Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cigarettes and sass

Grand finale

by XxlovefrankieroxX

Not so grand but hopefully you'll all enjoy it anyway. Thanks for all your support through this guys, its been a blast ;D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-02-18 - Updated: 2013-02-18 - 7625 words

Hey guys!
So this is it! The last chapter :D This story went into an entirely different direction to where I’d originally hoped, and the updates I know were horrendously slow, but all your rating and reviewing and endless support made getting this thing finished possible.
The ending is kinda lame... But I really hope you guys like it anyway. In the mean time, I just want to thank you all so much for everything, you’re all incredible and every little comment always meant the world. Sadly, this is the last story I will ever post on ficwad...
I’m totally kidding! Oh me... I actually have another story in mind and will be starting that as soon as I have time XD Uni work is still on top of me a lot but I will do my best to start the next story soon, so keep an eye out for that, I don’t know what it will be called yet but it will involve Frank as a merman so that’s exciting XD
So yeah... Thanks again for sticking through this guys, and I hope to see you all again ;D
Ray xo

“Grandma, seriously you don’t need to do this.” Gerard groaned, laughing lightly as Elena flitted about his apartment, dusting the surfaces and ordering Mikey about. The youngest Way had been forced to mop the kitchen floor and then vacuum the living room and bedroom for Frank and Gerard, the couple left to sit on the couch together and do nothing more than lift their feet when Mikey pushed the vacuum past.

“Oh nonsense, I’m glad to do it.” Elena beamed, spraying polish everywhere and making the whole place smell of lemon rather than the stale dusty smell it had acquired whilst they had been away. Gerard had been staying at Elena’s for the past four months, healing slowly and commuting to work from there once he had been strong enough to do so. He’d had a few tough days where he’d had to call in sick and work from her house, but he had mostly been fine. Frank had stayed with him for the first two weeks and had then came to visit every day or as much as he could as the months rolled by. Mikey had been back to college but was now on Christmas vacation and had begrudgingly agreed to help clean Gerard’s apartment with Elena now that Gerard had returned.

Gerard had hoped to come back home two months ago, but Elena had been overprotective and insisted on him staying with her for as long as he could bear. It had helped out with Frank since Elena’s house was closer to his apartment, just a small cheap place he stayed at when he wasn’t away on ‘business’. Recently though he had been in Jersey constantly, working at getting himself his own store and setting up and only doing a few photo shoots and solo videos when he needed a little extra cash.

“Thanks for doing this.” Gerard sighed, smiling at Mikey who chuckled and shrugged.

“Don’t mention it, you can clean my place when I get one.” He smirked, shoving Gerard lightly before carrying the vacuum back to the cupboard he had got it from as Gerard chuckled and leant closer to Frank. He was planning to go with him in the morning to take a look at Frank’s shop which was now fully set up and had been
In business for two weeks. Gerard couldn’t wait to see it, he had been eager to help set it up but Frank had been determined to do it on his own. Plus Gerard’s wound still pained him sometimes when he did any heavy lifting, but Frank knew the artist didn’t like to admit that.

Christmas was now only two weeks away and Elena had been very disappointed that Gerard wouldn’t continue to live with her over Christmas but the artist was going stir crazy being away from his own home. He and Frank would still spend Christmas day at Elena’s but Gerard couldn’t wait to decorate his own apartment and actually be able to have sex with Frank without having to worry about his grandmother hearing him. Having to sneak quietly to his room like a pair of horny teenagers hiding from their parents had been exciting at first but now it was just infuriating.

Frank glanced at Gerard as they sat together, smirking when their eyes met. It seemed they both only had one thing on their mind now that they were back in Gerard’s apartment and they struggled to keep straight faces as they waited for Elena and Mikey to finish their cleaning spree.

Once the apartment had been cleaned from top to bottom Elena was finally satisfied and she grinned as she made her way into the kitchen to cook them all dinner. They had bought some groceries on the way, Elena had even paid for it all making Gerard feel like a child or something. He didn’t mind her doting on him so much, but he wished she would stop. His wound was fine now, it was already just a pink scar and soon it would turn pearlescent and be out of mind. He got by from day to day with no trouble, it only pained him every now and then but the hospital had assured him that it would get better and better every day. It would never fully stop giving him trouble, that was just the price to pay after getting shot. But Gerard certainly didn’t need to be babied.

“Grandma let me help you.” He called, getting to his feet to help Elena in the kitchen but she scoffed and shook her head as she tied an apron round her waist.

