Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Business Meeting

Chapter Two

by paracelsus 2 reviews

A new opportunity.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Fudge, George - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-07-27 - Updated: 2006-07-27 - 398 words

The last time Arthur Weasely had been so angry with his sons, had been the day he caught Fred and
George trying to get Ron to make an Unbreakable Vow.

"No! No! It's impossible! You are flying in the face of three hundred years of magical law and
everything I've worked for all my life. You can't sell magic tricks to muggles. I won't allow it. Old
Barty Crouch sent his own son to Azkaban, I can certainly raid your store."

"But Dad," George explained yet again, "We won't be selling any real magic. It will all be muggle
stuff like those card tricks we showed you. You can personally check every item of stock."

"Alright then, but remember, I'll be watching you."

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was growing beyond Fred's and George's wildest hopes. Stock was
flying off the shelves and money was piling up in their Gringott's vault. And that was becoming a
problem. They looked up their mother's cousin, a muggle accountant they had not seen in years, and
asked him for advice.

"You have too much idle capital," Mr.Prewett warned them. "A business has to grow or die. Your
market is nearly saturated. You need to expand and diversify."

But where could they expand? Wizarding Britain was very small. Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley were
the only places that could support a joke shop. They had looked into buying Zonko's, but they
decided that all the wartime restrictions on Hogwart's students made it too risky.

The opportunity was quite unexpected They had always carried a small line of muggle magic tricks.
Their wholesale supplier told them he had another customer who wanted to sell his shop and retire.
They paid him a visit. It was just what they were looking for. It was an older street that was slowly
being cleaned up. There was a pub that looked a bit like the Leaky Cauldron, a hair dresser, a health
food store and an empty building with a sign announcing a new Starbuck's was opening soon. The
shop itself had a fascinating selection but it was shabby and the owner was tired. This was their

A Gringott's Goblin found them a solicitor. He was a young Squib who must have been the only
lawyer in London to have both a feather quill and a computer at his desk. They had a deal within a
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