Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cigarettes and sass


by XxlovefrankieroxX 7 reviews

We're almost at the end now guys. This is really just a filler.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2013-02-12 - Updated: 2013-02-13 - 5696 words

Hey guys,
So just a quick note - This chapter is pretty much just a filler just to act as a stepping stone to the next, and final chapter.
That’s right folks, the next chapter is going to be the last!
I’m hoping it wont take me too long to get it up here, but things being as busy as they are it’s hard to know when my next lot of spare time is. But I hope this chapter manages to tide you guys over, but I get the feeling its pretty boring :/
Please R&R like you always do and I’ll see you guys next time for the grand finale ;D

When Gerard woke up he was for a moment confused and disorientated. His head ached and the pain only increased when he tried to open his eyes and was faced with a blinding light. Immediately he squeezed his eyes shut again, groaning quietly as he lifted a hand and pressed it over his eyelids. His arms felt as if they were made of lead, his whole body seemingly ten times heavier than before. Every inch of him ached and the first thought that entered his conscious mind was that he wished he were dead.

“Gee?” The voice came to Gerard as if from a million miles away. As if it was separated from him by an ocean of water and then some triple glazed glass to boot. But he recognised it… He would always recognise it. It wasn’t the voice of an angel or of God, it was the voice of someone much more important and Gerard forced himself to try and open his eyes again so he would be able to see his gorgeous face.

“F – Fra… Fr-an… Frankie…” He mewled, his lips and mouth were dry and he felt like his throat had been stuffed with cotton wool. His head thumped with more pain and he squinted through the blinding light for a long moment before it was blocked out by a dark shape. At first it was just a silhouette but the more Gerard looked the more he began to distinguish features and crooked smile lit up his face. “Frankie…”

“Hey Gee.” Frank smiled; keeping his voice soft as he gently took one of Gerard’s hands between both his palms and held it to his chest. “How you feeling lover?” He asked softly, trying to swallow down the lump in his throat and not let Gerard see how upset he had been.

When Gerard had passed out Frank had been certain he was about to lose him for good. He had been distraught and panicking, but the small crowd that had formed around them had managed to pull him away from Gerard’s body just enough to give him some space as someone called for an ambulance. Frank had been comforted by someone, he didn’t even know if they had been a man or a woman he had been so worked up at the time, but they had managed to keep him as composed as possible until the paramedics had arrived and carted both he and Gerard to hospital.

Frank had been seen to quickly and after only an hour he had been good to go. His head had been checked over and he hadn’t needed stitches, though there had been a lot of concern at the placement of the wound. Frank hadn’t known being hit in the temple was so dangerous and the doctors had been very clear when they told him that if he had been hit any harder it could have ended much worse. As it was he had just needed a wad of cotton wool to get taped over his temple and he had been allowed to just wait for Gerard then.

Frank had known he should call Mikey or Elena, he didn’t know Gerard’s parents numbers or whether he even spoke to them, but he was sure he could ask a doctor to retrieve Gerard’s cell phone from his pocket so he could call someone. He knew he should ask, but in the end he just didn’t have the strength to call for them and make them worry, he could only bring himself to call the only person he could bear to see in that moment – Matt.

Matt had brought Brian with him to the hospital and the pair of them had sat with Frank in the waiting room as they waited to hear news of Gerard. The two men had comforted Frank as he had cried and shook, convinced that Gerard was going to die. Matt had been stern with him, gripping his shoulders and telling him firmly not to assume anything. It had been difficult for all of them, especially after hour after hour had ticked by.

In the end, after multiple police interviews where Frank had been delicately asked to tell in full detail what had happened; and Matt had finally taken the task of calling Mikey and Elena; a doctor had come to them in the waiting room to tell them how Gerard was doing…

“Mmph…” Gerard closed his eyes for a moment and groaned, considering Frank’s question. “Like death.” He finally decided, but the more he woke up the more he remembered and he began to realise he was lucky to be feeling anything at all. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Frank chuckled, his heart aching to know that Gerard was in pain but it was hardly a surprise. He continued to lean over the bed as he looked at him, his face pale and drawn from all his worrying the past few hours. “You’re very lucky, you know that?” He asked, his voice coming out as a broken croak and Gerard looked at him sadly.

