Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Tasting Life

by PartyPoison 0 reviews

I am safe inside my head.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2013-01-15 - Updated: 2013-01-16 - 417 words - Complete

I close my eyes and press down, inhaling deeply. The release is instant. Numbness begins to soak my entire being, sinking into my skin and rushing down to my bones.
Just like your blood did as it covered my hands.

(Do you think it was destiny or fate? Or was this just chance; a luck of the draw?)

Every corner of my dreams is illuminated, wrapping and folding around me like a blanket. I can’t hurt here, I feel secure and yet untethered to anything. I am safe inside my head.
My mind couldn’t focus when I held you on that cold floor, but I hope for those last minutes you felt safe in my shaking arms.

(I know we were never the lucky type, but personally I think we got screwed over with the lives we were given.)

I can feel myself floating further into this twisted heaven, a veil covering my eyes from the horrors that surround me. This is a place I could forget myself in, a place I could hide forever. But I’m not asking for forever. A few moments, just a few moments of nothing are all I ask of this world.
They couldn’t get me to leave. Even once you were gone and out of my arms I was there covered in red, begging and pleading and screaming for you to come back.

(We were supposed to have forever. I promised you forever.)

When I wake up I’ll forget this feeling. The mess will become real and I don’t want that. I can’t have that. Don’t make me face what I’ve done quite yet.
Every night I wonder if I stay asleep long enough; if I step further into this ecstasy, will I find you?

(Does forever still exist?)

AN: It’s been a very long time since I have written, so I understand it might be a little confusing/painful to read. There are three things going on at once in this short blurb-one-shot-story-thing. First off we have his reality/present which remains in normal text. Then there are the memories/the past in italics. (And in the brackets are his thoughts on it all.) I didn’t reveal either of the characters names and so you can imagine this between whomever you would like and don’t have to see it with who I saw in my mind.

Comments and critique are always welcome. Please let me know your thoughts.
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