Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > A City by the Light Divided

Chapter Two

by MusicxisxHearts 2 reviews

Once again, I'm bad at summaries.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Sci-fi - Warnings: [!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2006-07-30 - Updated: 2006-07-31 - 1590 words

Kylie leaned against the brick wall by the crossroads as she waited. It was a warm night, and she wore jeans and a blue t-shirt. A slight breeze blew her black hair and carried the smell of rotting garbage and oil. District D, my favorite place to be. Ray better get here soon, or I'm going myself.
Across the street, a group of punk looking vampires muttered to each other, occasionally breaking out in loud, harsh laughter. They kept glancing over at Kylie. Five minutes Ray, you have five minutes before I leave and get away from those freaks. They're probably plotting something for me...
The punk vampires gave Kylie one last look before reluctantly walking down the nearest alley. No doubt they're looking for someone to bite, I'm just glad it isn't going to be me. Kylie glanced to her left as a tall boy with messy brown hair crossed the street. Kylie started walking to her right as he fell in step with her.
"What took you so long? You were supposed to meet me ten minutes ago," Kylie never looked at the boy.
"Sorry, I had to take a detour and-" Ray began.
"Save it, you had orders," Kylie looked around as they came upon the next set of crossroads.
"Oh come on Kylie, drop the attitude-"
"No, you had orders. Ten minutes late, my dad would kill you if I told him you were late. Again." Kylie turned to face Ray.
"Please don't tell him, please. I promise it won't happen again!" Ray was getting desperate.
Kylie sighed. Why do I put up with this idiot? "Let's just do our job, then depending on how you do tonight, I'll consider saving you."
"Thank you so-"
"Don't, we have work to do." Kylie held up her hand to shut Ray up.
"OK, so what does your dad have planned for us tonight?" Ray scanned the area around them as they continued walking.
"Just the basics. Patrol the area, watch out for citizens, keep an eye on suspicious vampires," Kylie shrugged. "Not much new."
"Except for the fact that we're in District D," Ray was exasperated. How does she make everything seem so nonchalant? Like it's nothing big...
"Which makes the fact that you were late worse," Kylie gave Ray an annoyed look. "Besides, we aren't the only ones here."
"Are you serious?" asked Ray, totally bummed out.
"You didn't really think my dad would trust the two of us to take care of District D by ourselves?" Kylie laughed, but stopped as she saw the look on Ray's face.
"Well, you've done a lot more than patrols, even if I just started," Ray didn't look at Kylie as he said this.
Kylie's face turned stony. "Don't even think of bringing that up."
"Well it's true," Ray shrugged. "You are way above basic patrols."
Kylie glared at Ray. "Let's just do what we came here for. It's almost midnight. I'll go right and you take the left. Be casual, we'll meet here in half an hour."
"Do we really have to split up?" Ray tried to hide his nervousness.
"Come on, there are ten other people here to look out for you Ray, don't be chicken," Kylie turned and started walking away.
"I'm not being chicken, I'm just..." Ray started, but Kylie was already too far away to hear.
"Why do guys have to be so egotistical?" Kylie muttered to herself.
Someone yelled. Kylie pinned herself to the brick wall and listened. A group of vampires pushed someone down one of the alleys. Jeez, it's those creeps from before, I better check it out. Kylie walked close to the wall and turned right down the alley.
A breeze blew down the alley. Well, this one doesn't smell as bad as some of the others. How uplifting. Kylie walked slowly up the alley, trying to stay in the shadows. As she got closer, she could make out about five punk vampires surrounding someone.
"You're on our turf now," a punk vampire snarled, grabbing the boy in the middle. He seemed to be the leader of the group.
"Was that a threat?" the boy tossed back.
"Don't be a smart-" the vampire started.
"Didn't mommy tell you to pick on someone your own size?" Kylie teased, staring the vampires down.
The punk vampire let go of the boy's shirt and started towards Kylie. "You want to say that again?" The group of vampires moved around to cut off Kylie's escape route from the alley.
Kylie could see the boy better now. He looked to be about her own age with black hair and wearing a red hooded sweatshirt. "Do you want me to say it again?" Kylie shifted her gaze back to the vampire. OK kid, now's your chance to run away.