“I guessed I must be.” He tried to chuckle, but in the end it just came out sounding like a pained groan and he struggled to sit up more.

“Hey, hey stay still.” Frank whimpered instantly, strong hands reaching from the other side and helping Gerard to sit up. The artist jumped in surprise and turned his head quickly to see who it was but sighed in relief when he saw it was only Matt. “You need to rest.”

“I know, sorry I… Thanks Matt.” Gerard sighed, smiling weakly at him and seeing for the first time that Brian was also there, sitting beside the bed. He looked tired but he smiled heartily at Gerard and waved a hand up at him.

“We called Mikey.” Matt told him, moving to sit beside Brian. “And your grandmother… She’s going to pick up Mikey from his college and then they’re going to come straight to see you. Elena wanted to come right away but I told her it’d be best if you had a moment to wake up and stuff first.”

“Jesus…” Gerard groaned, running a hand through his hair and feeling his heart squeeze in his chest. He could only imagine how much Elena was panicking, and Mikey too… He didn’t want to worry them. He hadn’t wanted to worry anyone but even in his dazed state he could see that all three men in the room had been worrying a lot. Frank looked positively ill and Gerard squeezed his hand gently where Frank was still holding it.

“Are you alright? You got hit didn’t you?” He mewled, looking at the patch over Frank’s temple but the porn star shrugged off his concern, lifting Gerard’s hand enough to be able to kiss his palm gently.

“I told you I’m fine.” He whispered, not caring about his own injury. It was nothing compared to Gerard’s and he just wanted him to be okay. “He only hit me… He shot you.” He sighed, his voice breaking a little and he looked at Gerard through the tears building in his eyes. “Can you remember all of it?”

“I think so.” Gerard nodded, biting his lip and trying to replay everything that had happened in his head. It hurt to think, and he really wanted nothing more than to just lie back down and go to sleep but he knew he needed to stay awake, for Frank’s sake. “I remember being shot, and seeing Jeph get hit by the bus… Then I can’t remember anything else. Is Bert alright?” Gerard suddenly felt panic course through him, realising that Bert was missing from the room. He couldn’t remember seeing him outside and he wondered if he had been shot or hit by the bus too.

“Jesus, he’s not.. He didn’t –”

“He’s fine, Bert’s fine.” Frank quickly cut Gerard off, kissing his palm again and again before he looked at him, his brow furrowing as he felt anger for the blonde course through him. He had been trying not to think about Bert too much, still feeling wounded to know he had just ran away… Just abandoned them there on the street. “I saw him on the opposite side of the road, he wasn’t hurt as far as I can tell. He ran off down some alley, I don’t know where he is.”

For a long moment Gerard was silent, staring at Frank in surprise before he slumped down against the pillows he was propped against and lowered his gaze to his blanket covered knees with a small ‘oh’. He wanted to believe that Bert hadn’t just abandoned them, but he certainly couldn’t deny that it seemed that way. After everything they had done for him, after taking a bullet because of his crazy ex Gerard had thought he would stick by them. He had known they had been hurt, he had even tried to lure Jeph away from them… Gerard couldn’t understand why after seeing Jeph get ran over Bert hadn’t just turned and come back to them.

“You’re sure he wasn’t hurt… Did anyone try to follow him?” He asked uncertainly, not wanting to believe that Bert would betray them after everything that had happened.

“No. Funnily enough I was too busy trying to take care of you.” Frank said a little snappily, Gerard wincing at his tone of voice and Matt got half out of his chair as he threw Frank a warning look but the shorter man had already realised his mistake and he shook his head at Matt, looking apologetically at him until he sat back down before he looked at Gerard.

“I’m sorry, I just meant… I was so worried about you at the time Bert was the last thing on my mind. I’m sorry.” He whispered, kissing Gerard’s knuckles but the older man only shook his head and apologised too.

“I know, I’m sorry too, it was a stupid question.” He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment and running a hand over them as his head swam. He felt awful, but he didn’t want anyone to worry anymore about him. At least he was awake. He knew he had been shot in the side but though the pain there was immense it wasn’t enough to distract him from the other aches and pains throughout his body. “So uh… How long have I been out?”

