Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Clinging to Insanity

Clinging to Insanity

by THE_Sticky_Label 0 reviews

Rydon, Joncer. Ninjas kidnap the entire town, nobody believes them so they set out to save the town themselves.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2012-05-27 - Updated: 2012-09-15 - 1127 words

A/N: First story, ever. Feedback would be appreciated...I updated the whole thing because I felt the previous chapter was too short. Enjoy.

Ryan Ross’s P.O.V
Okay, I need to get one thing clear, I hate people. They’re too loud, too dramatic and generally idiotic. I know I’m a people but I still think it’s true.
I strolled down to English and sat in my seat that everyone knew was mine, even if I was just, “That emo faggot.” The teacher came in and hushed us. A boy with slightly long black hair and red glasses with his eyes glued to his schedule tried to sit down but the teacher stepped in. “Class this is a Mr. Brendon Urie”, she said in a mainly monotone voice. Just before the bell, the teacher called this Urie fellow and I to her desk. Honestly I was a bit nervous; Dad would not be pleased if I got in the slightest bit of trouble.
“Ryan, since you’re the only sensible person in this school, and your schedules are also similar I would like you to show Brendon around,” she concluded. Brendon turned and offered a sheepish smile as if to say sorry. As if people didn’t give me enough shit as it was, now I would be showing around the new kid too, joy.

Brendon Urie’s P.O.V
I’ve always hated new places. When I come into English, my first period on my new schedule, the teacher just HAD to introduce me. I blush and stumble to my seat. Another thing that sucks about starting a new school in the middle of the year was that I never had any idea where the curriculum was at. At what I’m assuming was near the end of the period, the teacher called me with and a kid with pretty caramel hair and eyes who she called “Ryan,” to the front of the class. She said something about him being sensitive or whatever and told him to take me around. I offered a smile apologizing to him because I knew it has to suck showing the new kid around. He says something similar to yes but too quiet for me to be sure at the bell sound and everyone started to leave. He politely showed me to my next class, history, and left to his. Through the period I half day dreamed, and half took notes. When I got out into the hall Ryan was silently standing there and beckoned for me to towards him.
“Next period’s lunch, it’s down the hall and to the right. You don’t have to but Spencer thought I should invite you to sit with us,” he said, fascinated by his shoes all of a sudden. I smile my far too wide for my face smile and say something along the lines of sure.

Ryan Ross’s P.O.V
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why in the name of God do I feel like this? He’s a guy and I’m a guy, it doesn’t work this was. Now I’m not homophobic by any stretch of the imagination, but me and another guy. Sick. Bad Ryan, bad. When I told Spence about Brendon he suggested we invite him to lunch so he could meet Jon, I inexplicably started blushing. Spencer, my best friend since forever, teased me for this immediately teased me for this, I have a feeling this won’t be let go for a while. When I told Brendon, or Bren as I was now calling him in my head, started grinning like a mad man, but in an adorable sort of way and said yes like it was the best thing in the world.
When we sat down for lunch at our table that was unofficially ours Spence was already there. We’ve been friends since we were four. We seemed like complete opposites to some with his booming laugh, and voice and personality and voice that oozed of friendliness. He could be one of the most popular people if he tried; people were naturally attracted to him. But he sadly got was too much shit for hanging out with “emo” little me. He smiled his kind smile when we sat across from him. Suddenly he got an extremely serious look on his face and said.
“So, what’s your life story?”

Brendon Urie’s P.O.V
I don’t even have time to answer his question before “they” come. They came dressed in all black with masks concealing their identities. The lights flicker off briefly and when they come back on. No one made a sound. When they lights return everyone except I, Ryan and a kid with brown hair on the other side of the room. After a few minutes, Ryan lied down and curled up into a ball. At this point I decided it was time to call for help. I yelled for as long as I could, but nobody seemed to hear. The others seemed to be in a trance, like they couldn’t fathom what was happening. I was shocked but wasn’t completely out of it. After all it was only my first day ninja kidnappings could be a regular thing here, hell I wasn’t even entirely sure if it wasn’t just some big elaborate joke. After a few more minutes I figured it was hopeless with them for a while so I should try to find someone or something.
I walked out of the large room and into the hallway looking for anything really. Everyone seemed to just have vanished. I was still trying to figure out how the ninja guys took them all so quickly, ninja magic powers I concluded. I headed to the front office to see if any adults were there, for them to tell me what was going on. They always seemed to have the answers. As I approached the front office I could hear nothing, an unpleasant change from the usual roar of the student body moving from place to place as they would normally. I entered the front room hoping to find the secretaries typing pointlessly and hum of office chatter, still silent. I walked around the room hoping to find something of importance on the computers; I was slightly disappointed to find nearly nothing but games of Solitaire on outdated computer monitors. It then occurred to me that maybe I should call the police or something one normally finds them self doing in the event of one’s entire school and possibly town being kidnapped by ninjas. I walked over to one of the phones picked it up and dialed 911.
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