to explain. The part of Desmond Tiny. Only I want to change this part into a girls one, so Desdemona Tiny. The name cannot be changed. Sorry.  This is a very evil, twisted part, but it is very important. Apart from the name, you can design everything else about this character. So here we go.

For the freaks:

Real name:


Performing Name:

How are you are freak?

Describe in detail your act:

Normal clothes:

Performing clothes(remember this is a circus, so be OTT) :



Height, weight, skin tone, body, ect:


Why did you join the Cirque?

How do you feel about being call a Freak?

A few interesting, fun facts about yourself:

You are usually seen doing what?

Apart from your act, how else do you help out around the Cirque?



Briefly describe your caravan/trailer that you live in:

Anything else:

For Desdemona Tiny.

How old do you look? (you are really immortal and don`t age)

How old are you really?




Height, weight, skin tone, body, ect:

A few interesting, fun facts about yourself:



Favourite method of torturing someone, mentally or physically?

Pick either Frank Or Mikey:

Which is better, living forever whilst staying young, or living a normal human life?

Anything else:
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