“Absolutely not!” She scolded, pointing a wooden spoon at Gerard. “Sit yourself back down and chat to you brother, I don’t need any help.” She said sternly, Gerard groaning and going to complain but then suddenly Frank was prancing past him, practically skipping into the kitchen as he grabbed a second apron from by the cooker.

“Let me help you Elena! I love cooking.” He beamed, his sparkling eyes impossible to resist and Elena melted instantly, giggling and smiling as she shook her head.

“Oh Frankie, you really don’t have to.” She laughed, though she didn’t stop him from putting on the apron and grabbing all the vegetables ready to start chopping. Gerard scowled and rolled his eyes, still stood in the doorway but both Elena and Frank were ignoring him now.

“Grandma I want to help.” He whined, hating to see her doing everything for him but Elena only scoffed and glared at him.

“Gerard for goodness sake, I won’t ask you again. Go and sit with your brother.” She ordered, Gerard frowning and folding his arms in a huff as Frank giggled quietly.

“You’re letting Frank help.”

“Gerard!” Elena snapped, slamming her spoon down and turning to glare at Gerard with her hands on her hips. It was a look both Gerard and Mikey had received many times as children when they were getting up to no good and on instinct Gerard jumped and scuttled out of the kitchen to sit beside Mikey on the sofa instead. Elena smirked and turned back to her cooking with a smug grin, Frank still chuckling quietly to himself. Without Gerard knowing they glanced at each other and then quickly shared a high five.

Gerard sighed and pouted sulkily to himself, glancing at Mikey and sharing a bemused look before they both shrugged and then turned to look back at the TV. Mikey had put on a movie and so they just sat quietly together, making quiet comments about it every now and then but mostly they just sat comfortably together. When Frank glanced at them from the kitchen he couldn’t help but smile. He knew the brothers were close and he loved seeing them just spend time together.

Once Elena and Frank had finished cooking they all sat together at the small kitchen table, laughing and chatting as they ate. Elena poured plenty of wine for them all, except for Mikey who had the task of driving her home since he was staying with her. He still joked around with them all though, sniggering as he told Frank stories from their childhood and made it his mission to embarrass Gerard as much as he could.

“I remember when we were like, six or something, we went to visit grandma at the bakery she worked at right? And... Oh God...” Mikey began laughing to himself as Frank grinned, Gerard groaning as he knew where this was going.

“Mikey, just shut up and eat your dinner.” He growled but Frank smirked.

“No no, carry on Mikey I think I need to hear this.” He grinned, Mikey nodding and turning to Frank, taking a deep breath to calm his laughter.

“Well. At this bakery they had a new guy just start who we’d never met before. He was pretty cool, into comic books and stuff –”

“And totally gorgeous.” Elena added in, sighing as she swirled her wine round her glass and smiled wistfully at the ceiling. “Tall, slim and handsome. He had dark hair and these stunning green eyes, oh Frankie you would have loved him.” She purred, Frank sniggering as Gerard slowly turned redder and Mikey grinned mischievously.

“Well, Gerard certainly did.” He drawled, making the older man kick him hard under the table but Mikey only laughed loudly along with Frank. “God it was hilarious! This guy was giving us freshly baked cookies and telling us about superman and stuff, just being nice ya know? And Gerard just spent the whole time staring at him with these goo goo eyes. He must’ve made the poor guy so uncomfortable.” Mikey snorted, laughing still as he took a sip of his drink and Gerard groaned.

“That was about the first time I started to get my suspicions that he might be gay.” Elena winked at Frank before smiling warmly at Gerard. “That and the fact he had such a love for feather boas.”

“Okay, can we stop talking about me now.” Gerard groaned, pouting though his eyes sparkled with life as Frank laughed and shoved him gently. “I was not giving that guy goo goo eyes. I was six years old okay I wasn’t attracted to anyone, all I cared about was superheroes.”

“And feather boas.” Mikey added, causing Frank to fall about laughing again and Gerard groaned, laughing a little himself as he shoved Frank and shook his head.

“I hate you all okay, I hope you know that.” He smirked, Elena giggling as Frank and Mikey clung to each other through their laughter. To Elena the picture was all too perfect... Seeing Gerard so hopelessly in love with such a wonderful man, to be able to sit with them both and share a meal with them and Mikey and laugh and for it to just feel so home some as this. She had no doubt that Gerard and Frank were perfect for each other and she truly believed they were going to be together for a very long time.

