Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Freak Like Me

Chapter Seven

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-04-07 - Updated: 2013-04-09 - 401 words

Mikey stiffened instantly, lips turning blue, his terrified screams being cut off as he collapsed backwards. The fall managed to displace Madam Octa, who landed on the bed, eyes blinking in surprise. I stuff her back inside the cage and throw it down, hoping to hurt her.
Mikey looked horrible, but his chest was still rising and falling, albeit painfully slowly. I recall the ringmaster`s warning about the spider, and my blood turns to ice. But if it hadn’t killed him outright, then maybe there was a chance.
I grab Mikey`s phone, the damned device that had caused Octa to attack and hastily punch in the three dreaded numbers.
The drive to the hospital was hell on wheels and then some. Mum and dad couldn’t understand what had happened, one minute we had been in my room talking like normal then the next their son was stampeding down the stair in a horrified frenzy screaming some blurred jumble of words about hospitals and Mikey.
“What happened up there, Frank?” mum asks, looking over her shoulder at me shaking in the passenger seat. I had expected to go with Mikey in the back of the ambulance, but apparently there wasn’t room. I wasn’t sure if I was glad of that or not.
I should have told her the truth. Told her about the freak show and the spider and how I was to blame if my best friend died, but I didn’t. I was a coward. And to make it worse I knew that it the roles were reversed and it was me fighting for my life, Mikey wouldn’t hesitate to own up.
“I don’t know,” I lie miserably, twiddling my thumbs, “I went to the toilet and when I came back Mikey was…” I can’t finish the sentence.
Mum nods understanding and gives me a sympathetic look. “He`ll be alright, we`re nearly at the hospital now and the doctors know their stuff. They`ll have him right as rain in no time at all.”
I badly wanted to believe her, but deep down I knew it wasn’t going to happen like that.
There was only one way to save my friend, and as much as the mere thought of coming face to face with the vampire terrified me, I knew there was no other way to save Mikey.
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