Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The only hope for me is you.

Killjoys make some noise

by cj_warner94 5 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2013-03-12 - 592 words - Complete

I told everyone in the room to act natural. Bane linked her arm through mine one side and Party linked the other side. I smiled and we went out Bear and Revolver taking the clothes with us. I knew what we had to do now.

We walked into the lounge and saw Immolation sitting there all casual. I told Bear and Revolver to act as though we had killed the dracs, and start washing the clothes. I noticed straight away she looked up at them shocked.

She looked at me as I sat next to her, me one side, Bane the other.

"Hey, Immolation, how are you?"

She scribbled down on her note pad.

What's this about?

I smiled at her.

"We know,"

She got up pulling out her ray gun not knowing who to shoot. I got up, reached for my bow and she ran, straight into the arms of Bear.

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you, Hun,"

I smiled.


Two washed drac suits and three arguments later, Me, Party and Immolation where ready to go into S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W.

Everyone had disagreed with me, saying I shouldn't go, that they didn't want me hurt, but I knew what I had to do.

Immolation would be taking us there and acting as if we where going to torture a prisoner. We'd go into the room that held my sister, we'd then fight our way out. I had to get her I had to reach her. Even if I died trying.

We would take the car half way, me and Party where in our costumes and he kissed me sweetly before pulling on the mask.

The more terrifying part was I wouldn't be taking my bow. Just my two black and red guns. They where tucked into the back of the white jeans. I was terrified of missing.

The drive was short and Fun Ghoul dropped us off, we thanked him and told him to meet us in an hour, if not, forget us and carry on to try and find my sister. Even if I was dead, she had to live, she had to.

We walked into the building and Immolation explained using her note pad. The girds nodded and we mad our way into the building. But Korse stopped us.

He smiled at Immolation and then asked what was happening, why she would dare bring two Killjoys into the building. I pulled out my guns and pulled my mask off.

"Surprise mother fucker," with that I shot Korse.

Immolation looked at me just shocked and the dracs turned on us, Party took my back and we fired in every direction. One drac was left, crawling on the floor, I shot it in the head and went to the room they kept Soph.... Bitter Poison in.

I smashed the door down adrenaline flowing through my veins. I ran to the ten year old, pulling her into my arms hugging her tight.

"Christy? Is that you?"

I smiled and then looked at her face.

What. Had. They. Done.

My little sister. My beautiful, special needs, little sister had had her eyes ripped out.

"Yeah, Sophie it's me. I'm so sorry. I'll get you out if here and never let you go I promise,"

I looked at Party his face full of compassion.

"It's not over yet Hearts,"

I looked out of the small window, all our killjoys stood there, beaten and bruised. Hundreds of dracs behind them, along with Korse's wife. Mikyla.

This would be fun.
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