After the meal was finished and the four had chatted for another couple hours Elena and Mikey finally took their leave. Elena hugged both Frank and Gerard tight to her for a long while, kissing both their cheeks and smiling as she said goodbye to them, reminding them to be over bright and early Christmas day so she could open gifts with them before dinner. Gerard chuckled and promised they would, smiling as they hugged Mikey quickly too and then waved them goodbye, Gerard waiting until they disappeared down the corridor before he slowly shut the door.

“Well, that was a nice evening.” He commented as he turned round, smirking when he saw Frank had moved and draped himself across the couch, grinning deviously at him.

“Mhmm... it was...” He purred his agreement, grinning as Gerard smirked and made his way over to him. “I thought they’d never leave though. I’ve been dying to just get you alone all day.” He sighed dramatically, sitting up as Gerard sat down on the sofa beside him and he was quick to turn and plonk himself in Gerard’s lap, facing him. “Hey lover...”

“Hey.” Gerard laughed softly, resting his hands on Frank’s waist where he was straddling his lap. “What’d you want to get me all alone for huh?” He asked playfully, sighing and closing his eyes when Frank leant forward to start kissing gently up the slope of his neck. “Oh...”

“Guess what came in the post today...” Frank purred, his voice low and seductive as he kissed up towards Gerard’s ear and began nibbling on the lobe.

“Mm... What?” Gerard asked softly, smiling as Frank’s breath tickled his neck, making him quiver slightly, his body already heating as he anticipated what was to come. God, it was going to feel so good to be able to do whatever they wanted without having to worry that anyone was going to hear them.

“You know our tests we took?” Frank purred, still kissing gently as he referred back to a full STD screening both men had taken together just a couple weeks prior. Although Frank no longer needed to do that because of quitting his job, he had told Gerard he thought it was only fair they proved to each other they were both clean despite already knowing they were just so they could make that real commitment to each other.

“Mhmm... They came back?” Gerard smiled. Not nervous at all since he already knew neither of them had anything. Frank smiled and nodded, pulling back from where he was still kissing at Gerard’s neck to look at him.

“Uhuh. We’re both clean.” He beamed. He of course had known that would be the case but it was still good to see it there in paper form, it was still good to know that he and Gerard could go bare together and that it would be perfectly safe. The very thought alone was enough to get Frank hard. “Now I get to do whatever I want with you...”

“Mm... Like shower sex?” Gerard smirked playfully, laughing as Frank nodded and leant forward to meet him in a soft kiss.

“Mhmm... Like shower sex...” He nodded, kissing Gerard gently and smiling against his lips. It didn’t take long for the two men to get lost in each other’s soft kisses, the touches light at first but growing slowly more passionate as minutes ticked by. Neither man was in a rush to do this, they had been waiting for this day for months and they wanted to take their time and savour every second.

Gerard sighed and wrapped his arms tighter around Frank, pulling his body against his own until no gaps were between them. Frank tangled his hands into Gerard’s hair and held on firmly but without tugging too much, smiling as he kissed him long and slow and deep.

“Mm...” Gerard sighed, arching under Frank’s touch and just feeling incredible. It had been too long since they’d been able to do this without worrying about anything and he smiled as he worked his lips against Frank’s, their tongues entwining for a moment before drawing back. Gerard sucked on Frank’s lower lip and then nibbled against it, chuckling quietly with him before he broke the kiss so that he could nuzzle his lips against the base of Frank’s throat and kiss up.

“Oh...” Frank sighed, closing his eyes and tilting his head back as Gerard kissed his way beneath his chin and then over it, kissing all the way back to his lips before they met in another, more heated kiss.

For a long while the two men kept their hands above the belt, just working on kissing each other until their lips felt swollen and their breathing was heavy. Frank had started to push his hips down against Gerard’s, rutting needily against him as both men’s erections strained in their pants. Neither could resist any longer and Frank growled as he slid off Gerard’s lap and pulled the older man up with him.

“Bedroom.” He panted against his lips, Gerard nodding and continuing to kiss Frank as they pawed at each other and stumbled together into the bedroom which Mikey had fully cleaned for them. The bed was freshly made and perfectly neat, but pillows were soon kicked everywhere as the two men fell down onto it and began to roll around. They chuckled breathlessly as they awkwardly tried to tear off clothes without breaking the kiss too much, their arms getting stuck in sleeves and their legs in their jeans until at last they were finally both naked on the bed.

