Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical West Side Story

Chapter Two

by HannahIero 1 review

Frank and Gerard meet at the dance.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-01-05 - Updated: 2013-01-06 - 995 words

"You can't say you won't without sayin' why not!" Riff exclaimed, leaning against the stair rail as Gerard walked up and down the stairs, in and out of the cellar of Doc's Candy Store, stocking cokes.
"Why not?" Gerard said, rolling his eyes.
"Gerard, this is important!" Riff said exasperatedly.
"Very important: acemen, rocketmen."
"What's with you? Four and a half years I live with a buddy and his family. Four and a half years and I think I dig a guy's character. Buddy boy, I am a victim of disappointment in you."
"End your sufferin', little man. Why don't you pack up your gear and clear out?"
"'Cause your ma's hot for me." Riff said with a grin. Gerard grabbed his arm and twisted it painfully behind his back. "No! 'Cause I hate livin' with my buggin' uncle! Uncle! UNCLE!"
Gerard released his arm with a grin. "Now go play nice with the Jets."
"The Jets are the greatest!"
"Are. You found somethin' better?"
"No, but-" Gerard started.
"But what?"
"You won't dig it."
"Try me."
"Okay...every single damn night for the past month, I wake up- and I'm reachin' out." Gerard said, running a hand through his hair.
"For what?"
"I don't know. It's right outside the door, around the corner- but it's comin'!"
"What is? Tell me!"
"I don't know. It's like the kick I used to get from bein' a Jet."
"...Or from bein' buddies." Riff said quietly.
"We're still buddies."
"The kick comes from the people, buddy boy."
"Yeah, but not from a Jet."
"No? Without a gang, you're an orphan. With a gang, you walk in twos, threes, fours! And when your gang is the best, when you're a Jet, buddy boy, you're out in the sun and home free home!"
"Riff, I've had it."
"Gerard, the trouble is at large: the Sharks bite hard! We got to stop them now, and we need you! I never asked the time of day from a clock, but I'm askin' you. Come to the dance tonight. I already told the gang you'd be there."
Gerard turned to him and grinned. "What time?"
"Ten it is!"
"Womb to tomb?"
"Sperm to worm. And I'll live to regret this."
"Who knows? Maybe what you're waitin' for'll be twitchin' at the dance tonight!"
"Who knows..." Gerard sighed dreamily to himself as Riff ran off.
Frank's entire face lit up with excitement as he walked into the gym, holding hands with Chino and flanked by his brother and Pete. They joined the rest of the Sharks and fell into the dancing crowd. There was an empty space in the middle of the gym, dividing the two gangs and their girls. Frank was completely in awe, it was his first dance, and there were so many cute boys. Ray took him by the arm and began introducing him to some of his friends: Consuelo, Rosalia, Pepe, Indio, and the others.
Across the room, the Jets were having a  ball. Each boy danced energetically with his partner (and Action and Anybody's stood awkwardly in the corner). Action stared, disregarding, at Anybody's before walking over to Riff and Velma and tapping Riff's shoulder. "Hey Riff, get a load o' this." She said, then ran over to the empty space of the gym. She locked eyes with Rosalia, whistled, winked, and thrust her pelvis at her. Rosalia gasped in horror and tugged on the sleeve of her date, who turned to see Action, enraged, and made his way over to the Jets' side of the gym, whistling for Ray, Chino, Pepe, and Indio to follow him.
"Oh no," Pete whispered to Frank. "Here it comes." The girls, Frank, and Pete all watched as the Sharks and the Jets bickered.
But Frank wasn't listening. Something had caught his eye. Or /someone/.
From across the room he saw Gerard, leaning against the refreshments table, running a hand coolly through his dark hair. The two locked eyes for a moment, and it was like some sort of otherworldly force was bringing them together. They took slow, graceful steps until they were directly in front of each other, looking at each other in awe.
Frank smoothed down his dress nervously and bit his lip, looking up at Gerard through his lashes. Gerard smiled slightly, the corner of his mouth tilting up just a bit, alluringly.
"You're not thinkin' I'm someone else?"
"I know you are not." Frank murmured.
"Or that we have met before?"
"I know we have not."
"I felt--I knew something never before was gonna happen, had to happen, but this-"
"My hands are cold." Frank interrupted suddenly.
Gerard took Frank's hands in his.
"Yours too." Frank said.
Gerard moved Frank's hand to his cheek with a smile. "So warm..." Frank sighed.
"So beautiful." Gerard cooed, now touching Frank's face. "This is so much to believe. You're not making a joke?"
"I have not yet learned how to joke that way. I think now I never will."
Gerard brushed a stray lock of hair out of Frank's eyes, leaned in, and captured his lips in a slow, sweet, innocent kiss.
Sadly, their moment was quickly interrupted.
"Go home, American." Ray spat at Gerard, pulling Frank away from him.
"Slow down, Ray." Gerard replied, holding his hands out in a "whoa there" gesture.
"Stay away from my brother!"
Ray turned to Frank. "Couldn't you see he is one of them?"
"No, I saw only him." Frank replied, smiling lovingly at Gerard.
"I told you, there's only one thing they want from a Puerto Rican boy!"
"That's a lie!" Gerard exclaimed indignantly.
Chino stepped up behind Ray and took Frank's arm, tugging him away slightly.
"Take him home, Chino." Ray snarled, glaring at Gerard.
"But Ray, it is my first dance!" Frank whined.
"Come, Frank." Chino insisted, tugging him away from the excitement.
"Frank..." Gerard murmured quietly, staring at Frank in awe as he and Chino hurried away.
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