Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > A City by the Light Divided

Chapter Four

by MusicxisxHearts 0 reviews

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Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy - Warnings: [!] [?] [V] - Published: 2006-07-31 - Updated: 2006-08-01 - 436 words

Ray looked nervously up and down the street for what seemed like the millionth time in the past half hour. Where is Kylie? What if she got in trouble? Ray again looked up and down the street. I doubt she got herself in trouble, not after all that crap with Mariano.
Just then, Kylie turned the street corner and walked calmly up to Ray. Ray sighed with relief. "Where in the world were you? And you're /late/." He said the last word rather happily.
Kylie glared at him. OK Ray, you win. "I had to take care of something."
"Something? I think I need clarification on that one, that is, if you don't want to get in trouble for being /late/," Ray smirked.
There he goes again, being a typical, egotistical guy. "I got caught up with some punk vampires and needed to go to Sarah's house," Kylie wasn't letting on anything more than what Ray asked for.
"More clarification please," Ray was still smiling.
Kylie gave him a death stare. He's really pushing the limit. "Need I remind you that you were late for about the thousandth time tonight?"
Ray's smile faded, "But you already said you wouldn't tell anyone, and you didn't clarify the situation."
"I said I wouldn't tell anyone if you did a good job tonight, and seeing as I wasn't around, I don't know how you did," Kylie kept avoiding telling Ray anymore information about where she was. I hate lying, but this calls for desperate measures.
"Don't play stupid, Kylie. Ask anyone else that was patrolling, I did just fine," now it was Ray's turn to glare at Kylie. She's acting suspicious.
"Whatever," Kylie looked down at her watch. "Look, it's almost four in the morning, it's time to go home."
"Home for you, headquarters for me," Ray started walking. Kylie rolled her eyes and followed after him.
"So, where were you tonight?" Ray asked after walking for a little.
"I told you," replied Kylie matter-of-factly.
"Not as much as I wanted to know," Ray stared Kylie down.
Kylie glared back at him, "Like I said, I got caught up with some vampires, got a few cuts, and went to Sarah's house for some band-aids."
"I thought Sarah was supposed to be patrolling District K tonight?" Ray asked suspiciously.
"Nope, are you happy now?" Kylie could tell Ray was thinking it over. "If you want, I can take off the band-aids to prove it." Kylie held up her left arm.
Ray studied the band-aids for a minute, "Whatever." How does she do everything perfectly and never get in any trouble?
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