“Ugh, thank God.” Frank groaned, laughing softly as he lay down on top of Gerard and pinned his wrists above his head so that he could lean down and kiss him fiercely. Gerard groaned and bucked his hips up, desperately seeking friction against his erection as he kissed Frank hungrily. In the few months he had been at Elena’s whenever he and Frank could sneak away together they would usually just share quick messy hand or blowjobs, but the few times they had had sex Gerard had continued to bottom and he had now lost all fear towards it and found that he actually much preferred it to being on top; just as Frank had predicted.

“Mmph... Mmm....” Gerard groaned, allowing Frank to just ravage his mouth as they lay on the bed together. They were both achingly hard and Gerard was eager to feel all of Frank as soon as possible. “Fuck... Frankie, baby I want you so bad... Please...” He mewled, tugging gently at Frank’s hair and sliding one hand down his body to grip at his ass and pull him closer as they rubbed against each other. Frank groaned into Gerard’s mouth and sucked hard against his lower lip before breaking.

“Fuck, me too.” He gasped, bucking his hips down to grind their cocks together before forced himself to stop so that he could lean across and grab the lube from the bedside drawer. His fingers brushed against small square packets and he grinned knowing they weren’t going to be needing those anymore.

“Mm... Gee, I can’t wait to feel all of you.” Frank groaned, turning back to his lover and kissing him passionately again as he snapped the cap of the lube open and began working it over his fingers. Gerard groaned and nodded, spreading his legs wide in invitation as he ran his hands all over Frank.

Frank kissed Gerard again for a long moment before he began to trail his kisses down his body, starting just beneath his ear and sucking and nibbling his way down to his chest, over his nipples and then further to his midriff. The whole time Gerard quivered with anticipation, groaning quietly and whimpering as his cock throbbed and ached.

“Mmph... God Gee, I feel like we haven’t done this in ages.” Frank groaned, nibbling down Gerard’s thighs as he waited for the older man to position a pillow under his lower back to help lever his ass up so Frank could start rubbing his fingertips gently between the globes of his ass.

“A – Ah! M – Me too Frankie... Nnghh... Feels so good.” He groaned, arching his back slightly and gasping as Frank moved his kisses up his inner thigh to breathe lightly over his balls. He gazed up at his lover through his eyelashes, smirking as he slowly lapped his tongue against his balls and then slowly sucked one into his mouth as he nudged the first finger inside Gerard.

“Oh fuck!” Gerard gasped, covering his mouth with his hands to stifle his moans before he remembered they weren’t at Elena’s anymore and he moved his hand away again, moaning freely and encouraging Frank with broken, passionate phrases.

Frank sighed and groaned a little himself, moving to lick away from Gerard’s balls and up the length of his shaft as he worked his finger in and out of him. He loved being able to hear him moaning so openly and whimpering for more, there was no sound more beautiful to Frank and he was quick to suck Gerard into his mouth as he pressed a second finger inside him.

Frank sighed in quiet delight and began to bob his head up and down as he thrust his fingers deep and slow, scissoring them to stretch Gerard open. He swirled his tongue around his tip and gathered the taste of the pre cum building there, causing his own cock to twitch where it hung engorged and heavy between his legs. He was desperate to touch himself but he resisted, knowing he would cum too soon if he did.

For a long while Frank just focussed on sucking Gerard and prepping him, driving him to the edge of orgasm before he pulled away when Gerard tugged on his hair and begged him to stop. Frank grinned as he leant back, drawing his fingers out of his lover and licking his taste off his lips. Gerard gazed at him through half lidded eyes, panting softly and wincing as his cock twitched painfully. He felt close to cumming but his pleasure soon subsided to a bearable pitch as Frank crawled up his body to meet him in a tender kiss.

“You ready love?” Frank purred, kissing gently along Gerard’s jaw and cheekbones before pecking his lips gently again. He picked up the lube again and poured some into his palm to start rubbing down the length of his erection, working his fist over himself and moaning quietly as Gerard slid his hands up his back.

“Mmm... God, I’m so ready.” Gerard whispered, his voice somewhat slurred from the pleasure he was feeling. He couldn’t wait to feel Frank inside him and as soon as the younger man pressed his tip against his ass Gerard began to push himself down, desperately trying to get Frank inside him as fast as possible.

