Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > More Auditions

More Auditions

by intoyouricyblues 6 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-02-26 - 180 words

Hi all, it is the one and only, Ari. . . :3 So I know I just started a story but I'm going to start another one. For the ones who didn't get in my first story, here's another chance to be in a different one. This is a post-apocalyptic story about a group of orphans who set out on an adventure to get to the CDC. What I'd need is:

My younger sister (she'd be six)
Gerard's lover
Frank's lover
Ray's lover

I might hold more auditions for this later so if you don't get in the first time, don't worry.

What I need:



Age (13-16):

Detailed Appearance:

5 words that describe your personality;

3 likes/dislikes:

Anything special about you? (health issues, talents, quirks):

Willing to get killed in this?:

How'd you end up in the orphanage? (If you're a lover):

Would you betray the group? (If you're a lover):

How do you feel about my younger sister? (If you're a lover):

That's it. Well, audition away! The results will probably be up later tonight or tomorrow so hurry! XO Ari
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