Categories > Original > Romance > Would You Please Stay And Please Be Mine?

Chapter Two.

by MCR-99 1 review

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2013-03-17 - 535 words


Chapter Two.

After a few hours in the studio,I decided to head on home.I decided to walk home today,through the park,just to take in the nice view.I shoved my hands in my jean pockets as I walked,breathing in the crisp air of summer.I slowly walked through the park,taking in the plants,the trees and the small bunnies that occasionally hopped by,minding their own business.I looked at all the couples that walked by,they were all happy and smiling,holding hands and stuff.I then spotted her.She had brown hair,about the same tone as mine,that flowed down to her shoulders.She also had green eyes,beautiful dark green eyes with a small circle of hazel,which had eyeliner making the eyes stand out a little on her pale-ish face.She wore a black dress,under that a pair of red skinny jeans and black hiker boots,she looked beautiful,stunning even.She had in both of her headphones,tapping to the beat of the song that was playing,whilst drawing viciously in a sketchbook.I rose from the bench I was sat on,and made my way over to her.

"Hi."I greeted,and she looked up,eyes sparkled."I'm Kellin."

"Sadie."Her voice was deep,emotionless.

"What's with the voice?"I ask.

"What's with all the questions?"

"I'm curious,it's who I am."

"Same here."She said simply."Emotion is overrated."

"Right."I understood what she said."Can I sit down?"

"Go ahead.Free country,right?"She put away her sketchbook and pencil,then switched off her music and put it aside.We sat in silence for a while,before she spoke up.

"So,what do you do for a living,Kellin?"

"I'm in a band."I say."You've probably heard of us,Sleeping With Sirens."

"Yeah,I have."She smiles."I'm in a band too."

"Cool,what's the name?"

"American Revenge."

"Cool!"I say,the name was quite awesome."How'd you get inspired for it?"

"Two of my favourite albums,by two of my favourite bands."She said,not looking at me,just at the scenery surrounding us."Green Day and My Chemical Romance."

"Cool,I think I've heard of them."

We then spent a while talking,about our hobbies,personal intrests,stuff like that.After a while,I felt a little connection between the two of us.Not romantic,just a friendly tone,yet it was slowly developing to that.

"I have to go."Sadie cut off the conversation,looking a little dissapointed."See ya later?"

"Okay,I could give you my number?"

"Okay."She smiled,breathing out the word as she gave me her phone.I quickly tapped in my number,then she did the same,and we passed back eachothers phones.

"So,I'll call you?"

"Sure."She smiled,and we both parted ways,and I continued my journey home,heart beating wildly,and a smile grew on my face.

I know this is short,but I got a little writers block.PS:I got Dan and Phil on with my laptop :) go mee!!
Rate and Review! xx Sadie
PS:Thank you Jazzy for the idea of the park!
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