Frank groaned and pressed forward a tiny bit faster though he was still careful not to move too quickly despite Gerard’s eagerness. He was still taken away by how well Gerard responded to bottoming after all the time it had taken to convince him to try, and Frank moaned huskily as his cock throbbed. He knew he wasn’t going to last long at this rate, as he sank inch by inch into his lover the sensation of being able to feel him skin on skin was almost too much.

“Oh God...” He breathed, tucking his face into Gerard’s neck as he pressed inside him until he couldn’t move any deeper. For a minute both men just held perfectly still, panting together and clutching one another tight. Gerard’s fingers were pressing hard against Frank’s tattooed back and he whimpered as he lifted his hips further and gasped for breath. Feeling Frank bare inside him was making his cock leak pre cum all over his stomach and he practically begged for him to move.

“Frankie God I... Fuck...” He groaned, arching his back and moaning loudly when Frank began to slowly pull out of him almost all the way before pushing back in. His hands clutched tighter to Frank and he felt his muscles clench tight , his abdomen rolling with pleasure and he squeezed his eyes shut as he gasped. “Nnghh... Slow.”

“Yeah... Yes... Yeah...” Frank panted, nodding his agreement, knowing if they didn’t keep things slowed down then they were both going to cum within seconds. Frank had had sex bare before, but it couldn’t compare to this. Gerard was hot and tight and he loved him.

Gerard was beyond himself as Frank began to ever so gently rock inside him, thrusting deep but slow as they held onto each other. It felt like there wasn’t a single gap between them, Gerard’s arms were wrapped around Frank and Frank’s hands were cradling the back of his head, holding him up so he could kiss him weakly between soft sighs and heavy breathing.

Gerard sighed and moved to tuck his face into Frank’s neck once their kissing had just become breathing into one another’s mouths. He inhaled the lingering scent of his lovers cologne and rocked his hips up slightly, whimpering as pleasure worked through him. He could feel every twitch and throb of Frank’s cock inside him and he was able to tell just how close the younger man was as they worked together to change the angle of penetration until Frank started to rub against Gerard’s prostate.

Due to the gentle, deep way Frank was moving inside Gerard once his tip touched against that special spot he remained against it, just rubbing and creating friction as he leaked pre cum against it and tangled his hands into Gerard’s hair. Both men were beginning to find their voices again, moaning breathlessly as they clung to one another and tried to hold back their orgasms for as long as possible.

Gerard groaned and tipped his head back just enough so that his open mouth was level with Frank’s, both men had their eyes squeezed shut but they could imagine perfectly how the other looked, panting into one another’s mouths and glistening with sweat. Gerard could feel his orgasm rising inside him, making his balls tighten and his cock grow harder than ever as Frank rubbed against his prostate. He whimpered and groaned, trying to find the words to warn Frank how close he was but he just couldn’t make his lips form words.

Frank moaned huskily and pressed a soft, weak kiss to Gerard’s lips before he just went back to trying to breathe. He could feel how close Gerard was through the increasing clenching of his muscles and he began to move just a tiny bit faster, moving one hand out of Gerard’s hair to wrap around his erection instead, gripping the base tight before he began to pump his hand up and down his shaft.

“O – OOOH!” Gerard clamped his legs around Frank’s hips and arched his back high, crying out as his orgasm suddenly hit him hard and came hard across his stomach, his cock jerking in Frank’s hand as he spilt rope after rope of cum onto his skin.

The sensation of Gerard’s muscles pulsating around Frank’s length was enough to send the younger man into his own climax, moaning and gasping as he came inside Gerard. For a moment he could only press deep inside him and hold still, moaning huskily as he spilt his release and shivered through the afterglow. His orgasm seemed to last an age, and when he finally pulled out of Gerard both men felt utterly boneless.

Gerard groaned and grimaced slightly when he felt Frank’s cum dripping out of him. He wriggled slightly and slowly opened his eyes to look at Frank, smiling slowly at him and sighing.

“Frankie...” He purred, his voice husky and broken and he smiled when Frank leant forward to kiss him lightly. “I love you...”

“I love you too Gee.” Frank sighed, stroking his hand down to gently brush against the scar left from the gun wound. Gerard sighed but smiled, gazing at Frank sleepily and sharing kiss after kiss with him before the two men snuggled down together, wrapped up in the duvet where they soon fell asleep.


