Categories > Original > Drama > Believe Me


by SilenceHurts 1 review

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-01-15 - Updated: 2013-01-16 - 160 words

So Dad called mom she turns out to know a doctor from the hospital my dad is taking me so now she insist he does my rape kit and the biggest shocker is that she's dating him. “Dad, it’s just weird!" I walk beside him very uncomfortable people are starring and judging, is it my clothes? Of course it is me. “just please her ok I know it’s very weird but we don't need your mother more upset with us." he grabs my hand and I pull away. “What’s wrong?" I hate touch; it just reminds me of... him. " please, just don't try to comfort me." we wait for a few minutes after my names been called I’m asked to take of my clothes again just another reminder of what he asked me to do. But I do after she's done taking samples from my nails someone walks in... Someone who promised to find me again.
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