Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Surrogate


by cj_warner94 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-04-06 - 283 words

Frank was found crying after the wedding. Gerard had tried to comfort him but he just pushed Gerard away. Then Gerard had explained to him.

"Baby, I had to, we want kids and we don't want the media attention, so I rang Lindsey. And she agreed to be our surrogate. I thought you'd be happy,"

Frank looked up at the older man with tears in his eyes. He smiled sadly and spoke in a whisper that was barley audible.

"I am happy, can't you see that?"

Frank wiped his eyeliner streaked face with his sleeve and pulled Gerard into a hug. He was happy, but he wanted to tell the world how he felt about Gerard. It was too late for that now though. Frank would get back at Gerard, and Gerard would feel how Frank felt.

Frank looked up the number of a girl he knew had fancied him for a while. A certain Jamia Nestor, and then the games began.

Over the next few weeks, Frank had been extremely busy, much to Gerard's annoyance. Frank had been seeing a lot of Jamia and had asked her about being a surrogate, she said yes. Then Frank explained the situation.

"So you want to marry me to cover up your love life with Gerard?"

"Yeah, any objections?"

She looked at Frank suspiciously.

"Who is Gerard married to?"

"Surly you sho-"

"Who is he married to Frank?"


Jamia smiled.

"I'm in, when do we do it?"

Frank told her the date and they prepared. Frank had found out that Jamia was bi, and really liked Lindsey, so that if Gee and Lindsey ever 'split' she could replace Gerard. And Frank would replace Lindsey.
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