Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Say whatever you want.

by Imalreadydead 3 reviews

I don't care about the rating I don't care what you say I don't care. Im doing this as closer so just shut your faces.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-01-15 - Updated: 2013-01-15 - 590 words

Well let me start of saying that I already know I'm being a dick for doing this. I have had multiple accounts on the god forsaken site and each one I got rid of for my own reason. Now I'm doing something that all of you hate which is posting a stupid note in the Mcr section. Fuck how pathetic have I gotten.

Look I'm done. I started making these stupid accounts as a way to talk and say what ever the hell I want without anyone in my life finding out who it truly was, but I'm always found out one way or another. So the best way to keep people to just not know anything is to stop.

So I'm stopping.

This is the last time I will ever show any of my true emotions. This is the last time I let someone know what I'm thinking or feeling. This is the last time.

I'm locking up and throwing away the goddamned key.

Talking gets you no where. It brings agony,misery, and just all types of emotions that I don't want let alone need.

So it's time to get that mask back out. That hideous smile that just so fake. Yet no one will know. They will never no if its true or not. They will just think that I'm tired or I'm just having a bad headache.

Yep. That's it. That's all they need to know.

I'm done crying in front of people. All that gets me is fake responses like

Oh it's okay I'm here for you.

Oh it's going to get all better god has a plan for you.

Don't worry I'm here for you.

You can always talk to me.

I'll always be here to help.


I know if I talk you won't like it. I know that if people say they are there for me has false meaning. They just say that because they just want to feel like some fucking hero coming to save the day.

So there. That's why I'm just quitting.

No I'm not going to fucking kick the bucket or anything. I to many important people to do that to them.

So I'm going to give them what they want a smile!!

No one will ever know that I'm hurting again. Or that I'm so sleep deprived at times. Or that those dreams that I just blow off scare the fuck out of me!!

No one will know ever again.

I trust know one anymore. My trusting problem is back.

I barely trust myself have the fucking time.

But alas. I can't let people know that now can I.


That will put a damper on their mood. Hell the one time I do let me feelings show everyone starts spazzing out!!


So there this is my closer.

This is me closing my thoughts,feelings, emotions, everything.

So I guess the is my goodbye. Because the person that is typing this up is dead now. Never to be heard from again. The person people will so get to know and become accustomed to will be a complete stranger. No one will truly no where the true me went. They will just have to get used to this new fake ass me.

"No one cares how you feel as long as you act like everyone else expects you to act"- Frank Iero (This song is a curse)

The act is back in action!!!

But then again.... when did it ever truly stop..... :)
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