“I’m thinking of maybe setting up a workshop too, so I can make my own guitars ya know?” Frank smiled as he walked up the stairs to the apartment with Gerard, their hands linked. “I mean, I don’t mind importing everything but I think it might be nice to make original ones too, if I can.” He grinned, discussing the guitar shop with Gerard. The couple had been to the shop together that morning so Gerard could finally see it and the artist was still beaming with pride. He was so happy Frank had managed to set it up all on his own and it looked like it was going to become quite popular already.

“I think that’s a good idea.” Gerard nodded, grinning as he glanced at his lover as they walked up the stairs to the apartment. “Have you ever tried making a guitar before?”

“Once, with my dad.” Frank smiled, walking up the stairs slowly. “I was only like, fifteen or something. But it worked. But that was only an acoustic, I’ve never tried to make an electric one before. I’m sure I can find out how though.” He beamed, certain he’d be able to do it. He was pretty good with hands on stuff and he loved making things. “Maybe you could do the paint jobs for me.” He winked at Gerard, chuckling with him as they rounded the corner towards the apartment and stopped dead in their tracks.

Sitting outside their apartment was a man. He was hunched over his knees, resting his chin against them and he was wearing all black clothes including a hoody with the hood pulled up, but both Gerard and Frank could see the blonde hair falling forward to hide his face and it didn’t take them a moment to realise who it was.

“Oh my... Bert!?” Gerard gasped, letting go of Frank’s hand and charging forward as the man looked up. “Bert! What the hell are you doing here!?” Gerard gasped, not sure if he wanted to hug Bert or hit him as the younger man rose to his feet. He was smiling timidly at Gerard and that was enough for the artist to decide to just hug him. He threw his arms around him and held him close, Bert laughing quietly into his ear.

“Hey...” He mumbled, smiling and letting his hood drop down when Gerard released him. “Sorry to just show up out of the blue again, I thought it might be nice to just see you guys.” He shrugged, Frank stepping towards him with a frown.

“It’s about time. We haven’t heard from you for four months Bert, where have you been?” He demanded, Gerard looking anxiously between them both as he turned to unlock the apartment door.

“Why don’t we talk inside?” He suggested, smiling hopefully. Bert nodded and looked apologetically at Frank, waiting until they had walked into the apartment and Gerard had got them all coffee before he began to explain.

“Look, I’m sorry I just disappeared on you guys –”

“Sorry!? You’re sorry!? You were fine! You looked back at us – Gerard had been shot and you just ran off! We needed you then Bert, and you just ran for it, after all we’d done for you!”

“I know! I know I’m sorry.” Bert whimpered, gripping his coffee cup tighter and huddling further inside his hoody. “I really am sorry guys. I wanted to come back but I was just so scared. I know Jeph got hit by that bus but... I dunno, it was like all I could think of was what if he got up again? He’d be even angrier and I just couldn’t handle that.” He whimpered, tears in his eyes. “I know it was stupid, I could tell he was probably dead but just... I don’t know how to explain it. When you’re that afraid of someone... When just the sight of them makes you feel like you can’t breathe I... I just couldn’t stand there. I didn’t even think, I just ran. I know it was stupid. I’m so sorry...”

“Look, it doesn’t even matter.” Gerard sighed, squeezing Frank’s knee to stop him from talking when he leant forward and opened his mouth, clearly about to go into another rant. Gerard could understand why Frank was angry but he personally just wasn’t. He could understand why Bert was afraid and either way they had all healed, he didn’t want to hold a grudge for this.

“But Gee –”

“Just stop.” Gerard sighed, though he smiled warmly at Frank, taking his hand instead and squeezing gently as he kissed his cheek. “Honestly it doesn’t matter. If I was as afraid as you Bert I probably would have ran too. You couldn’t have known for sure Jeph was dead so I get it. It’s fine.”

“Yeah okay, that’s fine.” Frank scoffed, still frowning though as he looked at Bert. “You could have come back sooner though. Why did you wait four months to come back and see us? Weren’t you worried about Gerard at all? Didn’t you think we might be worried about you?” He demanded, not really angry just hurt that Bert had taken so long to come here. He hated to admit it but he had been worried about him, wondering where he had gone and if he was okay. Now that he was seeing him he was relieved, but with the relief came a sense of irritation that Bert clearly hadn’t been as worried about them as they had of him.

