Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Killjoys rewritten

Chapter 2

by Killjoyechelon1 0 reviews

Is she all she seems?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-03-02 - 1035 words

I slept right through the flight, with my headphones in so no-one would disturb me, waking up as the plane hit the runway again with a jolt.
We then drove to our new house, in Jersey. I do not know that much about jersey, but thankfully Joanne had done her homework, and found her way around fairly easily., eventually pulling outside of a detached, modest little house with a front porch, that looked like something out of 'Little House on the Prairie' "Well, I do not know about you, but I am incredible tired! Fuck me!" I yawned, dragging my suitcases out of the back of her new SUV. Obviously, we had not been able to fly our old car over here, so that had been sold with the house. To the same buyer, in fact.
"I really wish you wouldn't swear so much Kat" Joanne sighed. I just rolled my eyes in reply. Swearing was just about the only way I sound like a normal teenager, not like the...well that is for later in the story. “Yes, i'm tired as well. I'll unpack for you tomorrow, while you go check out your new school. Then we'll decorate over the weekend, okay?"
"Okay. But I am going to unpack this one now, though. It's got my clothes and wash stuff in." I said, dragging my heavier suitcase up the stairs.
"Didn't you want the basement?" Joanne shouted after me, still standing by the front door, locking it for the night. "We have a basement?" I ran back down, throwing the suitcase ahead of me. She laughed, and opened a door that I had assumed was just a cupboard. “Where is the damned light switch!” I muttered to myself, running my hand along the wall. I eventually located in, and walked down the stairs. I looked around and gasped in pleasure. “Wooww” I opened a door in one wall and found an en-suite bathroom! "Ahhhh!" "What? Did you hurt yourself?" Joanne ran down the stairs, "No, i have an en suite!" I yelled, jumping on the spot. You have no idea how much i LOVE baths! "Chill, its only a bathroom" She laughed at my excitement, probably thinking it strange that a bathroom is the only thing to have excited me about this move, and went back upstairs, returning a moment later with my other suitcase. I had a double bed on one side of the room, a wardrobe on the other, a desk next to my bed and a little window, showing the ground outside, across the top of one wall. I unpacked everything, which i had not expected to do tonight.
By the time i was done, it was half eleven, but it was one less thing to worrry about, at least.
I took a quick shower, and collapsed into bed. My last thought being one of tomorrow.

"Katttttt! Waakkkkeee uuuuupppp" Joanne sang, coming down into my new room with what smelled like a cup of coffee. "I brought you this." I opened one eye. Coffee, hot, black. Yum. "Oooo. Thank you." I was straight up for it. Normally, I would have to make my own, or be in a rush and have to cope without. "Your welcome. Now, what did your class give you yesterday? You never said?" "Did I not? Oh well, it was that photo album, of everyone and everything. A few people have put some messages in." I said, gesturing to the photo album on the floor, where I had thrown in the night before. I did not want it, none of those people actually knew me. I stretched, and wondered what to wear today. Black skinny's, some old converse and an AC/DC top, accessorized with hoodie and some wristbands, I figured. Everyone would hate me, so why make an effort?

My aunt dropped me off outside of my new school. Belleville high school, apparently.
"Good luck." She said, as I got out. "Thank you." I muttered,(I know, I do that a lot) putting my headphones in, and looking around. I saw some people headed towards the school, and decided to ask them where reception would be. As i got closer, I saw that they were obviously a part of the cheer leading squad. "Excuse me..." "Ew. Don't talk to us, freak" One said, looking round at me. She was the typical sort of chavette, as they were known back home. What a surprise. See, I told you everyone would hate me did I not?
They walked off, laughing and giggling to themselves inanely. "Okay...." I said.

"Are you lost?" A voice said behind me. I looked around and saw a tall, sandy blonde guy standing behind me. "Yes. I am new here and I am trying to find the reception area?" "British?" I nodded. "Could tell, by your accent. I'll show you the way." "Thank you, I would appreciate that” I smiled.
Something was telling me not to trust him, but I pushed it away, mentally telling myself not to be so cynical.
He lead me through the halls, coming to a stop outside of a darkened room. He pushed me inside, and locked the door on me. "Hey! I yelled. "Let me out!" "No! Stay in there, where you belong, freak!" "Damn. I really should have known!" I cursed. How did I fall for something so fucking obvious!

The lights flickered on behind me. "So..They got you too then?" "Holy fuck shit!" I jumped, turning.
"You scared the hell out of me!" A boy was sitting on a desk, swinging his little legs. He had died black hair, and a misfits hoodie on, over black jeans and converse. "Sorry." He smiled. "Is it your first day?" I nodded. "Is it yours?" "No...But they still got me. Don't worry, Gee will find us soon."
"Gee?” What or whom was gee?
"Oh! course, you wouldn't know. Gee's my friend. Him and his brother, anyway. They've been caught out a few times, so they'll know where here." The lock clicked again behind me. "Talk of the devil." The short lad smirked. "And the devil shall appear."
"Come on, Frank..." Someone sighed, behind me, opening the door
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