Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Gerards addiction

Love at first sight

by Rubyway1999 0 reviews

Gerard and Lilly tell each other how they feel and franks not happy about them to

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-04-11 - 178 words

Where could my sister be she only has little legs
Then I see Lilly and gerard about to kiss
"Gerard way why are you kissing a minor" I shouted angry
"Frank I'm not a minor I'm only 21"Lilly said annoyed
"so Gerards 27 and your 21" I replied angry
I walked away how could my best friend fall for my baby sister URGGGGG!!!!!!!!!

Omg I'm so embarrassed Gerard probably thinks I'm a loser
"I'm so embarrassed" I muttered blushing
Gerard burst out laughing
"frankie had a rage" Gerard giggled
I started laughing
"Lilly do u wanna ummm go on a ummm date with me on saturday" Gerard said in 1 breath
"really" I said blushing
"yeah I think your funny, smart and very beautiful" said Gerard
"okay I would love to" I said smiling
"great pick up up at 8 okay"he said seriously I nod my head and pull his head down and place my small lips on his cheek then walked away

Gerards POV
Wow I just got a date score Gerard way f**king score
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