“About six hours.” Frank sighed, Gerard shuddering and breathing out a long exhale. Part of him was surprised he had been unconscious for so long, though he supposed it could have been worse.

“The doctors had to put you under for a while… You lost a lot of blood, almost three pints, you went into shock.” Frank took a deep breath as he felt the lump in his throat grow worse. He struggled to keep his voice level and not to cry, but he was still emotional after all the worrying he had been through. “Luckily the bullet didn’t hit any of your bones or organs, it was through and through. But if it had you almost certainly would have died, we thought we were gonna lose you as it was.”

“Alright Frank.” Matt said gently, sensing that the younger man was getting himself worked up again, tears starting to spill down his cheeks and he got up to stand beside him and lay a comforting hand on his shoulder. Gerard felt guilt wash through him for causing Frank to cry and he held his hand tighter, looking at him with apologetic eyes.

“I’m sorry…”

“God, what are you apologising for?” Frank scoffed, wiping at his eyes with his free hand and even managing to chuckle a little. “It’s not your fault. I’m just… Fuck, I’m so glad you’re okay.” He said shakily, Gerard nodding and hesitating a moment before he opened his arms up to him. He wasn’t sure if hugging him would hurt, but he couldn’t not do it.

Frank looked at Gerard’s opened arms and released a small choke before he leant forward and wrapped his arms around him. He forced himself to be delicate, though the urge to grab Gerard and just crush him to his chest was strong. He hugged him tight and kissed his cheek, whispering how scared he had been into his ear and whimpering over how much he loved him. He had told himself he wasn’t going to do this, but he just couldn’t hold the words back.

“I swear to God if you had died I don’t know what I would have done. I was so scared Gee, I thought I was going to lose you and I… I was so fucking scared. I’m so glad you’re okay, I love you so much. Like, God, so so much. I need you Gee, I can’t lose you I just can’t.”

“Shh, its okay. I know… I know.” Gerard sighed, gently stroking Frank’s back and closing his eyes as he held him. He could hear that Frank was crying softly but he didn’t mind, he managed to keep back his own tears though. He supposed part of him was still trying to come to terms with all that had happened, but feeling Frank’s warm body in his arms was soothing him more than anything.

“I love you too okay… So much…”

Matt smiled sadly as he looked at the two men and moved to go and sit beside Brian again. They kept silent, letting them have their moment though Matt smiled comfortingly at his partner and reached out to hold Brian’s hand and lace their fingers. Both men had been shocked to hear about what had happened, and were still getting their heads around all that Frank had told them. They had been just as scared of losing Gerard as Frank had been, but they understood that right now Frank and Gerard just needed to be comforted by each other.

When Frank eventually pulled back he pressed his lips gently to Gerard’s and both men relaxed into the kiss for a moment. It felt incredible to feel each other’s lips and Gerard held weakly onto Frank’s shoulders as they worked their lips against one another’s for a minute before Frank slowly pulled away. By now his tears had stopped and he was calming down again.

“I uh… I spoke to the police by the way.” He sighed, feeling drained and like he just wanted to sleep as he slowly sat down on the edge of the hospital bed, keeping his hands in Gerard’s. He knew that the older man was probably too exhausted to want to talk about this, but it was important that Frank told him now. “I didn’t tell them the whole truth…”

“Alright.” Gerard sighed, not surprised Frank hadn’t. He hadn’t even considered that the police would have been involved and he knew that he needed to know Frank’s story so that his would match when they undoubtedly came to talk to him. “What did you tell them?”

Frank glanced at Matt and Brian, biting his lip. Although they already knew the truth of what had happened and also knew the version of events Frank had told the police he still felt embarrassed to talk around them. He just felt ashamed over the fact he had lied to the police but he also knew it had been necessary.

“Well, they were obviously called because you were shot, and cos’ of the bus and everything, but none of the eyewitnesses at the scene knew anything other than that Jeph had ran out into the road.” He explained softly, Gerard nodding as he gazed at him through tired but attentive eyes. “I told them that Jeph had been in the flat when we got home but that we didn’t know who he was. I said we had forgot to lock the door and that he must have got in there just as we arrived back because he hadn’t taken anything yet. I told them we thought he was a thief and that you shouted at him to get out, and that when he saw us he panicked and pulled out the gun.”

