Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > What You've Got

What You've Got

by Hozzie 2 reviews

:Auditioned Supernatural Story: Gerard will do just about anything to get his girlfriend Heather back. Even walk in Death's footsteps.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2013-02-28 - 817 words

Gerard didn't believe in God.

He also didn't believe in ghosts, angels or anything supernatural what-so-ever. He did believe that the world was an awful and terrible place to live though. If it weren't for his six year old daughter Mia, he knew he wouldn't be breathing. He'd have taken his own life.

Three years ago Gerard's girlfriend and Mia's Mother Heather died. She died of cancer. While she was sick, Gerard prayed everyday. Prayed that she'd get fully better and then they could carry on living their normal lives. But it never did get better. It was around then Gerard realised that the trouble wasn't that he hadn't been praying hard enough... It was that no one was listening.

The pain Gerard felt only got worse as Mia grew up. She started asking more and more questions about her Mom and Gerard found it difficult to talk about. For a while, to block out her questions, he would drink heavily which caused him to get pretty angry from time to time. It terrified Mia, so most nights she'd phone up her uncle and he'd have to come over to take care of her. This made his girlfriend Alicia angry. She didn't think Mikey should have to take care of Mia as much as he did. In the end, they had to split up.

Gerard eventually stopped drinking and got better and better each day. It didn't stop him being mad at the world though.

One night Gerard and Mia were watching Supernatural on TV. It was an episode with the horseman 'Death' in it "Is Death really a person?" Mia asked, her eyes widening.

Gerard sighed and pulled Mia onto his lap "If Death is a real person, he's a horrible person." Gerard mumbled.

Once the episode was over, Gerard carried Mia upstairs and put her to bed "I love you Daddy." Mia whispered as she snuggled under the duvet.

"Love you too Beautiful." Gerard said, kissing her forehead "I love you so much." He kissed her forehead once more before tucking her in, switching her nightlight on and then leaving the room with the door open just a little.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his jaw-length black hair then made his way back downstairs into the living room. He normally watched a movie after Mia went to bed before going to sleep himself. Tonight he thought he'd watch Orphan because it was a long movie and he'd put Mia to bed relatively early tonight.

Gerard went into the living room then nearly screamed when he saw a tall, thin, old-ish man with black hair and strange cheeks wearing a black suit standing in the middle of his living room "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" Gerard hissed "Look, you need to get out or I'm phoning the police."

"I am Death." The man replied matter-of-factly "And I'm here because I heard you had a problem with me."

Gerard stared at him for a long moment, raising his eye-brows "Are you okay Buddy? Do you need me to phone someone for you?"

"I'm not drunk and you're not hallucinating. I'm Death. The horseman. You know." He cocked his head to one side "And so I heard you had a problem with me. Care to explain?"

Gerard laughed slightly then rolled his eyes "Okay then 'Death', here's my problem with you. You killed my girlfriend. Heather Hades. Remember her? She never did a thing wrong. She was an amazing woman. How could you do that to her?"

"Heather Hades? I think I remember her. But you know, I kill a lot of people when their time is up." Death said, shrugging his shoulders.

Gerard glared at him "She left me behind. And our six year old daughter will now have to grow up without a Mother. How can you be so matter-of-fact about it?"

Death raised his eye-brows "What? You think my job is easy? You think I enjoy killing off innocent people?" Death was silent for a moment before saying "How's about we make an agreement Gerard?"

"What kind of agreement?"

Death took a black ring off his pinky from his left hand and held it out to him "You must wear this ring for twenty-four hours. No less than twenty-four hours or I won't hold up my end of the bargain. And you'll see what it's like to be me for a day."

"And what's in it for me exactly?"

"I'll bring Heather back." Death told him, causing Gerard's eyes to widen "I know, I know, it would shock a few people if Heather suddenly came back. So I'd change everyone's memory. To them it will seem like Heather never died and for the past four years, she's been living as normal." Death smiled "Do we have a deal?"

[A/N] - Short I know, I'm sorry D:
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