Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

bordering the game; a voice

by neonite 0 reviews

They were never supposed to be no matter how much and how badly they wanted it. They were sucked into a game, a game of life. The worst game we play, day by day.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-02-10 - Updated: 2013-02-10 - 389 words

The figure hidden high in the tree slowly began to speak "Gerard... Gerard is that you?" The figure spoke softly... so softly, Gerard barely heard the small voice. Gerard became somewhat afraid at that moment. It's hard to accept Frank being here after what had happened, what he had said to him lastly. "Gerard you found me... how did you find me?" Gerard had recognized the voice, it was Frank's for sure.

Gerard was then finding himself speechless. He tried to find the right words through his racing mind. Words, any words will do. All words except 'do you know who you really are?' those words are not meant to be spoken, not after the hell the band has entered. Through all the pain they have gone through Gerard barely found his own scratched voice.
"Frank... is that... really you?" the only words available were the ones to the question he longed to be answered.

Frank was not bewildered like Gerard but was worried. More than worried, by far. He knew Gerard lived in denial, in his head more than reality. He'd have to be specific and more careful about his choice of words.
"Gerard." He began "I know this doesn't make sense... and I know I'm supposed to be dead. But Gerard please listen to me. I couldn't force myself to leave this world." The confusing matter of which he spoke of made Gerard's face contort "I couldn't leave. Without... you" frank choked out the words he hated to admit after the mistake of committing his own death. "I'm sorry Gerard... I'm so sorry."

Frank was clearly upset with himself, Gerard took notice quickly. No matter how confused he was at the time, he was heart broken with Frank's confession. There's so much to take in this horrible realization. There is always pain where love comes from.

The hardship they had faced together was echoed through the wind whipping through Gerard's slick dark hair and the branches Frank was sitting upon. The pain was hitting their surroundings as the freezing fall showers coated the dying earth they are damned to walk upon. The icy cold realization,death is just too close. Close enough to try and touch, as close as Frank's ghostly figure sinking down from the tree, Frank's pale being inching cautiously to Gerard's shivering self.
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