“Did you tell them Bert was with us?” Gerard asked softly, wondering if any of the witnesses on the street had seen Jeph chasing Bert and knowing that if they had then Frank would have needed to have included him in the story.

“Well… I mentioned him, but I didn’t say we knew him.” Frank replied quietly, biting his lip as he hoped that was okay. He hadn’t wanted to tell them about their affiliation with Bert just in case it caused a whole lot of other drama. He didn’t trust the blonde anymore, and he didn’t want to tell the police about taking care of him since then he’d need to give them a reason why without including Jeph and he had just been unable to think that complicatedly.

“I told them that when Jeph got the gun out you tried to calm him down and reason with him, but that I panicked and ran out the door. I told them that I saw Bert out in the corridor, just walking down it and that I grabbed him and begged him for help. I said that the next thing I knew you were rushing out the door and that Jeph shot you just as you were going through it. The rest I just kept mostly as the truth… That me, you and Bert all ran downstairs and that I pulled you behind the staircase to hide but that Bert didn’t follow. I said that by the time we got outside Jeph was already in the road and that I didn’t see where Bert went.”

“Alright…” Gerard nodded, taking it in and deciding the story seemed believable to him. “Sounds good, Frankie.” He sighed, feeling so incredible drained. He closed his eyes again for a moment, loosely holding Frank’s hands. “I’ll make sure my story matches yours… Do you know what happened to Jeph?” He asked quietly, Frank nodding as he gazed worriedly at him.

“Yeah, he was announced dead at the scene.” He said gently, Gerard’s eyes fluttering open again so that he could look at Frank in slight surprise.

“Wow… Really?”

“Uhuh.” Frank nodded, biting his lip as he leant a little closer to Gerard and tenderly kissed his forehead. “The bus was only going like thirty miles an hour but… Well, it’s still a bus.” He shrugged, smiling weakly at Gerard. “I heard something about head trauma so I guess that’s what killed him specifically. But hey, at least he’s dead right?” He asked quietly, not sure if that was a heartless thing for him to say or not. Jeph was a person after all, and death was rarely a positive thing, but then he had nearly killed Gerard…

“Well I guess it’s a good thing we won’t have to worry about him anymore.” Gerard nodded, biting his lip and looking away from Frank for a moment as he thought about it. He was glad Jeph was dead, deep down, and he hoped that Bert knew he was gone so he would know he didn’t have to worry about him anymore either. But then thinking about Bert just made him feel even sadder… He couldn’t believe he had just run away.

“So, any news of when we can get out of here?”

“Not for another few days I’m afraid, Mr Way.” A voice from across the room answered Gerard’s question and he jumped in surprise, turning his gaze to a doctor who was just walking in through the door. She was carrying a clipboard and she smiled warmly at all four men as she shut the door behind her. “Though it is good to see you awake, we were worried it would take a few days for you to gain consciousness.”

Gerard stared blankly at the doctor, his lips slightly parted. She was checking a line of machines beside the bed, writing things down on her clipboard with a serious expression. Everyone kept silent, waiting for her verdict. When she finally turned to face Gerard she was smiling again, her eyes bright and kind.

“I’m Doctor Bennet; I was with the team of surgeons who treated you earlier today. I imagine your friends here have told you mostly of what happened?”

“Well… The basics. I know the wound was uh…” Gerard frowned, trying to remember how Frank had put it. “Through and through?”

“That’s right.” Bennet nodded, turning a page over her clipboard and smiling at Gerard. “You lost a substantial amount of blood but not so much that we had to do a transfusion. We’ve put you on a saline drip for now just to add up the liquid in your body until you’ve replaced the blood you’ve lost. It should only be a couple of days.” She assured him, tapping a small tube that was inserted into the back of his hand, attached to a bag of clear liquid hanging beside the bed. “You’re going to feel very tired for a couple of weeks I would imagine, just whilst your body gets to full health again, and you’ll need painkillers for the bullet wound for a month at least but we can explain that all properly when you sign out.”

“Okay.” Gerard mumbled, trying to take it all in when he really just wanted to sleep.

