Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A diary again?

This is a story: how I became punk.

by cj_warner94 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-03-12 - 375 words

I've always been full of attitude and fought against everything, ever since I was little, but I never knew how to put it to good use. I'd fought for stuff like, the last cake or, pizza. Yeah sometimes I fought for my little sister, but that's natural instinct.

I've always been the kid that shy'ed away from the stage and the crowds, but my sister sung and danced. I'd hate getting up in front of everyone, I'd hate being in a crowd, let alone being in front of one.

I've always hated myself, even as a child. At five years old, I was hated at school, called chubby and I was laughed at. My parents didn't have much money so I never had cool stuff like tamagotchi's or a phone or even make up.

I've never been really into music, I was always into animals, I'd be a vet. Or I'd look after animals all my life. I was vegetarian for a while, that didn't work out. I never got how music could influence people so much.

Now, I'm still full of that attitude and fight, but I fight for people that can't, I fight against bullies, schools that discriminate. I fight still for my little sister, for people to be kind to her, she the only thing I never stop fighting for.

Now, the stage is like a second home to me, I'm in love with acting and singing, I hate dancing still but, I get over that and as soon as I'm on that stage I feel happy, I feel like I'm wanted and I belong there.

Now, I still have moments of self hate, but I really like myself, yes I'm curvy. I'd rather have boobs and a but then be flat as fuck. I like my body and I really love my eyes. I have a home even if its not with my parents.

Now, music is my life. It's my everything, I live with music, I sing I write songs it means everything to me. I became known as a punk, and I love it. I love being in music, because I know in my music, no one judges me. No one can, because in music I am finally free.
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