“Of course I was worried about you.” Bert sighed, forcing himself to meet Frank’s gaze though he just wanted to curl up and hide. “I was really worried. I thought I might never see either of you again, I didn’t know if Gerard was gonna be okay or anything. I really wanted to come back but I was worried if I did then it’d get the police involved.” He sighed, looking imploringly at Frank. “There were so many people on the street and I knew because Gee had been shot and Jeph was hit by the bus then the police would get involved. An eyewitness was bound to have seen me and I didn’t know what story you might have told the cops... I was just scared if I came back before the whole thing had died down then the police would somehow get involved again and either me, or all of us would have been arrested. I just.. I was scared you might have told them I was bad news or something.”

“We wouldn’t do that.” Frank scoffed, though he blushed slightly, unable to deny that it was a fair enough of reason. He hadn’t thought that Bert would think so deeply into things. “But why come back now? Do you need something?” He asked, Gerard shoving him gently and scowling at him but Bert only smiled weakly and shook his head.

“Actually I guessed things would have calmed down enough for me to come visit you now. And... for a change... I don’t need anything.” He smiled, looking at Gerard with sparkling eyes. “I wanted to tell you, whilst I’ve been away I focussed on getting back on my feet. I decided I was sick of relying on people, especially you guys. I didn’t wanna come back until I was coping again and... Well, I’ve been totally clean the last four months. I got into a housing scheme and now I have my own place, and I work at supermarket too. Just as a cleaner so its ya know... unsociable hours and not great but, it’s a job anyway and its getting me by until I can find something better.” He shrugged, smiling shyly and Gerard couldn’t help but beam at him.

“Really? Bert that’s so great!” He grinned, getting up to pull Bert into another tight hug and he realised that the blonde man really was better. He wasn’t as skinny as he had been, and his hair was now clean and soft. He looked healthy and Gerard couldn’t be happier for him. Even Frank relented and smiled.

“That is great Bert.” He agreed, getting to his feet too and sighing as he lay a hand on his shoulder. “I’m glad things are better for you...” He said gently, hugging him too once Gerard had released him and Bert sighed, smiling as he hugged Frank close for a moment.

“Thanks... And I really am sorry about everything.” He whispered, Frank shaking his head and shrugging.

“It’s fine. I’m sorry for snapping I just... I have temper.” He chuckled, Gerard smirking and nodding his agreement as he kissed Frank’s cheek gratefully.

“You can say that again.” He teased, laughing when Frank thwacked him.

Now that the anger had disappeared the three men sat down together and just caught up on all they had missed. Bert went into detail on how he had managed to turn his life around and Frank and Gerard told him all about what they had done in the past four months. All about Gerard’s healing process, living with Elena and Frank quitting his job to open the guitar shop. It soon became clear to all of them that things were looking bright for each of them and they soon couldn’t keep their smiles off their faces.

“So Bert, who will you be spending Christmas with?” Gerard asked brightly, causing the blonde to blush and bite his lip.

“Oh err; I’ll just be by myself actually.” He shrugged, smiling when both Frank and Gerard looked horrified and he chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s not a big deal. I’ve only ever spent Christmas with Jeph really and I’m glad to be rid of him. I’ll just relax, get a takeout or something.”

“You can’t spend Christmas alone.” Gerard mewled, his heart breaking at the thought of Bert sat alone in some scummy apartment on Christmas day, nothing but takeout food for company. “Why don’t you spend Christmas with us? We’re going to my grandma’s but she really won’t mind an extra person.”

“Elena’s?” Bert smiled, remembering Gerard’s grandma from when they had dated. He had only met her a couple of times but he remembered her well. “I’m not sure she’d want to see me...”

“She would!” Gerard insisted, knowing that Elena remembered Bert too. She knew about Gerard having taken care of him for the past few months, and she also knew he had ran off but now that he was back all was forgiven and Gerard was sure she wouldn’t want Bert alone either. “Seriously, we’ hate to think of you all alone, right Frank?”

“Sure.” Frank nodded, smiling softly at Bert. He had been looking to spending Christmas with just Gerard but he didn’t mind inviting Bert to Elena’s. As long as he still got Christmas morning with Gerard then he was happy. “You can’t spend Christmas alone Bert, at least come and have dinner with us.”

Gerard beamed at Frank and squeezed his hand, grateful he was encouraging Bert to join them too and he softly pecked Frank’s cheek to show his thanks as Bert considered the offer. He wasn’t sure he should agree but on the end he couldn’t resist such a kind offer and he sighed, smiling as he nodded.”