“There’s also a policeman outside who is eager to talk to you as soon as possible. Do you feel up to it now or would you prefer him to come back tomorrow?” Bennet asked, all bright smiles and sparkling eyes. Gerard resisted the urge to groan and bury his face into his pillow as Frank scowled.

“Tell him to come back tomorrow, he needs to rest.” He said firmly, a little annoyed that a doctor would even entertain the idea of having Gerard questioned now but Gerard sighed and shook his head, waving his hand flippantly.

“No no, it’s fine. I’ll talk to him now, send him in.” He decided, Frank glaring at him but he didn’t protest.

“As you wish.” Doctor Bennet smiled, nodding her head and then smiling at each man in turn before she turned and left the room. Frank sighed and looked at Gerard, squeezing his hand gently and frowning at him though his eyes were still caring.

“I wish you’d just rest.” He muttered, Gerard meeting his gaze and chuckling a little.

“I may as well just get it all out of the way.” He shrugged, lifting Frank’s hand to his lips so he could kiss his palm. “Once it’s all cleared up I can rest as much as I want.” He pointed out, Frank pursing his lips but he didn’t argue, supposing that Gerard was right. Besides, he couldn’t be mad at him when he was just so glad to see him alive.

The two men fell silent then, just gazing at each other and Frank sighed and slowly lowered his head when he felt his heart miss a beat. He was so in love it was ridiculous, and he just wished Gerard was strong enough to handle him diving on him and kissing him for all he was worth. He wanted to get out of this damn hospital and just be with his lover, to take him home and take care of him and just forget everyone else for a while. He wouldn’t go into work, he sure as hell wouldn’t let Gerard go into work, and they could just be together…

“Mr Way?” Frank was snapped out of his daydreams by a soft male voice, when he looked up there was a policeman in the doorway, someone different to who he had spoken to but he seemed pleasant enough. He was smiling gently at Gerard as he approached the bed, a notebook and pen already held in his hands. “I’m officer Neil. I just need to ask you a few questions, if that’s all right?”

“Sure.” Gerard sighed, gesturing for the cop to sit down in the last spare seat available on the opposite side of the bed to Matt and Brian. Officer Neil smiled and thanked the artist, sitting in the indicated chair though he immediately turned his gaze onto the other men in the room.

“I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask your friends to leave.” He said apologetically, Frank immediately scowling and tensing his body, prepared to fight the guy over it. “It’s just, this is a very serious matter as I’m sure you understand, and I need to take your statement with you alone.” Neil directed his speech to Gerard, casually ignoring how Frank was silently seething barely a foot away from him, his fists clenched.

Gerard glanced at Brian and Matt who nodded and got to their feet without protest. They smiled comfortingly at the artist before disappearing quietly out of the room together without another word, but Frank didn’t so much as budge. Gerard couldn’t help but laugh slightly, squeezing Frank’s hand gently so he would look at him.

“You heard the man, off you go.” He said playfully, Frank glaring at him and resisting the urge to snarl at the policeman.

“I’m not going anywhere without you.” He said strongly, Neil opening his mouth to speak but Gerard spoke over him.

“It’ll only be for a little while Frankie, and I’ll be fine. I’m not going anywhere.” He assured him, holding his gaze and just smiling comfortingly as Frank stared at him. At first the shorter man only tensed up more, but then eventually he groaned and relaxed, nodding with a scowl.

“Fine! I’ll wait outside.” He grumbled, leaning forward to quickly peck Gerard’s lips before he hopped off the bed and walked to the door, glaring threateningly at Neil the whole time before he slowly disappeared from the room and reluctantly shut the door behind him. Gerard bit back a smirk and looked to the policeman who was chuckling quietly.

“Protective, isn’t he?” He smiled, Gerard laughing quietly as he nodded.

“Yeah, he can be.” He agreed, feeling fairly relaxed even though his body still hurt and the pain in his side was getting gradually worse. He did his best to push it out of mind, wanting to focus whilst Neil asked him the questions.