A vampire grabbed Kylie from behind, his nails digging into her arm and making her bleed. Kylie glanced back at the boy. He was still standing there. Move you idiot! Don't stay here, I'm fine.
"I think you should bite this one," another punk vampire sneered. The whole group laughed. Oh yes, so hilarious. Kylie glared at the vampire leader.
The leader smirked. "Oh no, I have a better idea." Kylie glared at him harder. Where the heck is Ray when you need him?
The leader turned around and grabbed the boy before he could object. "We have a vampire in training here tonight." More sniggering from the other vampires. The boy looked around nervously.
"Oh really?" Kylie said. Great, I put myself in danger and this kid is a vampire his self. The vampire holding Kylie moved his arms so one was across her chest. More laughing.
"Now, it would be rude to just bite the girl, so why don't you introduce yourself?" the leader held the boy tightly and pushed him forward.
"Uh," the boy struggled a little, but the leader pushed him forward more. "M-my name is Pete." The vampires laughed.
Kylie looked into Pete's eyes. He seemed out of place. Maybe this kid isn't so bad... "Hi Pete. My name's Kylie," Kylie said straightforward.
The lead vampire pushed Pete forward so that he was touching Kylie. "Come on, take the bite."
"She's right there!" another vampire urged. "Taste the sweet blood pumping through those veins."
The lead vampire pushed Pete into Kylie. Pete closed his eyes and bit down hard on the vampire holding Kylie. Everything seemed to happen so fast. Kylie kicked the vampire holding her. The leader slammed Pete into the wall. Pete punched another vampire in the face. Kylie pulled herself out of the vampire's hold and ran a little way down the alley.
The group of punk vampires converged on Pete, but he was a better fighter than Kylie imagined. After ten minutes of fighting, the group decided it wasn't worth it, and fled down the alley in the opposite direction of Kylie and Pete.
Kylie winced and looked down at the deep cuts on her arms. She was bleeding pretty badly. Pete approached her.
"What the heck were you doing?" Pete asked Kylie.
"My job," Kylie answered then turned to walk away. Pete moved to block her. Kylie glared at him. "Why don't you run off with your little friends and bug someone else? I have work to do."
"Work?" Pete was more than just a little confused.
"That's classified information," Kylie looked harder at Pete. He seemed familiar.
Pete looked down at Kylie's arms. "Hey, you're bleeding pretty badly."
"It's nothing to worry about, happens all the time," Kylie bit her lip. I've already told him too much.
"Um, I don't live to far from here, and I've got band-aids," Pete was still looking at Kylie's arms.
Kylie thought for a minute. I'm on a patrol, I shouldn't leave. But there's other people patrolling this district to. I barely know Pete, but he seems OK. I've already told him too much. Maybe I do need some band-aids. Kylie sighed. "How long of a walk?"
"About ten minutes," Pete saw Kylie considering it. "I promise not to, um, bite you. I'm not like that. Really."
Kylie was a little reassured by his words. "So, if you're not like that, what do you do to stay alive?"
Pete started walking, "Ever heard of the Minister?"
Kylie gave Pete a cautious look, "Yeah, I have. You aren't drinking his water, are you?"
Pete looked startled. "Um, yeah I am. It's better than actual blood. And it works."
"Oh sure it works, but did he tell you what happens when you run out of water?" Kylie was annoyed. That fake has been up to it again.
"No, he didn't," Pete was worrying now.
Kylie sighed, "The only way he'll give you more water is if you bite someone with your ecliptic fangs and make them a vampire."
Pete stopped walking. "Are you serious?" Kylie nodded her head. "Wait a minute, ecliptic fangs?"
"You have two types of fangs. Normal and ecliptic. Only ecliptic fangs will turn someone into a vampire," Kylie looked at the ground. What am I getting myself into?
"How can you tell when you're using the ecliptic fangs?" Pete was getting a little worried.
"I'm not sure, it's different for everyone. Some vampires can control when they can use their different fangs, others never know what fangs they're using." Kylie looked around nervously. I shouldn't be telling him all of this in the open. "I'll tell you more once we get to your house."
"OK," Pete started walking again.
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