“Alright... As long as it’s okay with Elena then I’ll come.”


Christmas day rolled round quickly after that. The final weeks were spent with Frank and Gerard hastily finishing their Christmas shopping together and decorating the apartment. They bought a tree and spent an afternoon together listening to Christmas songs and decorating it. They were both in high spirits and Gerard was beginning to feel like life couldn’t get any more perfect. It was hard to think that barely a year ago he had been a hopeless fan of Frank’s, watching his videos whenever he could and masturbating over them whilst assuming he would never meet a man he could ever love.

He had been right about one thing. He couldn’t love anyone but Frank. But he had been wrong to think Frank would never look twice at him. Now a day’s Gerard often forgot that he and Frank had ever began their relationship by meeting at the porn convention, especially now that Frank worked in the guitar shop, Gerard sometimes forgot the younger man had been a porn star at all. He usually remembered after sex once Frank had given him another mind blowing orgasm. Gerard had never imagined he’d be able to bottom, let alone get such a fulfilling sex life out of it and thinks were just simply magical.

When Christmas morning came round he and Frank spent a while in bed just entwining themselves around each other and making love until they simply couldn’t anymore. It was better than any material gift but Frank still jumped excitedly out of bed once they’d rested a little more and started squealing about presents. Gerard chuckled and shook his head fondly, forcing his aching body to move so he could wrap his bath robe around himself and follow Frank into the living room where they had put their presents under the tree.

“I wanna pick one first!” Frank announced as he walked back into the living room, a tray in his hands laden with biscuits and coffee. Gerard smirked and shrugged, sitting down on the floor besides the tree and smiling when Frank sat down next to him.

“Go ahead.” He chuckled, picking up a biscuit as Frank crawled close to the tree and began sorting through the presents for him. He picked up a few and shook them, his eyes alight with excitement as he slowly picked one. When he saw one buried beneath the rest, small and square, his heart lurched and he squeaked quietly, seizing it.

“This one!” He announced, holding it in his palm and Gerard smirked, nodding as his cheeks went a little pink and his heart started to race but he tried to look casual. He had considered buying Frank a ring and maybe asking him to marry him, but in the end he had decided it was too soon. Although he knew he wanted nothing more than to marry Frank he knew they shouldn’t rush things and there would be plenty of time for that sort of proposal later. Besides, this was already making Gerard nervous enough.

“Go ahead and open it.” He smiled as Frank caressed the shiny wrapping paper with his fingertips. The younger man was starting to look a little nervous himself and Gerard knew he was probably expecting a ring. Gerard wondered fleetingly if he should have bought one after all, but then Frank was tearing off the wrapping paper and he didn’t have time to think about it.

When Frank revealed a small black ring box his stomach lurched and his heart began to start racing even faster still. He glanced at Gerard with parted lips, wondering if it really was... He blushed, not wanting to jump to conclusions. He wasn’t sure what he’d do if it was a ring, he loved Gerard and he did want to be with him forever but God, was he ready for this? Frank swallowed thickly and ran his tongue along his lower lip, his hands trembling slightly as he slowly opened the lid of the ring box. When his eyes found the bronze key resting inside he felt his heart miss a beat and he looked at Gerard in surprise and confusion.

“A key?”

“Yeah I... I thought maybe it was about time you moved in.” Gerard chuckled nervously. The whole thing had seemed like a better idea in his head, but the wide grin that split Frank’s cheeks helped the older man to relax and he laughed quietly. “That’s the key to the apartment, if you want it.”

“If I want it!? Oh my God Gerard of course I want it! Oh God, thank you this is the best present ever!” Frank gasped, flinging his arms around Gerard’s neck and holding him tight, smothering him in kisses and laughing softly with him. He felt incredibly, his heart fluttering and his head spinning. This was better than a proposal, he decided. This he was definitely ready for and the thought of being able to wake up next to Gerard every morning just sent him into another flurry of excitement and Gerard could only laugh as Frank pawed all over him.

“Mm... Mm... I love you. I love you so much.” Frank groaned in between heated kisses to Gerard’s lips, the older man feeling a little taken aback but incredibly happy.

“I love you too Frankie.” He smiled, eagerly kissing him back.

And so it came to be that within a week Frank had moved in and the future was looking bright for the two men. They were incredibly happy with each other, although their ears rang with Elena’s frustrated lecture for weeks after them arriving two hours late for dinner due to their inability to stop making love in front of the Christmas tree.

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