Outside the room Frank was anxiously pacing the corridor, hating to be away from Gerard. Even though he knew he was being ridiculous and that the older man was perfectly alright he just wanted to be in there with him, holding his hand and making sure he really was fine. Opposite him Matt smirked and rolled his eyes fondly, grabbing Frank by the wrist to make him stop pacing.

“Calm down man, Jesus, he’s fine.” He scoffed, Frank glaring at him though his eyes showed his nerves.

“I know that.” He said a little snappily, biting his lip and glancing behind himself at the door. “I just worry about him…” He sighed, feeling again that sickening lurch of the stomach he had experienced when he had been running through the apartment block and had turned to see for the first time that Gerard had been shot. “I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to him…”

“Nothing’s gonna happen to him. He’s with a cop, he’s safe.” Matt said gently but firmly, turning Frank away from the door so he would stop staring at it. “That gunner guy is dead and you’re both perfectly fine. You’re gonna go home together in a couple days and it’s all gonna be okay. Okay?”

“Okay.” Frank nodded, agreeing with a small pout though he couldn’t help but smile and shove Matt gently after a moment. “Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. Now come on, I’m dying for a coffee. We may as well hunt down some food too whilst Gee’s busy.” He chuckled, taking Brian’s hand in his and guiding Frank along with his other hand as he led the way down the corridor to find the hospital cafeteria.


By the time Gerard had finished talking to the police he was feeling drained again, and Frank had simply come back into the room and sat beside the bed as he watched his lover drift to sleep. Doctor Bennet returned to check Gerard over again and assured Frank that all of his vitals were stable and they were keeping him in just in case, and to administer morphine and the saline drip. Frank had trusted her judgement, but he had still stayed awake non the less so he could keep an eye on Gerard and just make sure he really was fine.

Matt and Brian had left late in the evening. They had offered to stay but there were no beds and technically no visitors were allowed to stay the night and what with Frank already staying they didn’t want to push their luck. They promised to return in the morning and then Frank had been left with nothing to do but to watch as Gerard slept.

As the night wore on Frank found himself thinking a lot… Thinking about their relationship and his job, about the time they spent together and the restrictions he was laying on them. He knew that Gerard was fine about him being a porn star, and that when this whole thing was over and they were living their normal lives again it would just be expected that Frank would go on to keep making his videos and all would be well. They could even get tested so that they could start having sex without condoms, something Frank was now especially eager to try considering all that had happened. He didn’t want to lose Gerard, or even die himself, without having had that perfect closeness with him. He loved him more than anything, and he wanted to prove it.

He thought back to the time they had spent with Elena in the restaurant, how they had told her that Frank worked in a guitar shop. It seemed perfectly plausible to him. He loved guitars, and he could play one pretty well. He had actually always dreamt of being a musician, in fact, he wasn’t even sure anymore how he had ended up in the adult entertainment industry. He had wanted to make music, not porn. He knew now that that ship had sailed though, he had once dreamt of being famous but now he had tasted fame and it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Frank knew that if by some luck he managed to get famous for music instead eventually his ‘fans’ would discover his old videos and it would become some huge scandal. He guessed he could risk it but he didn’t really feel the same passion for making music that he used to. He still loved the idea of playing his guitar and making his own songs, but more for himself than for other people. And if he worked in a guitar shop he could do that. He could just jam whenever he had a spare moment, maybe even teach some kids how to play. He could make some of the instruments too, he was pretty sure he’d be able to do it, he’d always been a pretty hands on guy. In fact, the more Frank thought about it the more it appealed to him.

He could quit his job tomorrow if he wanted to and set up his own shop. His videos had gained him enough money that it was perfectly possible. Sure it was a gamble as to whether the shop would do well or not but Frank was certain that if Gerard supported him then he could do it. He could do anything with Gerard by his side…

Frank looked over at his lover then, smiling to himself and gently stroking his thumb over the back of Gerard’s hand. He looked peaceful… content. He didn’t look as if he was in pain, in fact he seemed to just be sweetly dreaming and it helped Frank relax. He moved to curl up in the armchair he was sat in, tucking his legs beneath himself and then resting his head down on the bed. He gazed at Gerard for as long as he could before exhaustion began to sink into him and he couldn’t stop his eyes from closing.

Finally, almost twenty four hours after the whole shooting had began Frank managed to get some sleep.
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