Categories > Original > Fantasy > These Four Walls


by AlexisSCREAM 0 reviews

When nobody wants you, it's a fight to stay alive.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2013-03-10 - Updated: 2013-03-11 - 600 words

This is my main story. It contains my main... 50 or so chacatrers, although I'm not sure how many I will include in this altogether. If you want me to post a separate thing that mentions all of the other characters or whatever, then I will. These characters are some of my best ones, and I really hope you will enjoy this as I've had most of this planned for years.

Anything in Italics is a flashback.

So, enjoy.


The two children walked silently into their new home. It was large. Too large for two fourteen year olds to live in, but, alas, there they were.


Kazuyoshi, the elder of the two by around two minutes, ran his fingers through his long wine hair and sighed, remembering the exact reason he had been forced to live in a new country only a short drive away from his maternal grandparents.

“Mother, father... That wasn’t what it looked like, I swear!” a panicked Kazuyoshi forced out. His twin sister, Hoshi, stood beside her parents, watching the events unfold in front of her. Their younger sister, Yumi, was doing her homework.
“No son of mine is a faggot,” the father roared, slapping his eldest child’s face. Kazuyoshi, or Yoshi, as he was better known to his family, let out a scream as he glanced out of the window behind him to make sure that his boyfriend had gone. In his heart, he knew what would happen next. “I’m sending you away. You’ll live with your mother’s parents,” His father continued.
“Can I come?” Hoshi questioned.
“Most certainly not. You shall stay here. You’re a bright girl, Hoshi. As long as you don’t catch his disease, or become a supernatural, you may stay here,” their father spoke strongly. Hoshi had quite a reputation. She was well known for sleeping around, however she had gone to ridiculous lengths to keep this from her father, as well as hiding the true reason for her behaviour. But now, she knew she had to tell the truth.
“You don’t catch it. It’s not an illness,” she snapped, a spark of realisation lighting inside of her. “I should know! I don’t want to be...” she stopped, and looked up at her parents with fear in her eyes. She took a quick glance at Yoshi, who shook his head, his eyes wide. Hoshi exhaled deeply, “I don’t want to like both men and women, but I do!”
“You spread your disease, you worthless boy! ” their father roared, lunging at his son. Their mother was unsure of what to say, but knew it was best to remain quiet in such situations and silently agree with her husband.
“I’m pregnant!” Hoshi yelled out. The lie fell effortlessly from her lips as she fought to protect her brother. Her father turned on his heels.
“You bring nothing but shame to this family. Go pack your things. The pair of you!”

Yoshi felt a bitter, salty tear burn its way down his face. Hoshi looked up at him with expressionless purple eyes and sighed.
“It’s not your fault,” she spoke quietly. You didn’t have to be a genius to work out that Hoshi was changing now. Her inappropriately short black skirt had been discarded and instead replaced with a pair of pink, soft trousers. Hoshi had never like pink. She was dressed more modestly, she spoke more quietly. Her hair was no longer multicoloured, but instead a light ginger colour. She was changing. And Yoshi couldn’t understand why.
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