Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Love Story II

Chapter 9

by MCR-99 1 review

The funeral..of me. :( bring ya tissues gurls.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-02-02 - Updated: 2013-02-02 - 678 words - Complete

A/N:The funeral scene.Bring ya tissues,kids.Don't sue me if you lot cry btw..

xo Sadie.

Chapter 9.
Abbey's POV.

"Abbey,it's time to go.."Ellie mumbled from outside my door 2 weeks later.
"Okay.I'm ready."I say back,smoothing out my silky,black dress and coming out the doorway.
I saw Dad curled up on the bed of his room,through the open door.
"Ready? Uncle Mikey is downstairs waiting."Ellie says.
"Yeah,tell him I'll be one minute."I say,and Ellie runs out the door to Mikey's car.
I slip quietly into Dad's room and sit next to his curled up body.I gently place my hand on his back as he sobbed quietly.
"Dad.It'll be okay.C'mon,we've gotta go."I whisper.
"I can't."He sobbed,sitting up carefully."I can't see her being buried."
"What do you mean,Dad?"I ask.
"Before you were born,before me and your mom ever married.I made her a promise to never let her get hurt,ever.I broke that promise,Abbey."He cried.
"Oh."I say,resting my head on his shoulder."Dad.It's alright.We'll be there.All of us."
"You promise?"
"I promise.I hate to see you like this,Dad.It's time,to let go."
"Okay,let's go."He smiles weakly,and we desend towards the car.

"Abbey,would you like to say a few words?"The minister asked at the funeral.
I nod silently,then walk towards the podium,head looking down.
"My mom."I say into the microphone."My mom,was a wonderful person.She was beautiful.No-one can ever replace her."I say,with tears in my eyes."I'd like to perform a song for her,if that is okay?"
"That is fine,Abbey."
"This is one of my mothers favourite songs,by her favourite band.My Chemical Romance."I say,and begin singing the song Dad had taught me,The World Is Ugly.

These are eyes and the lies of the taken.
These are their hearts but their hearts don't beat like ours.
They burn 'cause they are all afraid.
For every one of us,there's an army of them.
But you'll never fight alone.
I just wanted you to know..

That the world is ugly,but you're beautiful to me.
Well are you thinking of me now?

The are the lives and the nights that they fade in.
These are their words,but their words aren't coming out.
They burn 'cause they are hard to say.
For every failing sun,there's a morning after.
But I'm empty when you go.
I just wanted you to know..

That the world is ugly,but you're beautiful to me.
Are you thinking of me,like I'm thinking of you?
I would say I'm sorry,though.
Though I really need to go.
I just wanted you to know.

I wanted you to know.
I'm thinking of you,every night.
Every day.

These are the eyes and the lies of the taken.
These are their hearts,but their hearts don't beat like ours.
They burn 'cause they are all afraid.
But,mine beats twice as hard.

'Cause the world is ugly,but you're beautiful to me.
Are you thinking of me,like I'm thinking of you?
I would say I'm sorry,though.
Though I really need to go.
I just wanted you to know,that the world is ugly.
But you're beautiful to me.
Are you thinking of me?

Stop your crying,helpless feeling.
Dry your eyes and start believeing.
There's one thing they'll never take from you..

And we'll never be the same.
Like ghosts in the snow,like ghosts in the sun.

Everyone erupted into a huge applause,some even cried.
By some,I mean me.
I looked over at Mom's coffin,her pale face.
Sleeping peacefully,forever.
I whispered to her,one last time.

"I just wanted you to know,I'm thinking of you.
Every night,every day.."

A/N:I just made you all cry,I'm sorry.
If you can,rate and review.

xo Sadie.
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