Categories > Original > Drama > Update On Liz

Update On Liz

by TwistedFireStarter 6 reviews

For anyone who cares.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2013-03-14 - 134 words

So, as you guys may know, Liz posted that 'note' last night/earlier today, depending on where in the world you are.

She didn't turn up for school today. She never misses a day of school if she can help it.

Guys, I am really freaking out. Like, you don't even know.

According to the note, Liz doesn't feel loved anymore, and she can't live without love. Now, Liz has always told me she feels loved when you guys review her stories, and I noticed you guys haven't been reviewing her stuff lately. Now, I'm not saying it's you guy's faults, but maybe that was part of the reason? I don't know, I'm freaking out too much to care about who's fault it is.

I'll update you guys again when I know more.

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